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By: Yan Sun, Yun QI, Peggie, Erina , Jia Xin

• Orbit – All planets that revolve around the Sun in a definite path.
• Period of revolution – Time taken by a planet to complete one revolution
around the Sun.
• Period of rotation – Time taken by a planet to complete one rotation.
 Nearest planet to the Sun
 Yellowish orange
 Revolving speed is the fastest
 No satellite
 Smallest planet of our solar system
 Brightest planet
 Closest planet to the earth
 Called morning or evening star
 No satellite
 Appears in eastern part of sky
 Rotates from east to west
( retrograde motion)
 Appears blue-green from space
 Always remains in the same direction and
is responsible for change in seasons
 The moon is Earth’s only natural satellite.
 The only planet in the solar system on
which life is known to exist
 The ozone layer protects us from harmful
ultraviolet (UV) radiations of the Sun.
 Appears slightly reddish
 Believed to have large amount of
water in form of ice
 Has two small natural satellites
 Largest planet
 Can be observed as a very bright object
in the evening
 Has a faint ring
 Has a large red spot ‘The Great Red
Spot’ which is a giant storm
 Has 67 natural satellites
 Second largest planet
 Very cold
 Least dense planet
 Third largest planet
 Extremely low planet
 27 moons
 Rotates from east to west
 Appears green
 Eighth planet
 Very low temperature
 13 moons
 Appears blue
 Has a ring that is not well
That’s all for now :)

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