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7th Grade


 Anna Karenina (221030121943)
 Hilma Nurul Latipah (221030122726)
 Nova Nahriyah (221030122719)
 Salsabilla Evrillia (221030122720)
01 Asking for directions
namely an expression someone uses to ask for directions and
directions to go somewhere.

02 Giving the direction

namely an expression that someone uses to give directions or
directions to a place
it’s this way (sebenarnya arahnya kesini)
it’s that way (sebenarnya arahnya kesana)

you’re going the wrong way (kamu sudah salah jalan)

you’re going in the wrong direction (kamu sudah salah arah)

take this road (ambil jalan ini)

go down there (ambil jalan itu)

take the first on the left (anda belok kiri disimpang yg pertama)
take the second on the right (anda belok kanan disimpang yg kedua)
turn right at the crossroad (belok kekanan disimpang keempat)

continue straight ahead for about a mile (jalan terus kira-kira 1 mile,1 mile kira-kita
continue past the fire station (jalan terus lewat kantor pemadam kebakaran)
you’ll pass a supermarket on your left (kamu lewat sebuah pasar raya disebelah kiri)

keep going for another...(jalan terus)

hundred yards (seratus yards,kurang lebih 91 m)
two hundred metres (dua ratus meter)
half mile (separuh mile,kurang dari 800 meter)
kilometre (1km)
it’ll be ...(itu berada..)
on your left (disebelah kiri jalan)
on your right (disebelah kanan jalan)
straight ahead of you (dihadapan kamu)
Below are some examples of phrases and
expressions used to show directions in
(first)go down this street (for....bloks)
(then)turn left/right at the traffic light
(after that)go straight on...street until you get to the....
(when you get to the ...)turn left/right again
(then)stay on....avenue for about ....yards/meters
it’s on your left next to the can’t miss it!
The following expressions are expressions that are commonly used when we want
to ask someone about a goal where we don't know the path/direction to achieve
that goal.
Listen to the dialogue:
● A : “excuse me,is there a grocery store around here ?(permisi,apakah ada toko grosir didekat sini?)
B : “yeah,there’s one right across the street(iya ada satu disebrang jalan itu)
● A ; “can you tell me how to get to phoenix?(bisakah anda menunjukan jalan ke phoenix?)
B : “sorry i dont live around here (maaf saya tidak tinggal disekitar sini)
● A : “where’s tanner’s leather shop?(dimana tanne’s leather shop?)
B: “it’s on the corner of holly and vine,next to tbe library(disudut holly and vine,disamping
● A : “how do you get the bank?(kalau mau ke bank lewat mana?)
B : “go straight down this street for two’s on the left when you get to maple street.stay on
maple for half a’s on the left hand side (lurus jalan ini sampai 2 blok.belok kiri dijalan
maple.tetap dijalan maple sampai setengah ada disebelah kiri)
dialogue example

jeannie:”excuse me sir”
zayyan:”yes,can i help you”
jeannie:”yes,sir could you tell me how to get nearest supermarket?”
zayyan:”well the nearts supermarket is located abaout 200 meters from you can keep going straight and it
will be on your left
jeannie :”thankyou sir”
zayyan;”you’re welcome”
thank you

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