UNit 2. 1 Health Plan

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Health Planning in India is a key to improving the health of the Indian Population.

The minister Establishing health planning in India in a key to improving the health of the Indian
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has been facilitating health needs in India by
establishing various schemes and organizations.
The Government is conscious of the need for dynamic Indian health planning and management.
Innovative healthcare and development programs are the need of the hour.

The areas to focus on in Health Planning have been laid down by the Ministry's National Health
Policy such as increasing healthcare programs, increasing public health infrastructure, efficient
doctors and family, medicine, low cost drugs and vaccines, mental health, health infrastructure


Analysis of the health situation


Health Planning in India is a key to improving the health status of the Indian population. Health

planning programme started in India since first five year plan from 1st April 1951. From First to

12th Five Year Plan (2012-2017) has been completed.

Health sector Planning-

The planning commission gave considerable importance to health programmes in overall

development of the country. The subsectors of health planning commission is divided into the
1. Water supply and sanitation
2. Communicable diseases
3. Medical education, training and research
4. Curative services
5. Public health services
6. Family planning
7. Indigenous system of medicines
All the above sectors receive importance in five year plans. A Bureau of Planning was constituted
in 1965 in the Ministry of health to have better coordination between center and state


Ministry of health and family welfare is working towards strengthening India's leadership on
AMR (Anti microbial Resistance) and a revised National Action plan to combat Plan has been
released. Indian Government has introduced NITI AAYOG which replaced Planning
Last Five Year Plan ended on 31st March 2017 which was extended six months for enabling
ministries to complete their appraisals.
The new plan which is a vision document is accompanied by shorter sub plans, a seven-year
strategy for 2017-24 and a three-year "Action Agenda' from 2017-18 to 2019-20.
More than 300 specific action points covering a wide range of sectors have been drawn up as part
of the 15 year vision.
The three-year agenda is further divided into seven parts, with a number of specific action points
for each part to boost economic growth.
Long term planning

Cooperative federalism

o Inclusive growth

< Policy innovation

E Economic Reforms
O Sectoral Transformation

E Skill development

■ Digital transformation

< Sustainable development

Objectives Of NITI AAYOG-

1. Cooperative federalism
2. Long Term planning
3. Policy Formulation and implementation
4. Promoting innovation
5. Inclusive growth
6. Sustainale development
7. Skill development and employement
8. Monitoring and evaluation
9. Technology and digital Initiatives
10. Strategic research
11. Global engagemen t

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