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SUBJECT: English

STUDENTS: Sara Rodriguez, Lixi Paz , Ingrid Cubillos

TEACHER: Hernan Vallego

The present simple tense is used to express habitual action, general truths ,or facts. It’s formed by adding ‘-s’
or ‘-es’ to the base form of the verb for third- person singular subjects ( he, she, it). For example: “She eats
breakfast every morning.
Example:1. Bod always drink/drinks tea in the morning
2.What do/does she like/likes?
3.My sister don’t/doesn’t play tennis
Playful Examples:
1.Who_______ Sally ________ in spain? (visit)
she ______ her aunt and uncle. (visit)
2. _________Tom________ to school by bus.(go)
No, he doesn’t. He ______ to school on foot (go)
3.what________she_______on TV?(watch)
She _________ the news but she_______soap operas.(watch) (not watch)

The present simple affirmative is used to talk about habitual actions, general truths, or facts. It’s formed by using the base form of the verb for
all subjects except third person singular, where you add “s” or “es” to the verb. For example:”I eat”, “ He eats”,”she eats”,”they eat”,”we eat,”
“you eat”.
1. The birds sing at dawn
2. Sally drinks a glass of milk every day before bedtime
3. Cats chase mice in the garden

To use the present simple in the negative with any verb that is different from to be, we use the auxiliary don't or doesn't, normally contracted: I
don't want that. I don't want that. We don't vote.

• I do not eat a lot of fruits.

• You do not eat a lot of fruits.
• He does not eat a lot of fruits.
•He ____ a book every month. doesn't reads. ...
•You ____ my girlfriend yet. ...
•Your grandmother ____ in Chicago. ...
When you ask a question with the present simple interrogative in English, you expect a response from the person
to whom you asked the question. In fact, this answer can be simple (yes or no) or provide specific information.

Do you live in Paris?

¿Lees revistas? Do you read magazines?
¿Coge (ella) el autobús? Does she take the bus?
¿Tiene (él) trabajo? Does he have a job?
Adjetivo posesivo Pronombre posesivo
Your (tu) Yours (tuyo)
His (su, de él) His (suyo / suya, de él)
Her (su, de ella) Hers (suyo / suya, de ella)
Its (su / sus, de una cosa) Its (suyo(s) / suya(s), de una cosa)

Pronombre de sujeto Pronombre posesivo Ejemplo

he his hose shoes are his.
she hers This suTit is hers.
we ours That house is ours.
you yours These turtles are yours?!

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