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Is it possible for globalization to occur without media?
Topic 1


Global Media Cultures
 the way we interact and communicate with an entity or body of
things in a way that facilitates a process of building connections
through various processes.

 The media have a very important impact on cultural globalization

in two mutually interdependent ways:
o themedia provide an extensive transnational transmission of cultural
o they contribute to the formation of communicative networks and
social structures
Importance of Media to Globalization:
Globalization necessitates the blowout of different culture
and media is a great instrument of this.
Knowledge and ideas also is being shared globally
through the help of social media.
Religious organizations uses media as a means of
proclaiming their teachings and proliferation.
Media and its Functions

1. Surveillance of the Environment

refers to the collection and distribution
of information by the media.

2. Correlation of parts of society and

Interpretation of events and issues
 the interpretation and analization of media
and its activities.
Media and its Functions

3. Socialization and transmission of the

cultural heritage
 the ability of the media in
communicating the norms, values and
behavior of the traditional societies
trough a drama, songs, novels and many
others which the society nowadays can
Media and its Functions

4. Entertainment
 the ability of the media to divert
attention and give amusement to the
5. Mobilization
 the ability of media to encourage a
community to participate in a common
goal with the use of social media.
Media and its Functions
6. Democratic Participation, publicity and public
relations and advertisement
 how media influence the freedom of the people to
freely air their ideas on what they perceived is right
or wrong in a certain issue.
 on the ability of the media to inform the public
about an issue, a person or an activity.
The Global Village and Cultural Imperialism
Marshall McLuhan, a media and communication
 the phenomenon of the world’s culture shrinking
and expanding at the same time due to pervasive
technological advances that allow for
instantaneous sharing of culture.

 it refers to the way various media and

technologies have accelerated social
interaction and cultural change around the
Topic 2
The Difference Between
Religion and Globalization

Religion is a collection Globalization refers to

of cultural systems, the expansion and
belief systems, and intensification of social
worldviews that relate relations and
humanity to spirituality consciousness across
and, sometimes, to moral world-time and across
values. world-space.
 Globalization serves as an instrument for societies to free from the
constraints of their nation-states but in return destroys their culture.

 Religion aimed to arrange and develop the broken culture of

societies by giving answers on social conflict to economic
disadvantages to even personal happiness.

 As of today, globalization is being measured by material means

while religion is on immaterial means of living.
Relationship between Religion and
 Religionhas entered the “information age” where it became
globalized in accelerating its methods and processes in disseminating
teaching and belief system.

 There are a lot of tools which are being used in uniting humans all
over the world on religious basis these are books, movies, cell phone
apps, social networks , charity funds, special internet sites, and
religious schools.

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