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Learning Outcomes
• At the end of this unit, students will be able to:
• „ Define database
• „ Explain data models
• „ Describe data management approaches
• „ Recognize database entities, attributes and
• „ Develop data models with Entity Relationship
Diagram (ERD)
• „ Create and manage databases using Microsoft

 Database management is a method

used to organize data or database
files in a more effective way for
easy management and use of data.
3.1. Data Management Approaches
• Data management is the practice of
collecting, keeping, and using data
securely, efficiently, and cost-effectively.
• Data management is an integral part of
our daily lives.
• Traditionally, data used to be managed
manually using physical papers.
• As the size of data that organizations
manage become larger and larger,
computers have become instrumental
for efficient management of data.
• The first computer-based data
management is a file-based data
management approach.
• The database approach was
introduced later and addressed the
inherent weaknesses of the file-based
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23/4/2016 E.C
3.1.1 File based data management
• File-based data management is an
approach in which data is stored in
separate files without explicit
• Data in different files is managed by
different application programs.
• Any change to data requires
modification of the program that uses
the data.
• Changes made on the program may
also require change in the file structure.
• In file-based data management
approach, each department creates
and processes its own files separately.
• For example, procurement and finance
departments create and manage their
own files.
• The file-based data management approach
creates problems of data duplication and
data inconsistency. For example, let us say
employee data is stored both in human
resource and finance departments.
• When human resource department
modifies the employee records upon hiring
new employees, it may not communicate
the information to the finance department.
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3.1.2 Database approach to data management
• In the database approach to data
management, data is managed by a database
using a database management system
(DBMS) software.
• A database is a collection of logically-related
data or an organized collection of structured
information, or data, typically stored
electronically in a computer system.
• It stores all organization’s data in one
• A database is usually controlled by a
database management system (DBMS).
• It is used to maintain internal records of
organizations such as student records
for schools, customer records and daily
sales records for supermarkets, patient
database for hospitals and the like.
• DBMS is software that manages databases.
• DBMS is used to add new data, modify data
and delete data in the database. It is also
used to retrieve data from the database.
• DBMS essentially serves as an interface
between the database and end users or
application programs. It ensures that data is
easily accessed by potential users.
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• The database management process has three
main components. At the bottom is the
database which stores the actual data. In the
middle is a DBMS which manages the
database. At the top of the DBMS are
application programs that use the database.
The application programs submit database
query to the DBMS.
The database approach to data management provides many
advantages to the
organization. Some of the advantages are:

• Data independence: A database is created to

store all organization data and support all
users of the organization. Each user or
department does not need to manage its own
isolated data.
• Data sharing: all organization’s data is stored
in one central database. DBMS allows this
central database to be accessed by different
The database approach to data management provides many
advantages to the
organization. Some of the advantages are:
• Avoiding data redundancy: Isolated departmental
files are stored in one central database. The DBMS
can retrieve data from multiple tables so as to meet
the requirement of different database users or
application programs.
• Improved data security: Data in the database is
accessed only by authorized users. Only users who
are given data access right can access and modify
data in the database.
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3.2. Data Model
Data model of a database is the blue print of
the database. It is used as a guide to store data
in a database. It shows database entities,
attributes and the relationships between the
entities. It also that organizes elements of data
and standardizes how they relate to one
another and to the properties of real-world.
For example, a school database stores data
about students and teachers. It does not need
to store data about patients or traffic
3.2.1 Basic Concepts in Data Modelling
• Entities:- An entity is an object that exists.
• Entities are basically people, places or events about
which you want to store data. For example, banks
may keep data about customers and bank account
entities. Entities are equivalent to tables when
implemented in the database.
• Attributes are properties of an entity that are used to
differentiate one entity from other entity. For
example, customer entity may have customer id,
name, sex and address as its attributes. On the other
hand, book entity may have author name, book title
and publication year as its attributes.
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The two entities have different attributes because they
are different entities.
• A relationship is an association between entities. For
example, customer has account in a bank. The verb ‘has’
indicates the relationship between customer and bank
account entities. The relationship between entities can
take different forms:
• One-to-one relationship: An instance of an entity has
only one instance in the other entity with which it is
associated (see Figure 3.8). For example, a country and a
capital city. A country is associated with one capital city,
and a capital city is associated with only one country.
Figure 3.8: One-to-many relationship type
• Many-to-many relationship: Instances on both sides
of the relationship are associated with multiple instances
of the other entity (see Figure 3.9). For example, an
employee may work in multiple projects. At the same
time, a project may have multiple employees assigned to

Figure 3.9: Many-to-many relationship type

3.2.2 Entity Relationship Diagram

• One of the popular representation tools for data

model is Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD).
ERD is used to visually represent a data model. It
has three main components discussed in Section
3.2.1, namely entity, attribute and relationship.
Entities are represented as a rectangle and
relationships as a line to show the association
between entities. Attributes are represented as
ellipses. The names of entities and attributes are
placed inside the rectangle and the ellipse
respectively. The names of relationships, on the
other hand, are placed right on top of the line.
• Figure 3.10 shows an example of ERD that shows the association between a student and
book entities and their respective attributes.

Figure 3.10 Entity Relationship Diagram

• As Figure 3.10 shows, student entity has student_id, name, age and address attributes. On
the other hand, book entity has book_id, book_title, publication_year attributes. The two
entities are related by ‘borrows’ relationship.

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