Oxidation and Reduction

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Is there a reaction?

1) Sodium sulphate + lead

2) Iron sulphate + zinc
3) Silver nitrate + gold
4) Silver nitrate +
5) Magnesium chloride +
6) Magnesium chloride +
• Write word equations for any
reaction that takes place in each of
the following.
• If you would expect no reaction to
occur, say so. a) Silver + hydrochloric acid  no
b) Lead oxide + magnesium
a) Silver is added to dilute hydrochloric magnesium oxide + lead
b) Lead oxide is heated with c) Aluminium + lead oxide 
magnesium. aluminium oxide + lead
c) Aluminium is heated with lead oxide. d) Silver + copper sulfate  no
d) Silver is added to copper sulfate.
e) Iron is added to sulfuric acid e) Iron + sulfuric acid  iron
sulphate + hydrogen
f) Magnesium is added to nitric acid
f) Magnesium + nitric acid 
g) Calcium is added to hydrochloric acid.
magnesium nitrate + hydrogen
g) Calcium + hydrochloric acid 
calcium chloride + hydrogen
Use your notes from
the Periodic Table
topic: The Group 7
Elements to write
the word equation
for this reaction
Magnesium + copper sulphate 
Magnesium sulphate + copper

Mg + Cu SO4  Cu + Mg SO4

Is it
Write the word and
balanced symbol equation
for this reaction
Iron + copper sulphate 
iron sulphate + copper

Fe + Cu SO4  Cu + Fe SO4

Is it
Predict what will happen
(1) Gold in (2) Iron in
Silver nitrate Copper

(3) Copper in
Silver nitrate

(4) Gold in
Copper sulphate
When a substance is reduced, When a substance is oxidized,
oxygen is removed. oxygen is added.
or or
Reduction is gain of electrons. Oxidation is loss of electrons.

Magnesium + oxygen  magnesium oxide (add oxygen)

2Mg + O2  2MgO
2Mg + O2  2[Mg2+][O2-]
Lose 2e- (oxidation)
Gain 2e- (reduction)
Oxidation or reduction? Why?
①4Na + O2  2Na2O Oxidation (add oxygen)
②P4 + 5O2  P4O10 Oxidation (add oxygen)
Reduction (lose oxygen)
③2FeO  2Fe + O2
Oxidation (lose electrons)
④Ag  Ag+
Oxidation (lose electrons)
⑤Zn  Zn2+
Reduction (gain electrons)
⑥Br  Br- Reduction (gain electrons)
⑦Pb2+  Pb Oxidation (lose electrons)
⑧Se2-  Se
Ionic and half equations
• Ionic equations
show what is ①Zn + FeCl2  ZnCl2 + Fe
happening in
an oxidation/
reduction ②Zn + Fe 2+
+ 2Cl -
 Zn 2+
+ 2Cl -
+ Fe
reaction (4)
③ Zn + Fe2+  Zn2+ + Fe
- 2e-
+ 2e-
• Half equations
show the ④(a) Zn  Zn2+
electron (b) Fe2+  Fe
happening (5)
⑤(a) Zn  Zn2+ + 2e- (b) Fe2+ + 2e-  Fe
Reaction between magnesium metal &
copper (II) chloride solution

①Write a balanced equation for the reaction:

Mg + CuCl2  MgCl2 + Cu
②Write the reacting ions:
Mg + Cu2+ + 2Cl-  Mg2+ + 2Cl- + Cu
③Rewrite the equation, eliminating the ions that do not change:
Mg + Cu2+ + 2Cl-  Mg2+ + 2Cl- + Cu
④Construct an ionic equation for the reaction:
Mg + Cu2+  Mg2+ + Cu
⑤Write two half equations for the reaction:
a) Mg  Mg2+ + 2e- b) Cu2+ + 2e-  Cu
Write two half equations for the reaction
between potassium metal & iron (II) bromide

①Write a balanced equation for the reaction:

2K + FeBr2  2KBr + Fe
②Write the reacting ions:
2K + Fe2+ + 2Br-  2K+ + 2Br- + Fe
③Rewrite the equation, eliminating the ions that do not change:
2K + Fe2+ + 2Br-  2K+ + 2Br- + Fe
④Construct an ionic equation for the reaction:
2K + Fe2+  2K+ + Fe
⑤Write two half equations for the reaction:
a) 2K  2K+ + 2e- b) Fe2+ + 2e-  Fe
Identify in these two half equations which
species is oxidised and which is reduced
Al – 3e-  Al3+ Cr3+ + 3e-  Cr

Al  Al3+ + 3e- (Loss of electrons = oxidation)

Cr3+ + 3e-  Cr (Gain of electrons = reduction)

Magnesium is more reactive than silver. It
can displace silver ions, Ag+, from solution.
a) Write the half equations for the displacement of
silver ions by magnesium. Identify which is
oxidised and which is reduced.
b) Write the ionic equation for the displacement
reaction. The number of electrons transferred
must be equal.
Aluminum is more reactive than lead. A displacement
reaction happens when a piece of aluminum is dipped
into lead nitrate solution, Pb(NO3)2(aq).
i. The formula for aluminum ions is Al3+ and the
formula for nitrate ions is NO3-
ii. Write the formula for aluminum nitrate.
iii. Write a balanced symbol equation for the
displacement reaction.
iv. Identify, giving reasons, which metal atom or metal
ion is reduced, and which is oxidised.

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