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Analog Electronics

Ideal opamp, open loop and closed operation of


Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus
Opamp-internal structure

Output + dc offset which due to circuit imperfections

Amplified output which is

Inverting input Vo1 able to drive load
V1 - Differential Differential Level Vo
amplifier amplifier shifter and Power
dual input dual input buffer amplifier
V2 dual output single output
Non-Inverting Vo2
dc offset reduced output
Applications : IR Sensor designing
(1) one Opamp to be considered and (2) Opamp acts as a
TL084 Quad opamp IC
•Circuit requiring high input impedance
•Amplifier Circuits
•Buffer application
•Audio pre-amplification
•Multi-stage Voltage generators
•Audio/noise filter circuits
Ideal Opamp

Vo = AOLVid = AOL(V1 - V2)

AOL is the open loop gain of the opamp

Equivalent circuit of opamp

Express Vo in terms of Vs

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Equivalent circuit of opamp

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Infinite input resistance Rid

𝑅 𝑖𝑑 1
𝑉 𝑖𝑑 =𝑉 𝑠 =𝑉 𝑠
𝑅 𝑠 + 𝑅 𝑖𝑑 𝑅𝑠

If Rid is very large (infinite), Vid = Vs, i.e. all the applied input
signal will be available for opamp amplification
12 BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Zero output resistance Ro

𝑉 𝑜= 𝐴𝑂𝐿 𝑉 𝑖𝑑 = 𝐴 𝑂𝐿 𝑉 𝑖𝑑
𝑅𝑜 + 𝑅 𝐿

If Ro is zero, Vo = AoLVid i.e. all the applied input signal will be

available for opamp amplification
13 BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Virtual Short & Virtual Ground

Vo = AOLVid = AOL(V1 - V2)

AOL= Infinite (open loop)

VO = Infinite (Not Correct)
but VO should be finite
(Vo / AOL) = V1 – V2 = 0

V1 = V2

Virtual Short

15 BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Virtual Ground

V1 = V2 = 0

Virtual Ground

The currents I1 & I2 flowing through the input terminals = zero

16 BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Open Loop OP-AMP Configuration
Three Open loop Configuration Namely :
1. Differential OP-AMP
2. Inverting OP-AMP
3. Non-inverting OP-AMP

Vo Differential OP-AMP
V1 = Vin1 and V2 = Vin2.
Vo = AOL(Vin1 – Vin2 )
Open Loop OP-AMP Configuration
Three Open loop Configuration Namely:
1. Differential OP-AMP
2. Inverting OP-AMP
3. Non-inverting OP-AMP

Inverting OP-AMP
V1 = 0, V2 = Vin.
Vo = -AOL Vin
Open Loop OP-AMP Configuration
Three Open loop Configuration Namely:
1. Differential OP-AMP
2. Inverting OP-AMP
3. Non-inverting OP-AMP

Non-Inverting OP-AMP
V1 = +Vin , V2 = 0
vo = AOL Vin
Transfer characteristics

A practical limitation of the

op-amp is that the
magnitude of its output
voltage cannot exceed supply
voltages |VCC| or |VEE|
Linear region : Vo  A(V1  V2 )
V1  V2  V1  V2 
For VCC  15 V, A  105
V1  V2  150 μV
If V1  V2 by 150 μV, Vo VSAT
If V1  V2 by 150 μV, Vo   VSAT

In open loop, Range of operation is very small i.e. ± 150 μV

Note : -ve Feedback increases the range of operation
Open loop frequency response of opamp
The bandwidth of an amplifier is defined as the band of frequencies for which the gain remains
constant. It is the maximum frequency, the OPAMP can be used for.
• Although open loop opamps have a very high gain, the gain starts to fall at a very low frequency.
• The open loop breakpoint, i.e. the frequency at which the gain has fallen by 3 dB is often only a few Hz.
For IC 741 it is around 6 Hz.
• Beyond this the response gain falls at a rate of -6dB/octave or -20dB/decade.

Open loop gain Vs frequency curve of

Open loop frequency response of opamp
• The frequency at which gain equals 1 is known as the unity gain bandwidth.
• It is the maximum frequency the OPAMP can be used for.

Open loop gain Vs frequency curve of 741C

Hence the closed loop operation of opamp is needed to improve the bandwidth.
Thank You
Draw backs of open loop operation
 Limited input range
 Open loop voltage gain is not constant it varies with changes in temperature and power
 Not suitable for linear applications as the linear region of operation is very small.
 Bandwidth is negligibly small.

Gain can be controlled by modifying the open loop opamp.

Modification involves feedback, output is feedback either directly or through another
Closed loop operation of Opamp
Why Negative Feedback?
When device's gain is simply too large (unknown) and its bandwidth too narrow, negative
feedback is used to set the gain to a specific precise value (irrespective of internal gain) and
increase the bandwidth of operation.
Open loop gain =

Closed loop gain = =

When operating in closed loop, open loop gain is suppressed by a factor of

If is very high, then = = ~

Where is the feed back factor

Effects of negative feedback

• Increases the input resistance, decreases the output resistance

• Does all this at the expense of gain
Relationship between closed loop and open loop parameters
 Input resistance with feedback , =

 Output resistance with feedback , =

 Bandwidth with feedback or closed loop bandwidth, =

 Gain bandwidth (GBW) product of the opamp is constant hence =

 from which closed loop frequency, = =

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