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Narrative essay

Elements of a narrative essay

On-going Assessment 1: Narrative Essay
In this academic essay, you will share a story of a memorable trip you took in the
past three months.
→ Setting? Characters? Mood? Plot? Theme?
Structure of a narrative essay
- hook
- thesis statement
→ introduce the first action in the first body paragraph of the essay
→ do not tell the readers the main idea of the essay
Structure of a narrative essay
- contain the plot
- chronological order
- transitional sentences
Structure of a narrative essay
Write a transitional sentence for the following paragraphs:
Extract 1:
As I set foot in the vibrant streets of Thailand, I couldn't help but feel a sense of
excitement and anticipation for the days ahead. The bustling markets, the tantalizing
aroma of street food, and the warm smiles of the locals created an atmosphere that
was both enchanting and invigorating. Little did I know that this trip would hold a
special surprise.
Structure of a narrative essay
Write a transitional sentence for the following paragraphs:
Extract 2:
The trip took an unexpected turn when, while exploring a bustling night market, I
caught a glimpse of a familiar face in the crowd. It was none other than my long-lost
friend, whom I hadn't seen in years. The sheer coincidence of our paths crossing in a
foreign land was astounding. We immediately embraced, our hearts filled with joy
and disbelief at the unlikely reunion that destiny had orchestrated.
Structure of a narrative essay
- introduce the resolution of the story
- final sentence
→ moral of the story
→ prediction
→ revelation
Structure of a narrative essay
Identify the function of the following sentence:
1. In the near future, I believe chance encounters as such will take place much more
frequently as I embark on a new and exciting journey as a language teacher.
2. Through the encounter in Thailand, I learned that sometimes the most
extraordinary moments are born from the most unexpected circumstances.
3. This trip showed me that the most extraordinary moments often arise from the
most unexpected circumstances.
Pattern of organisation
- Chronological order
- Preposition of time
- Time words:
→ After/Before + noun/gerund
→ While/As soon as/Until + clause
Setting and mood
Setting: Mood:
● Physical Location ● Descriptive Language
● Emotional Atmosphere ● Tone and Voice
● Cultural and Social Context ● Dialogue
● Symbolic Elements ● Pacing
Descriptive language
Describe the following emotions with as many words or phrases as possible in one
1. peaceful
2. beautiful
3. sad
4. great
5. happy
Descriptive language
The trees display a vibrant tapestry of colors, with leaves painted in hues of red,
orange, and gold, creating a breathtaking landscape. The crisp breeze gently rustles
through the fields, carrying the sweet scent of fallen leaves and earth, evoking a sense
of tranquility. The sound of birds chirping and the occasional rustle of wildlife add to
the soothing ambiance, making it a perfect retreat from the hustle and bustle of city
Reflective language
reflective language:
I believe…, I think…, My opinion is…, I feel…*, I understand…, I was
feeling verbs
first pronoun: I
Descriptive language
Descriptive language
Descriptive language
Use Designer Copilot to tell a story in four images.

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