Introduction Budget Control

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Introduction Budget Control

Budget Control Module User

contains :
◦ Managing commitments
◦ Managing payments received
◦ Generating reports
Starting Budget Control
 Login to the IBEX application
 Click on the ‘Budget Control’ module link,

and you will be directed to

The Menu Bar and The Toolbar
 contains the
◦ ‘Language’
◦ ‘Help’
 Toolbar
Managing Commitments and
payment received.
Entering Commitments
1. Select ‘Year’ The
◦ budget structure for that year will be loaded in
the ‘Budget Tree’ pane.
2. Click on the ‘Budget Control’
Editing Commitments
 You can only edit the date, description and
reference number on a commitment and on a
payment received.
 The amount field cannot be edited.
 Deleting Budget Control items is not allowed.
 BudgetControl Module generates two
main reports.
◦ Budget Ledger Card and
◦ the Budget/Expenditure Subsidiary Ledger
Card reports.
Reporting Concepts
 Budget Tree
◦ Generating reports is intimately tied to the budget
 Scope
◦ Scope refers to the level of the government for
which reports are generated.
 Parameters
◦ Parameter refers to the variables a report requires
including a month range as well as the contents of
the rows and columns.
Generating Reports

 Reports in IBEX are generated

◦ HTML report
◦ Excel report
◦ PDF report
Reports List
 The Budget Control Module generates the
following reports.
◦ Budget Control Reports
◦ Ledger Reports –
◦ Checklist Reports –
◦ Budget Ledger Card
◦ Budget/Expenditure Subsidiary Ledger Card
◦ Payments Received Checklist
◦ Monthly Reports
◦ Monthly Budget Vs Expenditure By Budgetary
◦ Monthly Budget Vs Expenditure by Account Code

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