Welcome - Famous People in IT

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Basic level
Andrés F. Ortiz
Table of content
1 Welcome

2 IT Vocabulary

3 IT Characters

Let’s get to know each other.

You can use the chat to answer or raise

your hand to speak.

Who are they?

Steve Jobs Bill Gates Mark

Former CEO of Former CEO of CEO of Facebook
Apple Microsoft
Famous people 1/4
Guess the name of the people based on a) Mark Zuckerberg
the information.

b) Elon Musk
He is known for his contributions
in reusable rockets, electric
vehicles, neurotechnology, and
c) Jeff Bezos
tunnel excavation.

Es conocido por sus aportes en cohetes reutilizables,

d) Larry Page
vehículos eléctricos, neurotecnología y excavación de
Famous people 2/4
Guess the name of the people based on a) Tim Cook
the information.

b) Jeff Bezos
He has revolutionized e-commerce
through Amazon and is leading
the development of space
c) Sundar Pichai

Ha revolucionado el comercio electrónico a través de

Amazon y lidera el desarrollo de tecnologías espaciales. d) Satya Nadella
Famous people 3/4
Guess the name of the people based on a) Jeff Bezos
the information.

b) Elon Musk
He has been instrumental in the
development of products such as
Google Chrome, Android, and c) Satya Nadella
Google's focus on artificial
Ha desempeñado un papel decisivo en el desarrollo de d) Sundar Pichai
productos como Google Chrome, Android y el enfoque
de Google en la inteligencia artificial.
Famous people 4/4
Guess the name of the people based on d) Mark Zuckerberg
the information.

b) Jack Dorsey
He is known for creating Twitter,
one of the most influential social
media platforms in the world, and c) Elon Musk
Square, a mobile payments

Es conocido por crear Twitter, una de las redes sociales más

a) Sundar Pichai
influyentes del mundo, y Square, una plataforma de pagos
por móvil.
Synonyms for the reading 1/2

received recibió invention invento

leading destacado(a) attended asistir (asistió)

discovery descubrimiento top top

build construir stopped detener (detenido)

went to fue a got consiguió

banned prohibido make hacer

Synonyms for the reading 2/2

based on basado en Internet Internet

set conjunto presently actualmente

improve mejorar series of… serie de…

now ahora centered around en torno a

Web Web collection colección

string of… cadena de… upgrade actualizar

Vocabulary 1/2
Match the words with its synonym.

1. received a. invention
2 leading b. attended
3. discovery c. top
4. build d. stopped
5. went to e. got
6. banned f. make
Vocabulary 2/2
Match the words with its synonym.

7. based on g. Internet
8. set h. presently
9. improve i. series of
10. now j. centered around
11 Web k collection
12 string of l upgrade
Tim Bernes-Lee
Sir Timothy Berners-Lee is a British computer scientist who invented the
World Wide Web. He received a knighthood from the British Queen for his
efforts (so he is called ‘Sir’). He is director of W3C, which looks after the
Web’s development. A leading British newspaper ranked him as the world’s
greatest living genius. Today’s world would be very different without his

Sir Timothy Berners-Lee es un científico informático británico que inventó la

World Wide Web. Recibió un título de caballero de la Reina británica por sus
esfuerzos (por lo que se le llama 'Sir'). Es director del W3C, que se encarga del
desarrollo de la Web. Un importante periódico británico lo calificó como el
genio viviente más grande del mundo. El mundo de hoy sería muy diferente sin
su descubrimiento.
Tim Bernes-Lee
Berners-Lee was born in 1955 to parents who were mathematicians and
computer scientists. He grew up with numbers and electronics and managed to
build his own computer. He went to Oxford University and was banned from
using the computers for hacking. Berners-Lee graduated with a degree in
physics. His first jobs after graduating were as a computer programmer and
software developer.

Berners-Lee nació en 1955 de padres matemáticos e informáticos. Creció con

números y electrónica y logró construir su propia computadora. Asistió a la
Universidad de Oxford y fue prohibido de usar las computadoras por hackear.
Berners-Lee se graduó con una licenciatura en física. Sus primeros trabajos
después de graduarse fueron como programador informático y desarrollador de
Tim Bernes-Lee
Berners-Lee spent the 1980s on a project based on sharing and updating
information online. In 1991, he put the first website online. It explained what
the World Wide Web was and how it was used. He gave his idea to the world
for free. In 1994, Berners-Lee founded W3C to set standards and improve the
quality of the Web.

Berners-Lee dedicó la década de 1980 a un proyecto centrado en compartir y

actualizar información en línea. En 1991, lanzó el primer sitio web. Explicaba
qué era la World Wide Web y cómo se utilizaba. Compartió su idea con el
mundo de manera gratuita. En 1994, Berners-Lee fundó el W3C para establecer
estándares y mejorar la calidad de la Web.
Tim Bernes-Lee
Berners-Lee now spends his time between W3C and as a professor of computer
science in England. He also writes about the future of the Web. In 2004, he was
named as the first ever winner of the Millennium Technology Prize. He has a
string of other awards and is listed as one of ‘Time’ magazine’s 100 most
important people of the 20th Century.

Ahora Berners-Lee pasa su tiempo entre el W3C y como profesor de ciencias

de la computación en Inglaterra. También escribe sobre el futuro de la Web. En
2004, fue nombrado como el primer ganador del Premio de Tecnología del
Milenio. Tiene una serie de otros premios y está incluido en la lista de las 100
personas más importantes del siglo XX según la revista 'Time'.
1. What did Sir Timothy Berners-Lee invent?
¿Qué inventó Sir Timothy Berners-Lee?
Timothy Berners-Lee invent the World Wide Web
2. Why did Berners-Lee receive a knighthood from the
British Queen?
¿Por qué recibió Berners-Lee un título de caballero de la Reina británica?
It was for his efforts
3. Where did Berners-Lee go to university?
¿A qué universidad asistió Berners-Lee?
He went to Ofxord University and get banned for use the computers
for hacking
4. What did Berners-Lee do after graduating from
¿Qué hizo Berners-Lee después de graduarse de la universidad?
Work as a Computer programmer and software developer
5. What is the purpose of W3C according to the text?
¿Cuál es el propósito del W3C según el texto?
To set standards and improve the quality of the web
Activity 1/2
Choose the correct Word in each case.
Sir Timothy Berners-Lee is a British / Bolivian computer scientist who invented the World
Wide Web. He received a nightcap / knighthood from the British Queen for his efforts (so
he is called ‘Sir’). He is director of W3C, which looks up / after the Web’s development. A
leading British newspaper ranked him as the world’s greatest living genius. Today’s world
would be very different without his discovered / discovery.

Berners-Lee was born in 1955 to parents who were mathematics / mathematicians and
computer scientists. He grown / grew up with numbers and electronics and managed to
build his own computer. He went to Oxford University and was banned / binned from
using the computers for hacking.
Activity 2/2
Choose the correct Word in each case.
Berners-Lee spent the 1980s as / on a project based on sharing and updating information
online. In 1991, he put / took the first website online. It explained what the World Wide
Web was and how it was using / used. He gave his idea to the world for free. In 1994,
Berners-Lee founded W3C to / by set standards and improve the quality of the Web.

Berners-Lee now spending / spends his time between W3C and as / was a professor of
computer science in England. He also wrote / writes about the future of the Web. In 2004,
he was named as the first ever winner of the Millennium Technology Prize. He has
a string / rope of other awards and is listed as one of ‘Time’ magazine’s 100 most
important people of the 20th Century.
Marie Curie
Marie Curie was born in 1867. She is one of the greatest scientists ever to have
lived. She was a pioneer in the field of radioactivity and discovered the chemical
elements radium and polonium. Curie is the only person ever to win two Nobel
Prizes in two different sciences. Other achievements include being the first
female professor at the University of Paris.

Marie Curie nació en 1867. Es una de las mayores científicas que han existido.
Fue pionera en el campo de la radioactividad y descubrió los elementos químicos
radio y polonio. Curie es la única persona que ha ganado dos Premios Nobel en
dos ciencias diferentes. Otros logros incluyen ser la primera mujer profesora en la
Universidad de París.
Marie Curie
Curie was born in Warsaw, Poland. Her father was a maths and physics teacher
and was a big influence on Marie’s early education. From an early age Marie was
an exceptional student with an amazing memory. She often went without food
and sleep to study. Her brilliant mind led her to Paris to study and conduct her

Curie nació en Varsovia, Polonia. Su padre era profesor de matemáticas y física y

tuvo una gran influencia en la educación temprana de Marie. Desde temprana
edad, Marie fue una estudiante excepcional con una memoria asombrosa. A
menudo pasaba sin comer ni dormir para estudiar. Su mente brillante la llevó a
París para estudiar y realizar su investigación.
Marie Curie
She met her future husband Pierre Curie at the university. He considered Marie to
be a genius and instantly wanted to work with her. They got married and spent
most of their time together in their laboratory studying radioactive materials.
Their research led to the discovery of radium, for which they were honored with
the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903.

Conoció a su futuro esposo, Pierre Curie, en la universidad. Él consideraba a

Marie como un genio y quería trabajar con ella al instante. Se casaron y pasaron
la mayor parte de su tiempo juntos en su laboratorio estudiando materiales
radioactivos. Su investigación llevó al descubrimiento del radio, por el cual
fueron honrados con el Premio Nobel de Física en 1903.
Marie Curie
Pierre was killed in 1906 and Marie was devastated and extremely lonely. She
threw herself even deeper into her work and won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry
in 1911. She spent the 1920s raising funds for more research into radium. In 1934
she died from a condition caused by decades of exposure to radiation. No one
knew how deadly radium was until years later.

Pierre murió en 1906 y Marie quedó devastada y extremadamente sola. Se

sumergió aún más en su trabajo y ganó el Premio Nobel de Química en 1911.
Pasó la década de 1920 recaudando fondos para más investigaciones sobre el
radio. En 1934 murió a causa de una enfermedad causada por décadas de
exposición a la radiación. Nadie sabía lo mortal que era el radio hasta años
List unknown words from the previous
text and make a sentence with each one
of them.



Many scientists have contributed to the

technologial development all around the
Unscramble the following sentences.

1. a of pioneer radioactivity in She the was field

2. professor Paris at the the first University female of
3. early a influence Marie’s education big on
4. student Marie with was an an amazing exceptional
5. study food She and often sleep went to without
6. Marie be genius considered to a He
7. time spent together most in of their their laboratory
8. her into deeper even herself threw She work
9. caused to by radiation decades a of condition exposure
10. knew deadly was one how radium No
1. When was Marie Curie born, and what is she
famous for?
2. What were Marie Curie's major contributions to
3. What was Marie Curie's father's profession, and
how did it influence her education?
4. How did Marie Curie meet her future husband,
Pierre Curie?
5. What tragic event occurred in 1906, and how
did it affect Marie Curie?
6. How did Marie Curie spend the 1920s, and
what was the cause of her death in 1934?
Production Task
Investigate about a famous person in IT and write a paragraph (minumum 10 lines)
highlighting the most important contributions they made for the IT world.

Discuss the differences between some

words related to technology.


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