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• A state in which the risks and the threats
resulting from them are minimized or

• The sense of being safe physically,

emotionally, and environmentally – impacts
wellbeing in many ways, including physical
health, emotional wellbeing, and how we
manage stress.
2 To Deter Crime and Criminals
Security discourages criminal activity and criminality. Criminals are less
inclined to attempt a break-in or conduct a crime on a property if they observe
THE PURPOSE OF that it is well-protected. This explains why security measures like gates,
fences, and security cameras are frequently seen surrounding government
SECURITY buildings or commercial establishments. Their actions make it very evident
that the inhabitants are not to be trifled with.

To Create a Sense of Safety for Those Living or

To Protect People and Their Property Working in the Area
Creating a sense of safety for individuals who live or work nearby
The most crucial purpose of security is to protect people and their
is another crucial goal of security. This is especially crucial in areas
property. This includes both their physical safety and their
with a high crime rate. If people feel comfortable, they are more
possessions. Good security measures will make it difficult for
likely to go about their lives normally and not live in fear.
criminals to target a person or a place.
Additionally, when crimes are committed, this feeling of safety
may encourage more collaboration with law police.
4 To Maintain Law and Order
Law and order are maintained in part through security. Security forces are vital to maintaining a lawful
society by protecting citizens and preventing crime. This is especially true in public spaces like
stadiums or concert halls that regularly host big audiences.

5 To Support the Criminal Justice System

Security assists the criminal justice system by acquiring data and safeguarding witnesses. CCTV surveillance footage can
help identify criminals and provide law enforcement with a tip on where to look for them. Also, it increases the likelihood
that prosecutors will be able to compile a solid case against the offender if witnesses feel comfortable coming forward.

Emotional Well-Being

WELL-BEING 1 • the capacity to use relaxation and stress-management techniques, be

tenacious, increase self-love, and produce positive emotions.

Well-being is the experience of health, Physical Well-Being

2 • The ability to improve your body's function through a healthy lifestyle and
happiness, and prosperity. It includes good exercise habits.
having good mental health, high life Social Well-Being
satisfaction, a sense of meaning or 3 • The ability to communicate, form meaningful relationships with others, and
maintain a support network that will help you overcome loneliness.
purpose, and the ability to manage
stress. Workplace Well-Being
4 • The ability to pursue one's interests, values, and life purpose to find
professional meaning, happiness, and abundance.

Societal Well-Being
5 • The ability to actively participate in a thriving community, culture,
and environment.
Importance of Well-being & Security

Feeling safe, stable and secure is central to our sense of wellbeing, and the
security of the places we inhabit is so often only noticeable in its absence.
How safe we feel at home, and in our place of work can adversely
influence our social habits, productivity and sense of freedom. When we
feel safe, we find it easier to relax, to create, contribute and to focus on the
work or study we need to do to help ensure our stability.

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