Dear The Necklace

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The necklace

by Guy De Maupassant
Session Objectives
At the end of the session, learners will be able to:

a) analyze the themes, characters, and literary

elements in "The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant.

b) develop critical thinking skills through discussions,

written reflections, and creative activities.

c) gain a deeper understanding of the consequences of

choices and the theme of materialism.

"Decoding Desires: Unmasking Materialism in 'The
Necklace' by Guy de Maupassant"
Do you believe that having
material items will make you
happy or fulfilled?
about the writer
was a popular nineteenth-century French writer. He is
“The Necklace” takes place in Paris, France, at the
one of the fathers of the modern short story and its FRANCE
end of the 19th century. During the late 19th
leading practitioner in France. His stories cover the
century, Paris experienced a period of social,
panorama of French life at the end of the nineteenth
economic, and technological change. Paris
century, including different social classes such as the
morphed from a medieval city into a modern one
peasantry, the bureaucracy and life along the Seine.
with the improvement of France's transportation

His short stories are characterized infrastructure,

by their economy of style and the rise of new industries,

the efficient way in which the a boom in population,
various threads are neatly resolved. and an increase in tourism.
quotable quotes


annotate your copies by act out the quotable
What are the feeling/s
underlining important quotes in front of the
involved while acting
sentences, noteworthy class while your
passages, or other classmates guess who out the passages?
components that catch your the character is.
Class Debate
debate about the tale, concentrating on issues like the effects of society's expectations, the
chase of worldly gain, and the repercussions of decisions made.

Materialism vs. Inner Worth:

Is Mathilde justified in placing so much importance
on material possessions, such as the necklace, or
should one prioritize inner worth and personal
Class Debate
debate about the tale, concentrating on issues like the effects of society's expectations, the
chase of worldly gain, and the repercussions of decisions made.

Fate vs. Personal Responsibility:

Is Mathilde a victim of fate, or is she responsible for

her own misfortune? Discuss the role of personal
choices and accountability in the story.
Class Debate
debate about the tale, concentrating on issues like the effects of society's expectations, the
chase of worldly gain, and the repercussions of decisions made.

Analyze how gender roles influence the characters'

actions and attitudes in the story.

How does society's expectations of women

contribute to Mathilde's decisions?
Class Debate
debate about the tale, concentrating on issues like the effects of society's expectations, the
chase of worldly gain, and the repercussions of decisions made.

Analyze the relationship between Mathilde and

Madame Forestier.

To what extent does Madame Forestier's loan of the

necklace reflect friendship, and should Mathilde hold
her responsible for the subsequent events?
Class Debate
debate about the tale, concentrating on issues like the effects of society's expectations, the
chase of worldly gain, and the repercussions of decisions made.

Draw parallels between the themes of "The

Necklace" and contemporary society.

How do the issues of materialism, social

expectations, and the pursuit of status resonate in
today's world?
The price of vanity
"How does Mathilde's desire for
material wealth contribute to the
conflict in the story?"

Ask students to share their

thoughts and ideas in a brief
reflection or small group

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