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Meeting Modern Demands in Computer Science Education

Overview of the Zambian Secondary School

Syllabus and its significance in shaping
students' computer science skills for the
current industry landscape.
Presentation Outline
• Skills Development
• Teaching Approach
• Software and Languages
• Assessment
• Practical Skills
• Alignment to Bloom’s Taxonomy
Skill Development
• The current syllabus lacks some skills crucial for computer

• While the emphasis on skill development is commendable,

incorporating more modern skills such as data analysis,
cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence could better prepare
students for the evolving landscape of computer science. For
example, students could work on projects analyzing real-
world datasets, securing networks against simulated cyber
attacks, or building AI chatbots.
Teaching Methods
• The current syllabus promotes diverse teaching
methods to foster engagement and deeper learning.
Among them is project-work.

• While project-work is a recommended teaching

methodology under the current syllabus, projects are
not examinable under the current system and thus,
neglected in Computer Studies instruction.
• This calls for adjustments in subject focus to make
Computer Studies a living subject. For instance,
pupils could collaborate to develop a mobile
application or a website addressing a specific
societal issue and that could earn them marks and
solve a real-world issue.
• It would also enhance learners’ civic
responsibility and problem solving
• Furthermore, integrating more student-centered
and collaborative approaches, such as peer
instruction, could enhance engagement and deeper
learning outcomes.
Software and Programming Languages
• The syllabus currently uses outdated technologies,
hindering students' readiness for the demands of
the industry.
• The syllabus specifies the use of Microsoft Windows
7 and Office 2010.It is worth noting that these
technologies are outdated and not in tune with
the current industry standards.
• Additionally, there is need to add more emphasis on
modern programming languages like Python, which
is widely used in industry and academia for its
versatility and ease of learning. For example,
students could work on projects using Python for
tasks such as data analysis, web development, or
machine learning (Artificial Intelligence).
Assessment Framework
• The current assessment framework covers various
types but lacks authenticity in reflecting real-world

• Incorporating more authentic assessments that

mirror real-world challenges, such as coding
competitions, robotics competitions, and industry
projects, could provide students with valuable
practical experience and better evaluate their
readiness for the workforce.
Emphasis on Practical Skills
• The syllabus has limited emphasis practical skills.
• More opportunities are needed for hands-on
• Providing internships and industry partnerships can
offer students real-world exposure and equip them
with the necessary competencies to succeed in the
field. For instance, partnering with local businesses
to solve technological challenges can provide
valuable practical experience.
• Online inventories for local industries, timetable
software and learner portals are some projects pupils
can work on.
Alignment to Bloom’s Taxonomy
• Assessments in the current syllabi are aligned with
Bloom's Taxonomy. This ensures comprehensive
evaluation but lacks effective measurement of higher-
order thinking skills.
• Tasks requiring higher-order thinking skills, such as
developing holistic software solutions and evaluating
their effectiveness, can better reflect the complexity of
learning outcomes in computer science, preparing
students for the challenges they will face in their careers.
• The current computer studies syllabi emphasize skill
development, including problem-solving and
programming, but lacks modern skills like data
analysis and cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence.
While various teaching strategies are encouraged,
more focus on project-based learning and
examinability is needed, alongside integrating
student-centered approaches.
• Updating software to reflect industry standards,
particularly introducing Python, is advisable.
Enhancing authenticity in assessments through real-
world challenges and strengthening practical skills
through hands-on experience and industry
partnerships are crucial, as is aligning assessments
with Bloom's Taxonomy to measure higher-order
thinking skills effectively, ultimately better preparing
students for the evolving field of computer science.

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