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English 7


Subject Teacher
Classroom Rules
and Regulations
*Treat others with respect at all times.
*Listen to the teacher when s/he speaks.
*Ask for help when you need it.
*Respect other people's property.
*Listen and follow directions.
*Raise your hand before speaking or leaving
your seat.
a. Familiarize the tools in communication
focusing on oral language, stance, and behavior

b. Identify the functions of oral language,

stance, and behavior in oral communications

c. Realize the importance of oral language,

stance, and behavior in oral communications
What is communication?
Communication is usually
defined as the transmission
of information.
Do you have any idea
about oral language,
stance, and behavior?
-These are tools and
symbols systems you can
use for communication.
What is language?
Language is the means to transfer your
messages to another person. If you both
speak the same language, it is easier to
understand each other.
What are the characteristics of
effective oral communication?

1. Clarity – language must be grammatically

correct in order to transfer exact meaning

Examples. I go to Manila last week (wrong)

I went to Manila last week (Correct)

2. Directness – effective oral language is also direct
and conversational.

You are beautiful
3. Appropriateness – language must be
suitable to the purpose of the speaker.
It should meet the needs and
expectations of your listeners.
4. Vivid – to hold the attention and
maintain the interest of your listeners,
use varied concrete, figurative and
original expressions.
Stance and Behavior
Here are some examples of postures and bodily
gestures that influence how your listeners
understand your message when you are speaking.
1. Stand with confidence- To
prevent swaying or rocking while
talking in front of others, spread your
feet about 6 to 8 inches apart parallel
to each other to achieve a comfortable
speaking position.
2. Face your audience with
your hands on the side with
your chin up. This will help you
appear open and sincere to your
audience and give the impression
that you are in control of the
Avoid the following as much as possible:
 crossing your arms – makes you look defensive
 hands at the back – as if you are hiding something
 hands in your pocket – as if you’re hiding something
 hands on hips – makes you seem aggressive;
as if you’re bullying your audience
 hands on chin – as if you’re not ready with what you’re
going to say because it seems you’re still thinking of what to say
 two hands cupped in front of your chest
– makes it look like you’re covering something in front of your chest
3. Use your hands to emphasize
your message when speaking.
If relevant gestures are used at the
right time, your message will be
easily understood. Common
gestures include waving, pointing,
and giving a "thumbs up" sign
Why do you think language
plays a vital role?
Can you name the four
characteristics of effective
oral communication and the
three-communication tool?
What are the examples of
postures and bodily gestures
that influence how your
listeners understand your
message when you are
Evaluation: Individual activity
Direction: Choose your answer from the box and write the letter of the
correct answer in the space provided​.

A. Language B. Clarity C. Directness D. Appropriateness E. Gestures F. Confidence

G. Crossing your arms H. Hand in your pocket I. Hands on your hips J. Hands on the chin

____1. It means to transfer your messages to another person.

____2. This means that language must be grammatically correct in order to transfer exact
____3. It refers to effective oral language is also direct and conversational.
____4. It means the use of varied concrete, figurative and original expressions.
____5. A movement of part of the body, especially a hand or the head, to express an idea or meaning.
____6. A feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's own abilities or qualities.
____7. It makes you look defensive.
____8. It made you look like you were hiding something.
____9. It makes you seem aggressive.
____10. It will make you look like you’re not ready and still thinking of what to say.
Direction: Choose your answer from the box and write the letter of the
correct answer in the space provided​.

A. Language B. Clarity C. Directness D. Appropriateness E. Gestures F. Confidence

G. Crossing your arms H. Hand in your pocket I. Hands on your hips J. Hands on the chin

1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
6. F
7. G
8. H
9. I
10. J
Directions: A. Fill in the blanks to complete the short sentences
below. These sentences summarize our topic in this module. Write
your answers in your English Activity notebook.
What are the communication tools? How effective are they in different
communication situations?
There are three communication tools that are used for communication.
These are ____________, ______________ and _____________.
They _______the meaning of the ____________ conveyed by the
________________ in the different communication situations.
B. Write YES if you agree with the statement; Write NO if you
__1. Applying communication tools will make the speaker’s message
more understandable.
__2. If you are crossing your arms, it makes you look prepared.
. __3. If you put your hands at the back, it seems that you are hiding
__4. If your hands are in your pocket, you are confident.
__5. It is all right to sway your body when you are talking in front of others
Oral language, stance, and
behavior allow one to have a better
understanding of English and be able
to speak it with proper grammar as
well. Furthermore, oral language lays
the foundation for the reading and
writing skills students will develop as
they enter and progress through

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