Pertemuan 2 - PSAK 13 14 16 19

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Main sources:
1. h t t p : / / i a i g l o b a l . o r . i d /
2. B r a g g , S t e v e n M , I F R S G u i d e b o o k 2 0 1 9 E d i t i o n , A c c o u n t i n g T o o l s , 2 0 1 9
3. K i e s o , D o n a l d E . , d a n J e r r y W e y g a n d t , T e r r y W a r f i e l d , I n t e r m e d i a t e
Accoun ting, IFRS Edition , 4 th Edition, Jo hn Wile y and Sons, 2020
4. … .
5. … .
PSAK 13/IAS 40
A non-monetary asset that is held with the intent of earning a return,
either from its rental or appreciation
 A building held with the intent of being leased as a right-of-use asset, even if that is not currently the case
 Land for which a future use has not yet been determined
 Land held in order to benefit from the appreciation of its price over time
 Property

Not considered to be investment properties:

 Property being developed on behalf of another party
 Property being developed for immediate sale, or ready for immediate sale
 Owner-occupied property that is used by the owner or its employees
 Property being leased under a finance lease (see the Leases chapter)

Additional concepts of property classification:

 Extra services
 Leases to related party
 Multiple uses
When its cost can be reliably measured and its economic benefits will probably
flow to the owning entity.
on an ongoing basis, with any change in
 Deferred payment fair value recognized in
 Ongoing expenditures FAIR VALUE MODEL profit or loss in the period in which the
 Replacement fair value change occurs.
 Start-up costs
 Transaction costs Consistently
at its cost, which
 Waste is depreciated on an ongoing basis and
 Leased asset COST VALUE MODEL periodically evaluated for Simpler &
 Non-monetary purchase expensive

include the cost of the replacement item

in the carrying amount
FAIR VALUE MODEL of the asset, and then reassess its fair
Disposed of or permanently value
withdrawn from use:
 Sold Derecognized derecognize the item being replaced and
add the cost of the item being added
 Leased under finance lease Or
COST VALUE MODEL the cost of the replacement can be used
to indicate what the cost of the replaced
item was when it was new
Transfer Asset
a change in use

Shift from owner use Investment property

Shift to owner use Owner-occupied basis

Alternatives Shift to sale Inventory

Shift from sale Investment property

Shifting Assets

cost model -- no change in the cost basis of fair value model – the fair value of an asset
an asset. on the date when its
designated use changes
Disposal Asset
a change in use

Shift from owner use Investment property

Shift to owner use Owner-occupied basis

Alternatives Shift to sale Inventory

Shift from sale Investment property

Shifting Assets

cost model -- no change in the cost basis of fair value model – the fair value of an asset
an asset. on the date when its
designated use changes

Kieso, Donald E., dan Jerry Weygandt, Warfield, Terry., Intermediate Accounting, IFRS Edition, 4rd edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2020
• asset items that a company holds for sale in the ordinary course of business, or
• goods that it will use or consume in the production of goods to be sold.

Inventory Cost Flow Classification

IFRS requires that inventories be measured at the lower of cost or net realizable value.

Two Types System Inventory


Perpetual Periodic
records all purchases LIFO
determines the
and sales (issues) of
quantity of
goods directly in the WEIGHTED
inventory on hand
Inventory account as AVERAGE
only periodically
they occur

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