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Nurul Aribah 14320204

○ Background
○ Research Problem
○ Research Purposes
○ Benefits of Research
○ Method
○ Result and Discussion
○ Conclussion

Using appropriate learning media will attract students' attention so that students will be more
focused in receiving information (Sadiman, 2011). The use of information technology-based learning media is
highly recommended because it functions as a physical and non-physical tool that can be used as an
intermediary between teachers and students in understanding lesson material more effectively and efficiently
(Dwiningsih and Sakinah, 2018).
In this era, there is a lot of technology such as computers and applications whose features use
English, but there are still many students who are less interested in learning to deepen their English. In fact, in
the current era of globalization, there are many technologies that can increase students' learning motivation,
one of which is Interactive Multimedia which can act as a learning resource and serve the needs of students
with various types of visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or others, making it easier to understand a concept (Ovianti
and Dwiningsih, 2016)
Research Problem
1. How Students perceive learning using
Interactive Multimedia?
2. What is the purpose of implementing
Interactive Multimedia for English language

Research Purposes
The aim of this research is to discuss and describe students’
perceptions of the use of Interactive Multimedia for
learning English
Benefits of research
For writers: It is hoped that it can increase knowledge regarding
students’ perceptions of the use of Interactive
Multimedia for learning English
For students: It is hoped that it can provide insight and knowledge
regardinglearning using Interactive Multimedia
For other researchers: It is hoped that it can reference for future
researchers who also want to research students’ perceptions of
the use of Interactive Multimedia for learning English

Approach: Qualitative
Data Collection: Interview
Result and Discussion

Based on the results of research on each student's opinion or perception regarding the use of interactive
multimedia for learning English, with 4 alternative answers, namely strongly agree, agree, disagree, and
strongly disagree, the fourth These alternative answers provide answers to various student perceptions
which show that the majority of grade 8 students at SMP Bhakti Pemuda Pangalengan think that learning
English using Interactive Multimedia is more fun. So the research results show that there is a positive
value between students' perceptions of the use of Interactive Multimedia in learning English. Choosing the
right media in learning greatly influences learning outcomes. Apart from that, the media used in learning
must be appropriate to the material being taught. So, apart from having to be able to use media, educators
are also required to understand the learning media that will be used (Yulia, 2019).

Based on the results of the discussion above,

regarding the perceptions of class 8 Bhakti
Pemuda Pangalengan students regarding
interactive multimedia, it can be concluded
that students' perceptions regarding the use of
interactive multimedia for learning English
were well received by students or had a
positive response.

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