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TccInological Environmcni

omaraiivc Managcmcni in Focus - India

< |nola bas wltnesseo a cbange ln values, bablts ano optlons
ourlng tbe last oecaoe.
< Tbe economy, secono tastest growlng ln tbe worlo, ls
epecteo to grow close to 8.5 tbls year.
< Fastest growlng telecom market wltb more tban one
mllllon new moblle pbone subscrlptlons per montb.
< Forelgn lnvestors bave lnvesteo $5 bllllon lnto tbe |nolan
stock market
TIc TccInological Environmcni
< orporatlons must consloer tbe acceleratlng macro-
envlronmental pbenomenon ot tecbnogloballsm (raplo
oevelopments ln lntormatlon ano communlcatlon
< orporatlons must consloer tbe approprlablllty ot
Imaci Of TccInology
< Tecbnology ano Soclal bange
< Lconomlc Lttects
< Tecbnology ano Plant levels
TccInology and Sociciy
< #eacbes People tbrougb 8uslness
< Hlgber Lpectatlons ot onsumer
< System omplelty
< Soclal bange
Economic Effccis
< |ncreaseo Proouctlvlty
< Neeo to speno on # D
< [obs become |ntellectual
< Demano tor apltal
< Problem ot Tecbnostructure
TccInology and Plani lcvcls
< rganlsatlon Structure
< #eslstance to bange
< Fear t #lsk
< L-ommerce ano L-8uslness
lolal E-Dusincss
< L-buslness tbe lntegratlon ot systems, processes,
organlzatlons, value cbalns ano entlre markets uslng
|nternet-baseo ano relateo tecbnologles ano concepts.
< L-commerce - reters olrectly to tbe marketlng ano sales
process vla tbe |nternet
onsirainis io TccInological rowiI
< Pollutlon
< Tbe |noustrlal #esource 8ase
< Soclal |nstltutlons
Scicncc and TccInology Policy 2003
< Sclence ano tecbnology governance ano lnvestments: Tbls
woulo lnvolve mecbanlsms to obtaln sclence ano tecbnology
plannlng lnputs on a contlnuous basls trom a cross-sectlon ot
tbe sclentltlc communlty.
< ptlmal utlllzatlon ot elstlng lntrastructure ano competence
by networklng ot elstlng lntrastructure.
< Strengtbenlng ot tbe lntrastructure tor sclence ano tecbnology
ln acaoemlc lnstltutlons.
< Tecbnology oevelopment, transter ano olttuslon: An aggresslve
bencb-marklng ot tecbnologles woulo be carrleo out along
wltb aooptlon, olttuslon ano transter ot lnnovatlon to tbe
proouctlve sectors.
< Promotlon ot lnnovatlon
TecbnoIogy transIer
< Tbe movement ot new tecbnology trom lts creator or
researcber to a user, esp. as prooucts or publlcatlons, also,
tbe movement ot new tecbnology trom oevelopeo areas
to less-oevelopeo areas.
< Metboos ot Tecbnology Transter
< 8y lmprovlng ano upoatlng tecbnology
< 8y aooptlng ano absorblng newer tecbnology.
< 8y lnnovatlng ano lmprovlng tbe tecbnology lmporteo
< 8y better uslng tecbnology ln proouctlon
< 8y proouclng new klnos ot prooucts
< Tbrougb lmproveo systems ano lmproveo organlzatlons ano
ettectlve use ot tecbnology

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