Exchanging Currency

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Exchanging Currency


 America: Dollar Philippine: Peso

 Arab Saudi: Riyal China: Yuan
 Bahrain: Dinar India: Rupee
 Brazil: Real Indonesia: Rupiah
 Netherland:

 A: Good afternoon, sir. How may I help you?

 B: Good afternoon. Will I able to exchange foreign currency at this bank?
 A: Yes, you can exchange your money here.
 B: Good. I would like to exchange rupiahs for euros, please.
 A: Okay. May I see your passport?
 B: Sure. Here you are.
 A: Thank you. How much would you like to change?
 B: What is the buying rate for euro?
 A: 16 thousand rupiahs to the euro.
 B: Well, in that case I would like a thousand euros.
 A: That will be 16 million rupiahs.
 B: Here you are.
 A: Would you like the euros in small or large bills?
 B: A mix of both, please.
 A: Okay. This is your 1000 euro, €400 in €200’s, €500 in €100’s, and €100 in
€20’s and €10’s. Sign here please. (Oke. Ini 1000 euro Anda, €400 dalam
pecahan €200, €500 dalam pecahan €100, dan €100 dalam pecahan €20 dan
€10. Tolong tanda tangan di sini)
 B: Perfect. Thank you very much.
 A: Is there anything else I can help you, sir?
 B: No, that’s all. Thank you for your assistance.
 A: It is my pleasure. Have a good day.
 B: You too.

 Good morning, ms/sir. How may I help you?

 Good morning, will I able to…
 Sure/ Yes,..
 Good, I would like to exchange (source currency) for (target currency) ,please
 Okay. May I see you passport please?
 Sure, here you are
 Thank you, How would you like to change?
 (nominal of a currency) to (another currency)
 What is the buying rate for .../ Tell me what is the current change rate is

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