Parts of The Body

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Human Body- a combination of parts and
systems that work together to perform the
necessary functions of life.
There are many parts of the body.

Tongue Eyes Ear

Mouth Neck Shoulder

Hands Feet Nose

Parts of the Body and its Functions:
Tongue – helps us to taste foods.
Eyes - Sensory organ that helps to see.
Ear - Sensory organ that helps to listen.
Nose - Sensory organ that helps to smell.
Mouth - The mouth helps us speak, and this is
where we put our food.
Neck - Supports the head’s weight and allows
the head to turn.
Shoulder - A part of the body that connects
the arm to the body.
Hand - writing, climbing, drawing, getting
Feet - Walking; supporting body weight;
propelling the body forward.
Direction: Identify to which the name of the parts of the body belong to
which function. Write your answers in the blank.
_____1. organ that helps to see.
_____2. Keeping the body stable; walking, running.
_____3. Helps us to taste foods.
_____4. Part of the body that connects the arm to the body.
_____5. Helps us speak, and this is where we put our food.
_____6. organ that helps to listen.
_____7. organ that helps to smell.
_____8. Writing, drawing, climbing .
_____9. Supports the head’s weight and allows the head to turn.
_____10.organ that helps to watch TV.

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