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雅思口语 第一课时

小逻辑 - 单点扩展 - 点

• 第一点: who, what, where, when, ...

• 第二点: who, what, where, when, how often, how

you know, ...

• 第三点: what you do/did, how you do/did it, what

sth is about, ...

• 第四点: why ..., how youfelt/felt ..., ...

小逻辑 - 单点扩展 - 方法
• 方法先行
– 介绍
– 原因
– 列举,降级
– 平行

– 过

• 原因 ( 第一第二点、通常第二点: when you did it,
when sth happened, how you know sth/sb ... ;
– when you received this service (describe a good service you received)
– when it was (describe thefirst time that you got a cellphone)
– how you know this person (describe someone who is talkative)
– where it was held (describe a party you went)
– where it happened (describe an important event that you celebrated)
• Describe a good service you received

• You should say

– Where you received the service
– When you received it
– What service it was
• And explain why you thought it was a good service.
• Describe thefirst time you received a cellphone

• You should say

– When it was
– Who gave you the cellphone
– What it was like
• And explain how youfelt about it.
• Describe someone who is talkative

• You should say

– Who this person is
– How you know this person –
What this person likes to talk about
• And explain how youfeel about this person.
• Describe a party you went to

• You should say

– When it took place
– Where it was held
– Whose party it was
– What you did there
• And explain how youfelt about the party.
• Describe an important event that you celebrated

• You should say

– What it was
– Where it happened
– Why it was important
• And explain how peoplefelt about it.
• 列举,降级 ( 通常第三点 )
• 平行 ( 通常第三第四点 )

• what the content is (describe a magazine you like)

• what you did there (describe a party you went to)
• why you like this program (describe TVprogram you like)
• why this river is important (describe an important river in your
• 平行
– 总
• I can do tons of/loads of/a variety offun things in this
• This person has a wide range of hobbies
• There are several reasons why this river is important

– 分
• first of all=for starters=firstly
• plus=also=additionally=on top of that=another ... is that ...
• Describe a magazine you like

• You should say:

– What it is
– When you started reading this magazine –
What the content is
• And explain why you like this magazine
• Describe a party you went to

• You should say

– When it took place
– Whose party it was
– What you did there
• And explain how youfelt about the party
• Describe a TVprogram that you like

• You should say

– what it is
– how you know this program
– what this program is about
• And explain why you like this program.
• Describe an important river or area of water

• You should say

– how long it is
– where it is
– what it looks like
• And explain why it's important.
• 过去 ( 任何地方都能讲故事 )

• how often you listen to it (describe yourfavorite song)

• how often you do it (describe something you enjoy doing with
an oldperson in yourfamily)
• what it is about (describe a website you like to visit)
• how this person influences the public (describe a popular
• Describe your favorite song

• You should say

– What this song is about
– When you listened to this songfor thefirst time
– How often you listen to this song
• And explain why you think it is yourfavorite
• Describe something you enjoy doing with an
oldperson in yourfamily

• You should say

– Who you do it with
– What it is
– How often you do it
• And explain why you enjoy doing it with this person
• Describe a website you like

• You should say

– When youfound it
– What it is about
– How often you visit it
• And explain why you like this website
• Describe a popular person

• You should say:

– Who the person is
– What kind of person he or she is
– Why you think this person is popular
• And explain how this person influences the public
课程回顾 + 复习方

• 流利度、连贯性练习

a. 提高语感 ( “99 句” 、 “背三句”和音频素材影子跟


b. 使用 filler words and sentences

c. P123“ 逻辑扩展法”熟练使用

d. 注意连贯性
• 词汇练习

a. “99 句” 、 “背三句”朗读背诵,音频素材影子跟读

b. 考试的时候流利度最重要,词汇是平时要多加练习的,但在考
场 上加分词汇想不出来就用简单词汇
• 语法练习

a. 提高语感 ( “99 句” 、 “背三句”和音频素材影子跟


b. 超王牌句型

c. 逻辑扩展法

d. 不断练习, 录音回答
• 发音练习

a. “99 句”背诵之前,跟读录音

b. 音频素材影子跟读 ( 不要纠结 )

c. 背三句中的发音讲解反复练习,注意高低变化、连读和失去爆


ü 背诵 “ 99 句”

ü 每日背三句

ü P1 、 P2 、 P3 不断听 ( 坐公交、走在路上 ... 听的时间不计入两个半

小时 ) 、尽量跟读、自己练习回答

ü P2 可以把答案写下来

ü P1 、 P3 根据我们给出的题目和音频素材自己练习回答,尽量录


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