雅思口语真经高分班 第二课时

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雅思口语 第二课时


• 时间 / 地点 / 人物 / 事件 / 感受

• 降级
• 列举

• 过去
• several, a few
• many=a lot of=tons of=multiple
• various=a variety of=a wide range of
• many kinds of=many types of
• all kinds of=all sorts of=all types of

• including
• such as=like
• and so on=and so forth=and stuff like
• for example=for instance
. Do you want to travel to outer


– Mercury, Mars, Pluto, Venus

– Mars
. Do you want to travel to outer space?

– Um, yeah, I guess so. It would be fantastic if I could take a spaceship

and go into outer space, to see some amazing planets -

– - like Mercury, Mars, Pluto and Venus.

– People say that Mars might be our future home, so many scientists
are studying this planet. Perhaps, I could go there to take a look
everybody else could. It would be awesome!
. What do you like the most about your

– everything

– people,food, climate, crowded

– crowded
. What do you like the most about your hometown?

– Well, I was born and raised here, so I'm quite attached to my

hometown. I actually love everything here -

– - including the people, the food, the climate and even the fact that it's
a little crowded sometimes.

– I like shopping, but whenever Igo to a mall or department store, I

always see a lot of people, but unlike others who get fed up with that, I
think it's pretty cute, hahah. I really don't why. Perhaps it shows that
my hometown is attractive and people like to come and live here.
. What are the various places where we can see

– all kinds of places -

– TV, internet, subway stations, shopping malls, some apps

– the BBC
. What are the various places where we can see

– Oh, they can be seen in all kinds of places -

– - on TV, on the internet, in subway stations, in shopping malls and on

some apps that I use on a daily basis.

– One of my favorite apps is the BBC coz I use it to learn what's going on
in the world and also improve my English. Even if the BBC is a world-
renowned organization, there are still a few ads on their app.
. Where do Chinese people do
sports ?

– all sorts of places

– gyms, parks, rivers

– rivers and lakes

– 亮马 River
. Where do Chinese people do sports ?
– Well, Chinese people do sports in all sorts of places -

– - like in gyms, in parks and ... um ... even in rivers hahah.

– What I mean is that a lot of elderly people particularly enjoy swimming

in rivers and lakes.

– For instance, there's a river named 亮马 River near where my boyfriend

works. Every time Igo there and walk along the river, I can see a few
elderly men swimming in it, half naked. I don't get why they like it.
• What kinds of apps do Chinese people like to
• What kinds of gifts are popular in your country?
• What subjects are you studying?

• 时间 / 地点 / 人物 / 事件 / 感受

• 降级
• 列举

• 过去
. Is foreign food popular in your country?

– Oh, yeah, it is. It's hugely popular here and um ... in fact, it's becoming
increasingly popular.

– For instance, a few years ago, not many people had tasted Mexican
food, but as of now, a lot of my coworkers and friends go and have it at
once a month. It is indeed growing in popularity.

– I went to a Mexican restaurant last weekend and it wasjam-packed.

There were so many people there that we had to wait half an hour for a
. Do people in your country like to use apps?

– Yeah, definitely. Most people have to use some kinds of apps every day,
especially some important apps like WeChat, Weibo, 饿了吗 which is
an app that allows people to order a takeout wherever they are.

– In fact, this is what I did this morning. After getting up,I ordered some
breakfast from McDonald's. It was delivered to my door only 20
minutes later.

– Not only me, but many people do the same thing.

. When does it rain most in your hometown?
– Oh, it's definitely in the summertime. It rains a lot in July and August.

– I remember there was one day last summer when it rained extremely
heavily and the wind was pretty strong too. My umbrella got swept
away. The whole city was flooded that day.
. Would you want to be a celebrity in the future?
– No, I don't think so -

– - coz I don't have any special talent.

– You know, I can't sing,I can't act, I'm not funny enough, and um ... yeah.

– Last weekend,I went to sing karaoke with my friends and every time I
opened my mouth, they would tell me that I was out of tune. That was
pretty frustrating.
. What's your favorite festival?
– Well, it must be the Spring Festival, the same as most people in China -

– - because this is when we have seven days off and we can take advantage
of the time to relax after a year of hard work.

– During the last Spring Festival, my whole family and I went on a

holiday to California. We went to the Universal Studios, to the Golden
Bridge and so many other places. We had a blast there.
• Do you often give others expensive gifts?
• What do you often do with your family?
• Do you think it's important to read

• I work out on a daily basis

• I first took a boat when I was in primary school
• advertisements are everywhere
• I like to watch videos on the internet
• I try to hang out with my folks as much as possible
• having a special talent is key to becoming famous
• whenever I feel bored,I just do some reading
• festivals are times when we go back to our hometowns and meet our
old friends
• a few months ago,I needed to save up to buy something very expensive
Part3 类型

. 一定多举例

– 观点
– 原因
– 举例——降级
. 个人( + 大众)
. 假设
. 事实
– 总结

•for example/for instance

• if you ...
• if someone/a person/a girl/a man/a child ..., he
or she/they ...
• take ...for example
• sth/sb is a good example here
• let me give you an example
. What benefits do universities bring to the society?

– Wow, that's a big question. Um ... I need a bit of time to think coz we all
naturally think that universities are good, beneficial to the society, but
most people haven't really thought about what those benefits are.

– Well, clearly, students go to university to learn - they have their majors,

like accounting, economics, education, languages and so on. So
basically, university helps students get ready for their life afterwards,
when they
graduate from uni and have to take up a job.

– For instance, those who major in education learn how best to teach
students and many of them go on to become teachers once they enter the
real world.
- If you ask most people who study this why they chose this major,
they're very likely to tell you that it's their dream to be teachers.

- 只要在路上, 一定有方向?
. Do you think people pay enough attention to their
health today?

– Well, some people do and some people don't ... um ... I guess an
increasing number of people these days take good care of their health.

– I say this because more and more people try to work out on a regular

– For instance, everybody agrees that yoga is a great form of exercise and
it has so many health benefits. More and more people in China are
up yoga. They medicate, stretch their limbs and um ... do all kinds of
- I am a good example hahah. I practice yoga on a weekly basis and it's
absolutely had a positive influence on my health. It's good for my mental
wellbeing as well.

- In fact, I'm not the only person in my circle of friends who does it. Quite
a few of my classmates and friends also enjoy yoga.

- Many people also try to eat healthily now ...

- 只要在路上, 一定有方向?
. Do you think an area can benefit from having an
interesting historic place locally?

– Yes, I think so. There are certainly many ways in which an area can
benefit, but one of them is ... um ... I mean, they can turn the place into a
tourist attraction and it contributes to the local economy.

– One good example is the Qin Army ... it's also called the Terra Cotta
Warriors. It's well-known all over the world and now it's a major tourist
spot in Xi'an. Hundreds of thousands of people visit it every day. They
buy tickets, water and souvenirs. This is a huge income for the site and
the local government.
- If you go to Xi'an and visit the area near the Terra Cotta Warriors, you
will find that many people living there are employed in the field of
tourism. They work as tour guides, they run restaurants and hotels and
so on.

- 只要在路上, 一定有方向?
. How popular in watching television in your country?
– Oh, it's hugely popular in China. Everybody loves watching TV.

– There are a large number of TV programs that enjoy great popularity,

especially some reality and talent shows.

– It seems to me that these shows are people's favorites everywhere in

the world.

– One good example in China is a show named This is Hip-Hop. It airs

every Saturday evening, and whenever it's on, so many people,
particularly young people, tune in and watch it.
- Of course, this is not the only program that garners great attention
nationwide. There are quite a few other shows that attract a large
number of viewers -

- - including Running Man, Extreme Challenges, Happy Camp and so on.

- So yeah, I would say that watching television is absolutely one of the

most popular pastimes among Chinese people.

- 只要在路上, 一定有方向?
. How are the eating habits now in your country
different from the eating habits in the past??

– Well, I believe there must have been tons of differences over the last 30 or
40 years, but the first one that I can think of is that ... um ... well, people
eat a lot more foreign food these days.

– I think it's just because our country is more open to the outside world
and we have so many foreign things coming in and they're becoming
increasingly popular in China.

– The popularity of fast food, aka junk food, is a good example here.
There are McDonald's and KFC restaurants everywhere and it's not
uncommon for people to find that they're always overcrowded.
- In my case, Igo and grab a hamburger and some French Fries at the
KFC near my home almost every week.

- So yeah, I think our habit of eating foreign food now is absolutely

one major difference.

- Another difference ...

- 只要在路上, 一定有方向?
. What type of people can best influence a young person?

– Well, off the top of my head, I'd say that hard-working people are
definitely the best role models for young people.

– Many qualities are important for the development of a teenager and a

young adult, but I believe working hard is absolutely the most important.

– A good example that comes to mind is Jackie Chan who is a superstar

known all over the world. He's an extremely diligent man and he's
become a world-renowned actor mainly due to his hard work.
- I have a cousin who's a huge fan of Jackie Chan. She really looks up
to him and tries to be someone just like him. What I know is that she
does work very hard on a daily basis.

- 只要在路上, 一定有方向?
. Do children like to play with toys or computer games

– Um, I think children love playing with toys better.

– I know many people might say that they're more attracted to computer
games, but what I think is that many kids can't make sense of a lot of
games, and therefore, they won't be that into them.

– For instance, my nephew, who is only 5 years old, only plays with model
cars and lego bricks. He doesn't seem to be interested in computer
games at all.
- In fact, many kids his age are the same. At least that's my
experience anyway.

- 只要在路上, 一定有方向?
. What is your opinion on the way languages are taught in

– Um, I'm not sure about how languages are taught in other countries,
but in China, I don't suppose it's very effective.

– I think it's because our teachers only focus on making us memorize a

great amount of stuff without asking us to put everything into practice.

– Let me give you an example. In China, when we learn some vocabulary,

say vocab about shopping, we only memorize the meanings and
of the words, but we don't learn how to use these words in conversation.
- If you go to a Chinese school and try to have a conversation in
English with the students about whether they like shopping, it's very
likely that they will find it hard to speak naturally and fluently.

- 只要在路上, 一定有方向?

• 继续背诵 99 句第一部分“时间、地点、人物、感受 ”
• 复习课件所有内容, 方法论的部分(中文 + 英文)熟练
• 课件中有范例答案的题目反复朗读,学习逻辑 + 语言
• 所有题目练习录音回答,至少三遍(自己说, 不要直接
背 答案)

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