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Definition of Communication

• Communication is the transfer of a message

from the sender to the receiver, who should
understand the message.
• A Message is the information or instructions
being passed by the sender to the receiver.
Communication vs Miscommunication
● The school sends a long email when students are in PE class with important
information needed right after the PE lesson.
● Angelo asks Martha to stop kicking his bag during a class discussion.
● Joseph accuses Kyle of interrupting him during a group presentation.
● Mary is a shy girl and she refuses to give feedback after her classmates perform a
● Maluba gives a long explanation when asking his parents for screen time - they do
not allow him.
● Jojo helps a new student by pointing to the classroom.
● Monica helps her classmates by solving the maths without saying how she does it.
● Mark demonstrates how to land on your back during PE high jump lessons.
Why Does a Business Need Communication?
In your table groups, brainstorm and write down six reasons why you think a business
needs communication on the given piece of paper.
Why Does a Business Need Communication?
If there is no communication in the business,

• the workers will be working in isolation having

no connections between them in the workplace.
(No teamwork/collaboration)
• the management would fail to guide, instruct,
warn, and encourage workers.
Effective Communication
Effective communication
means that the
information or message
being sent is received,
understood and acted
upon in the way it is
Examples of effective communication

➔ active listening
➔ giving and taking feedback
➔ empathy and respectfulness
➔ responding to messages
➔ having volume and clarity in messages
➔ understanding non-verbal data
➔ building friendliness and confidence
➔ adapting your communication style to the audience
Effective Communication
Lack of effective communication can lead to certain unwanted outcomes.
In your table groups, conduct a brief research and discussion about the effects
of ineffective communication on a business. Write down your findings and
thoughts on the A3 paper that has been provided.
Effects of Ineffective Communication
● Reduced productivity - when employees are not able to communicate effectively
with each other, it can lead to misunderstandings, delays, and errors.
● Increased stress - when employees are constantly feeling frustrated or confused
by poor communication, it can lead to increased stress levels.
● Damaged relationships - when employees feel like they are not being heard or
understood, it can damage relationships between employees and managers.
● Loss of customers -when customers are not able to get the information they need
or are not treated well by employees, they may take their business elsewhere.
● Increased costs - when mistakes are made due to poor communication, it can lead
to increased costs for the organization.
The Process of Effective Communication

Effective communication involves the following four

1. The transmitter or Sender: is the person starting off the process by
sending the message.
2. The medium of communication: is the method used to send a
message. E.g. a letter is a method of written communication, and a
meeting which is a method of verbal communication.
3. The receiver: is the person who receives the message.
4. Feedback: Is the reply from the receiver which shows whether the
message has arrived, and been understood.
One-Way and Two-Way communication
● One-way communication: involves a message which does not need an answer. E.g.
an instruction to ‘ take these goods to the customer’.
● Two-way communication: involves a message that needs an answer from the receiver.
Benefits of Two-way Communication
1. The sender can know if the receiver has understood the message or not.
If they have not, the message might have to be sent again or made
clearer. Effective communication takes place only if the message is
understood by the receiver.
2. Both people are involved in the communication process. This makes the
receiver feel more important which might motivate them to make better
contributions to the topic discussed.
Internal Communication

• It is when messages are sent between people

working in the same organization.
• E.g.:
🞐A manager talking to workers.
🞐A report sent from one director to another.
External Communication

• It is when messages are sent between one organization

and another organization or outside individual.
• E.g.:
- Orders for goods from suppliers.
- Sending information to customers about prices and
delivery times.
- Advertising goods or services.
- Asking customers to pay bills on time.
External Communication must work well because….

• External communication is very important to the

image and efficiency of a business.
• If a business sends inaccurate information to a
customer because of ineffective
communication, they may buy product or
services from another firm.
Examples of External Communication

• A finance manager writes a letter to the tax office

asking how much tax must be paid.
• A sales manager takes a telephone order from a
customer for XXX items to be delivered on XX/XX/XXXX
• A business must contact thousands of customers who
have bought a product which turns out to be defective.
An advertisement is used to tell them to return the
products they bought.
Formal and Informal Communication in Business
With a partner, conduct some research about
a) Formal communication in business
b) Informal communication in business
Write down your own simplified definitions of the two on the sticky notes
you have been given. Give four examples of each.
Formal and Informal Communication in Business

• Notices, reports, emails and memos are all

formal communication. Formal communication
is usually very important.
• Informal communication, such as meetings with
friends, or contact other in the canteen or at
break times. They are unrecognized. It can give
the managers opportunities to hear and try out
new ideas.
Barriers to Effective Communication

● Use of Jargon ● Physical barriers to non-

● Emotional barriers and Taboo verbal communication e.g.
● Lack of attention, interest, not face to face
distraction or relevance ● Language differences and
● Differences in accents
perception/viewpoints ● False assumptions and
● Physical disabilities e.g. Stereotypes
deafness or blindness ● Cultural differences

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