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Nirmal Deepti Lincy Deepshikha Rohit Birendra

Stress is a dynamic condition in which an individual is confronted with an opportunity, constraint, or demand what he desires and for which the outcome is perceived to be both uncertain and important.

Eustress: the presence of optimum level of stress in an individual which contributes positively to his performance. Eg: sales jobs, creativity(journalism, radio/TV announcement where time pressure is significant)

Distress: The presence of high level of stress in an individual which affects job performance and creates many types of physical, psychological and behavioural problems.

Sources of Stress
Environmental factors Economic uncertainty Political uncertainty Technological uncertainly Organizational factors Task demands Role demands Interpersonal demands Organizational structure Organizational leadership Organizations life stage Individual factors Family problems Economic problems Personality



Physiological symptoms

Psychological symptoms

Behavioral symptoms

Productivity Absenteeism Turnover

High Blood Pressure

Heart disease

Decrease in job satisfaction

A syndrome where people break down physically and emotionally due to continuous overwork over a long period of time. It is a slow process having the following stages: Job contentment Fuel-shortage Withdrawal and isolation Crisis Final breakdown

A syndrome wherein a person is chronically under worked and his skills are under utilised in performing the job It occurs in two situations: Sidelined Misemployed

From the organization's standpoint, management may not be be concerned when employees experience low to moderate levels of stress. The reason is that such levels of stress may be functional and lead to higher employee performance. But high level of stress sustained over long periods, can lead to reduced employee performance and thus, require action by management



An employee can take personal responsibility for reducing stress levels. Individual strategies that have proven effective include implementing time-management techniques, increasing physical exercise, relaxation training and expanding the social support network

Academic Expectations Time Management Low self-confidence Decisions regarding career Peer pressure Anxiety Financial trouble Emotional Stress Family/relationship issues

Counseling Change in curriculum Guidance from seniors and faculty members Introduction of behavioral science courses Flexibility to drop subjects

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