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Java Programming Language

Course Introduction
I. Instructor Information

II. Course Description

III. Textbook && Reference Resources

IV. Grading Policy

V. Academic Policy
Instructor Information

Dr. Huỳnh Công Việt Ngữ
Why Java?
Language C Java
Language level • Middle • High
Paradigm • A procedure-oriented • an object-oriented programming
programming language language
Translation • C code is compiled to • Java code is compiled to bytecode, which
machine code for a specific is then interpreted by the Java Virtual
platform Machine (JVM) on any platform.
Memory • Manual memory management. • Automatic memory management
management through garbage collection
Application • Develop system applications and • develop enterprise applications and web-
firmware based applications.
Standard library • Limited • includes a wide range of functionality
Popularity • Less popular programming • The most popular programming
language language
Exception handling • Not present • present
Course Description
 Main content:
 Understand the concepts of object-oriented programs to solve
 Understand fundamentals of object-oriented programming in Java
• Explain the concept and demonstrates the use of Polymorphism,
Encapsulation, Abstraction and Inheritance in java
• Practice basic Java language syntax and write Java programs that
use concepts such as variables, conditional and iterative execution
• Discuss on the benefits and the use of JAVA’s Exceptional handling
 Main textbook:
 Core Java-Volume 1: Fundamentals, Cay Horstmann, 2007
 Core Java-Vol 2: Advanced Features, Cay Horstmann, 2008
Learning Tools
 JDK 1.8
 NetBeans 8.2
 How to download and install NetBeans and JDK:
Grading Policy
1. On-going assessment:
 6 labs :
 1 assignment :
 2 progress tests (PT) :
2. Practical and Final Exams:
 1 practical exam (PE):
 1 final exam (FE):
3. Completion Criteria:
1. Every on-going assessment (average) component > 0
2. PE>0
3. FE>4
Academic Policy
1. Cheating:
 Talking, peeking at another student’s paper or other clandestine
method of transmitting information

2. Plagiarism:
 Using the work of others without citing it; that is, holding the work
of others out as your own work
Introduction to Java
1. History of Java
2. What is Java?
3. JDK, JRE && JVM
4. How the Java works
5. First Java Program in NetBeans
History of Java
 Introduced in 1995 by Sun Microsystems
 Initially called "Oak"
 Its objective was to develop a software for embedding in
consumer electronic devices
What is Java?
 An object-oriented programming language
 A cross platform language
 A high level programming language
 Characteristics:
 Simple
 Object-oriented
 Distributed
 Architectural neutral
 High performance
 Robust
JDK, JRE && JVM (1/4)
 JDK:
 A platform-specific software
 A software development kit:
• contains tools for developing Java applications: compiler,
debugger, javadoc, ...

How the Java works

JDK, JRE && JVM (2/4)
 JRE:
 Provides the libraries, the JVM and other components to run
applets and applications
 For only Java program execution, JRE installation is enough

How the Java works

JDK, JRE && JVM (3/4)
 JVM:
 Is an instance of JRE
 Translates bytecode into native machine code
 Manages and organizes memory through Garbage collector

How the Java works

JDK, JRE && JVM (4/4)
How the Java works (1/2)

JVM Window

Java Java
source code compiler

JVM Linux
How the Java works (2/2) (source code)

Java Compiler

Java byte-code: file.class

Java Runtime Interpreter / Java Virtual

Machine (java.exe)
First Java Program in NetBeans (1/7)
 NetBeans:
 A free and open source integrated development environment
(IDE) for application development on Window, Linux, Mac and
Solaris OS
 Supported programming languages:
• Java, HTML5, PHP, C/C++
Download && Install
JDK and NetBeans
 JDK:

 Apache NetBeans 8.0:

First Java Program in NetBeans (2/7)
 This program will show the string “Hello World” to the screen.

 Steps
1. Create a new Java NetBeans project
2. Add a Java class
3. Write code
4. Compile/Run the program
First Java Program in NetBeans (3/7)

1- Create a new Project

First Java Program in NetBeans (4/7)

2- Add a new Class

First Java Program in NetBeans (5/7)

2- Add a new Class-cont

First Java Program in NetBeans (6/7)

3- Write code
First Java Program in NetBeans (7/7)

4- Run program
Basic Object-Oriented
Programming Principles
 Object-Oriented Programming Principles:
 Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
 Abstraction
 Encapsulation
 Inheritance
 Polymorphism
Object-Oriented Programming (1/2)
 Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):
 A programming paradigm built on the concept of objects
 Each object contains:
• attributes, and behaviors/methods
 Principles of OOP:
• abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism

Name: Hùng
Address: HCM
Bike model: Vario155
Salesman: Mai Anh
Công việc: Lập trình 8h/ngày
Object person
Object-Oriented Programming (2/2)
 Problem:
 Develop a hotel management software

Procedure-oriented Programming Object-Oriented Programming

Abstraction (1/2)
 Abstraction:
 A process of identifying and grouping attributes and actions
related to a particular entity as relevant to the application at
 Advantages:
• Focus on the problem
• Identifies the essential characteristics and actions
Abstraction (2/2)
 Example:
 Identifying and grouping attributes and actions related to
the customer entity in the Bike-sale application

Class name Customer

Attributes  Name of customer
 Adress of customer
 Salesman who sole the bike
 Bike-Model
Actions/Methods  Generate the bill
Encapsulation (1/6)
 Encapsulation:
 A process of binding data (such as attributes and methods)
together in a single entity (Class)
 A combination of Data hiding and Abstraction concepts
• Abstraction: refer to simplifying an entity
• Data hiding: refer to limiting access to data in the class
from other class through the access modifiers

+ Class

Encapsulation (2/6)
 Class :
 A template in Java that is used to define an entity in terms
of common attributes and actions.
 Defines a new data type (ex: customer)
 Every time an instance of a class is created, an object
is generated
 The object contains its own copy of each attributes defined
by the class

Class Customer
Encapsulation (3/6)
 Object :
Name: Hùng
 An instance of the class
Address: HCM
Bike model: Vario155
Salesman: Mai Anh
Bill-generation: 50$

Instance 1

Class definition Name: Minh

Address: Dak Lak
Bike model: Airblade160
Salesman: Mai Anh
Bill-generation: 55$

Instance 2
Encapsulation (4/6)
 Class && Object:
 Class defines an entity, while an object represent an actual
 Class is a conceptual mode (defines attributes and actions
required of an object), while an object is a real model
 Class is a prototype of an object
 All objects belonging to the same class have the same
attributes and actions
Encapsulation (5/6)
 Advantages:
 Data privacy:
• Limit the access of data existing within a class
• The inner workings of a class hidden from external
 Modularity:
• Set up read-only, write-only, or both mechanisms on
classes based on your specific requirements, selectively.
Encapsulation (6/6)
 Advantages-cont:
 Reusable:
• Reuse your previous Java code in a new context by
combining it with inheritance principles.
 Efficient testing:
• Allows for more efficient testing within a software
application (i.e, unit testing)
Inheritance (1/3)
 Inheritance:
 A mechanism in which one entity (class) acquires all the
attributes and methods of a another class.
 The core idea:
• Allow us to create new classes that are built upon existing

Class name Animal

Attributes  color
Actions/Methods  Eat

Class name Dog Class name Lion

Attributes  owner Attributes  Jungle name
Actions/Methods  Bark Actions/Methods  Roar
Inheritance (2/3)
 Advantages:
 Reusable:
• Reuse your previous Java code in a new context
 Avoiding code duplication:
• Reduce the amount of duplicate code by sharing common
code among multiple derived classes
• Tips: if similar code exits in two related classes, we can
move the common code to a parent class
Inheritance (3/3)
 Advantages-cont:
 Preserves the integrity of parent class:
• Declare a subclass does not affect its parent class's
source code
 Data hiding:
• The parent class can be set to keep some data private so
that it cannot be altered by the derived class
 Polymorphism (many forms):
 A concept by which we can perform a single action/method in
different ways
 Poly means many, while "morphs" means forms
Java Fundamentals and
Control Structures
 Analyze the Java Program
 Understand the basic of Java Language
 Format output
Analyze the Java program

 /* … */:

o commented lines

 public class HelloWorld:

o declare a new class called HelloWorld

 public static void main (String []

o main method where the program

 System.out....:

o Display the string "Hello World" on the

Basic of the Java Language
 Keywords and Naming Convention
 Variables
 Data types
 Type casting
 Reference && Pointer
 Operators
 Control structure
Keywords and Naming Convention
 Keywords: Almost keywords are reused from C language
 Naming convention:
Type Convention Example
package • lowercase package calculator
Class • CamelCase format Class CustomerService
• Use Nouns
Interface • CamelCase format Interface Comparable
• Use verb-phase
Variable • Mixed case String firstName
• Use nouns
Methods • Mixed case Void calculatorTax()
• Use verb to describe the goal of method
Constants • Uppercase Static final int HEIGHT
Variable (1/3)
 Variable:
 A container which holds a value while the Java program is

Variable declaration syntax datatype identifier [=value];

Variable (2/3)
 Scope and Lifetime:
 Variables can be declared inside a block
 The block begins with an opening curly brace and ends with
a closing curly brace
 A block defines a scope
 A new scope is created every time a new block is created
 The block also determines the life of an object
Variable (3/3)
 Scope and Lifetime:
 Example:
Data types (1/3)
 Data types:
 Primitive data types:
• Simple non-object data type
• Primitive variable store a actual value

 Reference data types:

• Object data type
• Reference variable store a reference /address of created
Data types (2/3)
 Primitive data types:
Type Bytes Minimum Maximum
char 2 \u0000 \uFFFF
byte 1 7
-2 2 -1

short 2 -2
2 –1

int 4 -2
2 –1

long 8 -2
2 -1

float 4
double 8
boolean true/false

DataType var [=Initial value] ;

Data types (3/3)
 Reference data types:
 Array for example:
String s=new String("Hello");
 Class
 Interface
Type Casting (1/2)
 Type casting:
 A conversion between primitive data types
 Widening casting(automatically):
• Converting a smaller type to a larger type size
byte short char int long float

 Narrowing casting (manually):

• Converting a larger type to a smaller type size
• Placing the type in parentheses in front of the value

float long int char short byte

Type Casting (2/2)
 Type casting:
 Example:
Reference && Pointer Comparison
Reference in Java Pointer in C
Role A variable that holds the A variable that holds
address of object the address of
another variable
Arithmetic operation No Yes
Location Objects are put on the Objects/struct are put on
heap only the stack
Casting rule Only related objects (same Free casting pointer to
hierarchy) can be cast totally different type
Category Operators
(Descending Precedence)

Unary ++ -- + - ! ~ (type)
Arithmetic * / %
+ -
Shift << >> >>>
Comparison < <= > >= instanceof
== !=
Bitwise & ^ | They are the same with
Short-circuit && || those in C language
Conditional ?:
Assignment = op=
Control Flow Structure (1/2)
 Decision-making:
 If-else statement
 Switch-case statement

 Loops:
 while loop
 do-while loop
 for-loop
 jump statement
Control Flow Structure (2/2)
An enhanced for loop
Implementation Encapsulation
 Recall
 Class and Object Implementation
 Concept Package
 Access modifiers
 Case study
 Encapsulation:
 A process of binding data (such as attributes and methods)
together in a single entity (Class)
 A combination of Data hiding and Abstraction concepts

• Class: Class = Data (attributes) + Methods

How to access
• Data of a class should be hidden from
the outside (other classes).
Getter, Setter • Constructor: A special method that is used
to initialize a new object.
Class && Object Implementation (1/10)

 How to represent a Class?

 UML Diagram
 Example:

Class name Animal

Attributes  Color
 owner
Actions/Methods  Eat

Class name
Color : String attributes
Owner: String
UML Diagram
Class && Object Implementation (2/10)

 Class Implementation

Class implementation in Java

Class && Object Implementation (3/10)

 Constructor:
 Is invoked to create a new object from
the class
 No datatype in the declaration
 The method name is similar to the
class name
 The compiler automatically provides a
no argument, default constructor for
any class without constructor
Class implementation in Java
Class && Object Implementation (4/10)

 Constructor-cont:
 Example:
Class && Object Implementation (5/10)

 Keyword this:
 a reference to the current object


Reference Object
Class && Object Implementation (6/10)

 Methods:
 A block of code is utilized to execute specific actions outlined within it


 dataType:

• Expected return data type of the method

• Using void if the method does not need to return

Class && Object Implementation (7/10)

 Methods:
 Example:
Class && Object Implementation (8/10)

 How to access attributes?

 Accessing or editing data should be accomplished through
 Specific solution: getters && setters

• Getters: A set of methods, each of which allows getting

the value of an attribute respectively
• Setters: A set of methods, each of which allows setting
the value of an attribute respectively
Class && Object Implementation (9/10)

 How to access attributes?

 Example:
Class && Object Implementation (10/10)

 Creating objects:
 An actual object is created a class template

ClassName obj = new ClassName ()

ClassName obj = new ClassName (params)

 Accessing a attribute of the object: obj.attribute

 Call a method of the object : obj.method()
Demo (1/7)
 In this demonstration (package
 The class IntPoint1 represents a
point in a two-dimensional coordinate

 The class IntPoint1_Use contains

the main method, within which the
class IntPoint1 is utilized
Demo (2/7)

(2) Setup

y 0
100 x 0

(1) Memory

An object variable is a reference p 100

Demo (3/7)
 This demonstration will depict:
 The way to insert some methods
automatically in NetBeans

 If user-defined constructors are

implemented, compiler does not insert
the system default constructor
Demo (4/7)
Insert constructor

Parameter names are the same as those

in declared data filed. So, the keyword
this will help distinguish field name and
parameter name.
this.x means that x of this object
Demo (5/7)
Insert getter/setter
Demo (6/7)
Demo (7/7)
Package in Java (1/2)
 Package
 a namespace that organizes a set of related classes and
 Categories:
• Built-in Packages (packages from the Java API):

• User-defined Packages (create your own packages)

Package in Java (2/2)
 Package
 Advantages:
• Categorize the classes and interfaces so that they can be
easily maintained
• Java package provides access protection
• Java package removes naming collision
Package in Java: Demo
• Add a Java

If package is used, it must be

the first line in Java code
Access modifiers (1/3)
 Modifier
 Keywords are used to control the visibility of an interface,
class, method, or attribute
 Categories:
• Access modifiers: specifies the accessibility or scope of a
attribute, method, or class
• Private, default, protected, public
• Non-access modifier: change the behavior of a class,
method or attribute
•  final, abstract, static, volatile, …
Access modifiers (2/3)
public > protected > default > private
Access level
Applied to
Free-accessing public

package/ subclass

outside cannot access
members of
no specifier
Interface is a group of prototyped
methods and they will be
Note: If you don't use any modifier, it is implemented in a class afterward. It
treated as default by default. will be introduced later.
Access modifiers (3/3)
Case Study (1/6)
 Problem:
 A sports car can be available in a variety of colors, featuring
an engine power ranging between 100 HP and 200 HP. It may
come in either a convertible or a standard model. Equipped
with a starter button for the engine and a parking brake, upon
releasing the parking brake and depressing the accelerator, it
moves according to the transmission setting
Case Study (2/6)
 Class design:
Case Study (3/6)
 Using UML diagram to represent the Car class:
Case Study (4/6)
Case Study (5/6)
Case Study (6/6)
Inheritance Implementation
 Recall
 Basic concepts: super class, subclass
 Syntax of Java Inheritance
 Inheritance types
 Demo
 “Instanceof” Operator
 Casting with Reference Variable
 Inheritance:
 A mechanism in which one entity (class) acquires all the
attributes and methods of a another class
 The core idea:
• Allow us to create new classes that are built upon existing
Super class, subclass, reusability
 Super class (parent class):
 A class from where a subclass inherits the features.
 Subclass (derived class):
 A class which inherits the other class.
 Reusability:
 In subclass, we can re-use the same attribute and
methods already defined in the parent class
without declaration
 Note:
 Constructor is not inherited
 All classes are inherited from Object class
Syntax of Java Inheritance (1/2)
 Syntax:
Syntax of Java Inheritance (2/2)
 How to re-use constructor from parent class?
 Solution:
 subclass constructor must invoke super-class constructor
by using keyword super
Inheritance Types
 Inheritance types in Java:
 Single inheritance
 Multi-level inheritance
 Hierarchical inheritance

single Multi-level Hierarchical

Demo- Single Inheritance (1/2)
Demo- Single Inheritance (2/2)
“Instanceof” Operator
 instanceof:
 A method to check whether an object is an instance of the
specified type (class, subclass, or interface)
 Notes:

• An object of subclass type is also a type of parent class

Casting with Reference Variables
 Casting types:
 Upcasting:
• Casting from a subclass to a superclass Dog dog = new Dog()
Animal animal = dog ;
• Implicitly performed by the compiler.

 Downcasting:
• Casting from a superclass to a subclass
• Explicitly use a cast operator.

Animal animal = new Animal () ;

Dog dog = (Dog) animal
Polymorphism Implementation
 Recall
 Overloading && Overriding
 Interface
 Abstract Class
 Polymorphism:
 A concept by which we can perform a single action/method in
different ways
 Poly means many, while "morphs" means forms

Overloading && Overriding

 Overloading:
 A feature that allows the creation of multiple methods in a
class with the same name but different parameters

 overloading with constructors

public Rectangle(){…}
Rectangle public Rectangle(int length, int width){… }
# length: int
# width: int  Overloading also extends to general
+ Rectangle();
+ Rectangle(int, int) public void setValue(int len){
+ setValue(int): void length= (len>0)?1:0;
+ setValue(int, int): void }
public void setValue (int len, int wi){
length= (len>0)? 1: 0;
width= (wi>0)? wi:0;
 Overloading:
 A feature that allows the subclasses to modify the
method of parent classes by redefining the methods
defined in the super class
Overridden method: An inherited method is re-written

Overloaded methods: Methods have the same

name but their parameters are different in a class
Interface (1/2)
 Interface :
 A blueprint (sketch) that is used to implement a class
 It only contains : constants, initialized attributes, static
methods, abstract methods, default methods
 Cannot be instantiated because they can contain abstract
 It can only be implemented by classes or extended by
other interfaces
 Note:
• Multiple inheritance in Java can be achieved through
the use of interfaces
Interface (2/2)
 Syntax:
Interface-Demo (1/4)
 Create an Interface:
Interface-Demo (2/4)
 Implement an Interface:

set lock in the default method
on TV
off TV
shut down after 10000 seconds
TV remote's price:10
TV Remote has: 20buttons
Interface-Demo (3/4)
 Using multiple Interfaces:

set lock in the default method
on TV
off TV
shut down after 10000
TV remote's price:10
TV Remote has: 20buttons
increase volumn
Interface-Demo (4/4)
 Interfaces extends Interface:

on AC
display Korean
set lock in the default method
Abstract Class (1/2)
 Abstract Class:
 A class that is declared abstract
 It may or may not include abstract methods
 It cannot be instantiated but can be inherited
• The subclass must provides implementations for all abstract.
Otherwise, the subclass must also be declared abstract.
Abstract Class (2/2)
 Syntax:
Abstract Class-Demo (1/3)

Abstract Class-Demo (2/3)

This class have no abstract method but it is declared as an

abstract class. So, we can not initiate an object of this class.
Abstract Class-Demo (3/3)

Wrapper Classes and String
 Wrapper class
 String , StringBuffer, Stringbuilder
 Scanner Class
 Formatting Output
Wrapper class (1/7)
 Wrapper class:
 Pre-defined classes in Java library
 Provide a way to use primitive data type as objects
• Convert primitive to object
 Each java primitive has a corresponding wrapper class
Wrapper class (2/7)
 Primitive and Corresponding Wrapper Class
Wrapper class (3/7)
 Why Wrapper class?
 Reasons:
 Collections handles only object data
 Object data allow null value
 Serialization
 Safe-thread (wrapper classes are immutable):
• Immutable: the value cannot be changed because
wrapper classes do not provide setters
Wrapper class (4/7)
 Example:
Wrapper class (5/7)
 Example-cont:
Wrapper class (6/7)
 Example-cont:


classes are
because they
do not have
Wrapper class (7/7)
 Data type Conversion?
 Autoboxing:
• Convert a primitive data type into its corresponding
wrapper class:
 ex: byte to Byte , int to Integer
 Unboxing:
• Convert a wrapper type into its corresponding primitive
data type
 ex: Byte to byte , Integer to int
Autoboxing && Unboxing -Demo

x 5 Boxing/auto boxing:
encapsulating/wrapping a
int x= 5;
primitive value to an object.
Integer obj = new Integer(5);
Unboxing: get primitive value
Integer obj2 = new Integer (“123”);
wrapped in a wrapper object.
Strings Class

 String:
 Pre-defined java class to encapsulate strings of characters
 Contains an immutable string
 Almost methods return a new string
 Usage:
String Demo
String Demo
StringBuffer and String Builder Classes

 StringBuffer and StringBuilder:

 Represent strings that can be dynamically modified.
 StringBuffer is threadsafe, while StringBuilder is not
 Almost of their methods are the same as methods in the
String class.
StringBuffer Demo
Formatting Output (1/2)
Formatting Output (2/2)
Array of Objects
 What is Array in Java?
 Case Study using Array
Array in Java (1/2)
 Array:
 A container object that holds a fix number of values of a
single type
Array in Java (2/2)
 Basic Operations in Array:
 Print all the array elements (objects)
 Add an object at the given index
 Delete an object at the given index
 Search an object using the given index or by the value
 Update an object at the given index
Case Study (1/4)
 Problem:
 A antique shop that sells antique items, namely vases, stat-
ues and paintings. The owner can add item to inventory. The
shop will keep items in the list. The owner can add a new
item to it, he search also the item,….

Using Array to store and

mange list of objects
Case Study (2/14)
Case Study (3/14)
public class Item
{ // declare fields
protected int value; // the price of a Item (>=0)
protected String creator; // the creator who creates the item( is not empty)
public Item(){ value=0; creator=""; }
public Item(int value, String creator){
//getters,setters: you is required to add more code to get/set fields of a Item object
//this method is used to input all fields of a Item object
public void input(){
//use Scanner class to input fields
//use try..catch/throws to handle exceptions
//this method returns a string that includes value, creator of a Item object
public String toString(){
Case Study (4/14)
public class Vase extends Item
private int height;//height of a vase (>=0 and <=2000)
private String material;//material of a vase (is not empty)
//TODO: you add more your codes
//this method is used to input all fields of a Vase object
public void input(){
//use Scanner class to input fields
//use try..catch/throws to handle exceptions
//this method returns a string that includes value, creator, height, material of a vase
public String toString(){
//return ;
Case Study (5/14)
public class Statue extends Item
private int weight; //the weight of a statue object (weght>=0 and
private String colour; ////the colour of a statue object (is not empty)
//You add more your code
//this method is used to input all fields of a statue object
public void input(){
//use Scanner class to input fields
//use try..catch/throws to handle exceptions
//this method returns a string that includes value, creator, weight, colour of a statue
public String toString(){
//return ;
Case Study (6/14)
public class Painting extends Item
private int height; //the height of a painting object (height>=0 and <=2000)
private int width; //the width of a painting object (height>=0 and <=3000)
private boolean isWatercolour; //the painting object use s a watercolor or not
private boolean isFramed; //the painting object has s a frame or not
//You add more your code
//this method is used to input all fields of a painting object
public void input(){
//use Scanner class to input fields
//use try..catch/throws to handle exceptions
//this method returns a string that includes all fields of a painting object
public String toString(){
//return ;
Case Study (7/14)
public class ItemList
Item [] list; // an array to store all items
int numOfItem; // to store the number of items that added to the list
final int MAX=100; // is the size of the array
public ItemList(){
list=new Item[MAX];
//this mothod add an Item object to the list
//input: a new item that needs to add
//output: return true/false
public boolean addItem(Item item){
if( item==null || numOfItem>=MAX)
return false;
return true;
Case Study (8/14)
//this method prints out information of all items
public void displayAll(){
System.out.println("the list is empty");
for(int i=0; i< numOfItem; i++){
//this method finds the item by its creator
//return the item that is found of the first occurrence.
pulic Item findItem(String creator){
for(int i=0; i< numOfItem; i++)
if( list[i].getCreator().equals(creator))
return list[i];
return null;
Case Study (9/14)
//this method returns the zero_based index of the first occurrence.
pulic int findItemIndex(String creator){
for(int i=0; i< numOfItem; i++)
if( list[i].getCreator().equals(creator))
return i;
return -1;
//this method updates the item at the specified position in this list
//input: the index you wish to update

pulic boolean updateItem(int index){

if( index >= 0 && index < numOfItem){
return true;
return false;
Case Study (10/14)
//this method removes the item at the specified position in this list.
//Shifts any subsequent elements to the left
//input: the index you wish to remove
pulic boolean removeItem(int index){
if( index >= 0 && index < numOfItem){
for(int j=index; j< numOfItem; j++ ){
numOfItem --;
return true;
return false;
Case Study (11/14)
//this method prints out all items that belong to the given type in the list.
public void displayItemsByType(String type){

if (type.equals("Vase")){
for(int i=0; i < numOfItem; i++)
if ( list[i] instanceof Vase) System.out.println( list[i]);
else if (type.equals("Statue")){
for(int i=0; i < numOfItem; i++)
if ( list[i] instanceof Statue) System.out.println( list[i]);
else {
for(int i=0; i < numOfItem; i++)
if ( list[i] instanceof Painting) System.out.println( list[i]);
Case Study (12/14)
//this method sorts items in ascending order based on their values.
public void sortItems(){
for(int i=0; i< numOfItem; i++)
for(int j=numOfItem-1; j>i ;j--){
if( list[i].getValue()< list[j-1].getValue()){
Item tmp=list[j];

}//end class
Case Study (13/14)
public class antiqueShop{
public static void main(String[] args){
Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
int choice=0;
System.out.println("1. add a new vase");
System.out.println("2. add a new statue");
System.out.println("3. add a new painting");
System.out.println("4. display all items");
System.out.println("5. find the items by the creator ");
System.out.println("6. update the item by its index");
System.out.println("7. remove the item by its index");
System.out.println("8. display the list of vase items ");
System.out.println("9. sorts items in ascending order based on their values
System.out.println("10. exit");
System.out.println("input your choice:");
Case Study (14/14)
case 1:
Item tmp=new Vase();
case 2:
case 3:
}//end switch
} while(choice<=9); //end while
} //end class
Exception Handling
 exception
 exception handling
 Demo
Exception (1/2)
 Exception:
 In Java, exception is an event that disrupts the normal flow of
the program at runtime.

Exceptions are pre-defined data

(Exception classes) thrown by
JVM and they can be caught by
code in the program
Exception (2/2)
 Exception Types:
 Checked Exception: Exceptions are checked at compile time
(IOException, …).
 Unchecked exceptions: Exceptions are not checked at com-
piletime, but they are checked at runtime (ArimeticException, Ar-
rayOutOfBoundsException, …).
 Error: Error is irrecoverable. Some example of errors are Out-
OfMemoryError, VirtualMachineError, AssertionError etc.
Exception Handling (1/4)
 Exception handling solutions:
 Using try-catch block
 Throws mechanism
Exception Handling (2/4)
 Try-catch block:
Exception Handling (3/4)
 Try-catch block-cont:
Exception Handling (4/4)
 Using throws mechanism:

The throws keyword indicates what exception type may be thrown by

a method.
Exception Handling: Demo (1/3)
Using try…catch to input an integer ,10<=n<=50

public static int inputInteger(){

Scanner in = new Scanner(;
boolean cont = true;
int n;
do {
try {
System.out.print(“Enter a whole number: ");
n = Integer.parseInt(in.nextLine());
cont = false;
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Required integer!");
} while (cont == true|| n<10 || n>50);
return n;
public static void main(String[] args){
int n= inputInteger();
System.out.print(“number:” + n);
Exception Handling: Demo (2/3)
Using try…catch to input an integer ,10<=n<=50
Exception Handling: Demo (3/3)
Using try…catch to input an integer ,10<=n<=50
 Introduction to Collection Framework
 Common Collections:
 List
 Set
 Map
Collection Framework (1/4)
 Collection:
 Java Collections are the one-stop solutions for all the data
manipulation jobs:
• storing data, searching, sorting, insertion, deletion, and
updating of data.
• Java collection responds as a single object

• Collection framework:
• Offer the capability to Collection to represent a group of
objects in Interfaces and Classes
Collection Framework (2/4)

Java framework hierarchy

Collection Framework (3/4)
 Common methods in Collection interface:
Collection Framework (4/4)
 Common Interfaces and Classes:

Central Interfaces Common Used Classes

Store: Dynamic array
Use index to access an

Store: Specific structure/tree

Use iterator to access elements
java.lang.Comparable interface

keySet() Use
values() iterator
Common Collections
 Common collections:
 List
• Collection in which elements are stored in an order manner

• Elements can be duplicated

 Set
• Collection that store distinct elements

 Map
• Collection that store key-value pairs

• Allow fast access to the value based on their corresponding keys

List (1/2)
 List:
 Keeps its elements in the order in which they were added
 Each element in List has an index, starting from 0
 Common methods:
• void add(int index, Object x)
• Object get (int index)
• int index (Object x)
• Object remove (int index)
List (2/2)
 Implemented Classes:
 ArrayList
 Vector (is synchronized)
 LinkedList
List –Demo (1/2)
 ArrayList:
List –Demo (2/2)
 Vector:
 Set:
 Store distinct objects

 Implemented Classes:
 TreeSet:
• Objects are sorted in the ascending order
 HashSet
• Constant time performance for the basic operations: add,
remove, search, …
Set –Demo (1/7)
 TreeSet-cont:
Set –Demo (2/7)
 TreeSet-cont:
Set –Demo (3/7)
 TreeSet-cont:
Set –Demo (4/7)
 TreeSet-cont:
 How to TreeSet ordering objects?
 Solution:
 Provide specific criteria based on one of the object's

Set –Demo (5/7)
 TreeSet-cont:
 How to TreeSet ordering objects?
Set –Demo (6/7)
 HashTable:
 Index of an element is determined by a predefined-function: F

storage with Array/Vector Storage with Hashtable

Set –Demo (7/7)
 HashTable-cont:
 Map:
 Store data in the format <key, value>
 Each key maps to a value
 It does not allow duplicate keys

 Implemented Classes:
 TreeMap:
• Keys are sorted
 HashSet
• Leverage the pre-defined hash-function
Map –Demo
Further Discussion
Why Wrapper Classes are Immutable?
Why Wrapper Classes are Im-
mutable? (1/3)
 Wrapper classes in Java:
 String, Boolean, Character, Byte, Short, Integer, ..

 Why are all wrapper classes kept as immutable?

 Reason: Catching, security, synchronization
Why Wrapper Classes are Immutable
in Java? (2/3)
 Security:
 Since they typically all are widely used in most java
applications (i.e, sensitive pieces of information), se-
curing stored value in wrapper classes is crucial regard-
ing the security of the whole application in general
 Synchronization:
 Being immutable makes Wrapper classes thread safe
since they won’t be changed when accessed from mul-
tiple threads.
Why Wrapper Classes are Immutable
in Java? (3/3)
 Catching:
 The references to the immutable objects can be easily
shared or cached without having to copy or clone them
as their state cannot be changed ever after construc-
tion. -> save heap memory -> increase performance
Parameter Passing Mechanism
Parameter Passing Mechanism
 Parameter passing in Java:
 Passing mechanism: Passed by value
 Datatype of parameters :
• primitive and reference data type
Abstract Class and Interface
Interface && Abstract Class
Abstract class Interface
Declaration Abstract class ClassName Interface InterfaceName
Can be instantiated? No No
 a mix of methods declared  a mix of methods declared
with or without an with or without an
Methods implementation implementation
 Methods can be set to  All methods are set to
private, protected, … public
Attributes?  Do not need initialized  must be initialized
 share code among related
classes.  unrelated classes would
When to use? implement the interface.
 You want to declare non-
static or non-final fields  multiple inheritance

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