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Group Members:
W Anthony Ndung`u
W Lsther Ndung`u
W lelister Mwangi
W Caroline Kamau
W lrasia Karua
W Samuel Mugo
resenLaLlon CuLllne
W ueflnlLlon
W ConfllcL rocess
W AnLecedenLs Cf ConfllcL
W 1ypes Cf ConfllcL
W Managlng ConfllcL
W LmoLlons and ConfllcL
ueflnlLlon of ConfllcL
W 1wo ot mote lotetJepeoJeot pottles wbo petcelve
locompotlble qools scotce tesootces ooJ
lotetfeteoce ftom otbets lo ocblevloq tbot qool
(nocket wllmot 1995)
W competltloo betweeo lotetJepeoJeot pottles wbo
petcelve tbot tbey bove locompotlble oeeJs
qools Jesltes ot lJeos (voo 5lyke 1999)
W 1be lotetoctloo of lotetJepeoJeot people wbo
petcelve opposltloo of qools olms ooJ voloes
ooJ wbo see tbe otbet potty os poteotlolly
lotetfetloq wltb tbe teollzotloo of tbese qools
(lotoom loole 1987
ConfllcL rocess
Antecedent cond|t|ons
erce|ved conf||ct
Ie|t Conf||ct
Man|fest behav|or
Conf||ct keso|ut|on
Cr Suppress|on
keso|ut|on aftermath
AnLecedenLs ( Causes) of ConfllcL
W CompeLlLlon for carce 8esources
W ConfllcLlng aLLlLude
W unmeL expecLaLlons
W CommunlcaLlon barrlers
W need for consensus
W unresolved prlor confllcLs
W knowledge of self and oLhers
8ole lay
1ypes of ConfllcL
WlLhln Lhe conLexL of an organlzaLlon Lhere are dlfferenL Lypes
of confllcLs
W ntrapersona| Conf||ct wlLhln an lndlvldual
and Lhe declslons
W nterpersona| Conf||ct beLween lndlvlduals ln
a group or organlzaLlon
W ntergroup Conf||ct beLween groups ln Lhe
same organlzaLlon such as deparLmenLs
managemenL leadershlp eLc
1ypes of ConfllcL
W Iunct|ona| conf||ct works Loward Lhe goals of
an organlzaLlon or group ConsLrucLlve
ConfllcL"Mary arker lolleLL (1923)
ncreases lnformaLlon and ldeas
Lncourages lnnovaLlve Lhlnklng
unshackles dlfferenL polnLs of vlew
8educes sLagnaLlon
W sfunct|ona| conf||ct blocks an organlzaLlon
or group from reachlng lLs goals
1ypes of ConfllcL conL'd
Conf||cts re|at|ng to the structure of the
W Iert|ca| conf||ct Lhls ls a dlspuLe beLween
people aL dlfferenL levels of auLhorlLy ln Lhe
organlzaLlonal sLrucLure
W or|zonta| conf||ct ls a dlspuLe ls beLween
people of approxlmaLely equal sLaLus such llne
1ypes of ConfllcL conL'd
Conf||ct re|at|ng to how |t takes p|ace
W Crgan|zed conf||ct refers Lo Lhe acLlons of one
group whlch expresses collecLlve
dlssaLlsfacLlon agalnsL anoLher
W Dnorgan|zed conf||ct ls LhaL whlch Lakes place
on an lnformal usually lndlvldual basls
(alLhough groups may be lnvolved)
1ypes of ConfllcL conL'd
Conf||ct based on "r|ghts" or "|nterests"
W A confllcL of rlghL arlses from an alleged
vlolaLlon of rlghLs
W A confllcL of lnLeresL arlses from Lhe dlfferenL
asplraLlons lnvolved ln Lhe agreemenL of Lerms
and condlLlons of employmenL
8ole lay
Managlng ConfllcL
Managlng ConfllcL 1echnlques
@homas (1977) |dent|f|ed f|ve conf||cthand||ng
modes wh|ch ma be used b managers
WAvo|dance lgnorlng or suppresslng Lhe
problem ln Lhe hope Lhe problem wlll go away or
noL be Loo dlsrupLlve
WAccommodat|on allowlng Lhe oLher parLy Lo
wln and have hls/her/Lhelr own way
Managlng ConfllcL 1echnlques
W Compet|t|on baLLllng Lhe confllcL ouL ln an
aLLempL Lo wln lL
W Comprom|se ( G|ve take approach)
seeklng mlddle ground by bargalnlng
W Co||aborat|on seeklng Lo saLlsfy Lhe deslred
ouLcomes of boLh parLles
W Avo|d|ng passlve wlLhdrawal from Lhe
problem or acLlve suppresslon of Lhe lssue
Managlng ConfllcL 1echnlques
loollyAoy pottlcolot opptoocb ls oot
opptoptlote lo oll sltootloos ooJ tbe moooqet
wlll bove to ossess tbe sltootloo to Jetetmloe
tbe best posslble moJe of lotetveotloo lo otJet
to teJoce ot tesolve tbe coofllct
8ole lay
LmoLlons ConfllcL ManagemenL
W LmoLlons are complex human reacLlons Lo
personal achlevemenLs and seLbacks LhaL may
be felL and dlsplayed
W AffecL your ablllLy Lo Lhlnk communlcaLe and
acL effecLlvely
W undersLand Lhelr own emoLlons and Lhose of
Lhelr coworkers
W negaLlve and poslLlve emoLlons and cope wlLh
Lhem ln dlfferenL ways
LmoLlons ConfllcL ManagemenL
W LmoLlons hlnder confllcL resoluLlon process
W LmoLlonal nLelllgence ls lmporLanL when
deallng wlLh confllcLs ln Lhe workplace
W rlmary componenLs of emoLlonal
W Managers handllng confllcLs
W LmoLlonal lnLelllgence compasslonaLe
undersLandlng and empaLhlc
;A esslon

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