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Week 3 – Time Management and Smart
• Welcome - Announcements - Opening Prayer (5 min)
• Devotional “Simplification and Inspiration” (10 min)
• Spreadsheet activity (3 min)
• Time Management discussion (10 min)
• SMART goal activity (25 min)
• Testimony & Closing Prayer (3 min)
Academic Honesty
• “When we are honest in every way, we are
able to enjoy peace of mind and maintain self-
respect. We build strength of character, which
allows us to be of service to God and others.
We are trustworthy in the eyes of God and
those around us.”(1)
Devotional – Elder Dale Renlund
“Simplification and Inspiration!”

• What did you learn from Elder

Renlund’s message?
• How can we apply his advice in
our lives?

Elder Dale Renlund,

Quorum of the 12 Apostles
Application Activity: Spreadsheets
• For this activity, you will learn some Excel spreadsheet basics.
• You will need to do this assignment and turn it in after the Gathering.
Please help each other with your questions. You can use the group
• There are three videos that show you exactly what you should do: one
for Excel in a browser, one for Excel using the Android app and one for
Excel using the iPhone app. The easiest to use is Excel in a browser.
• This is the spreadsheet you will work on:
Spreadsheet Activity
Time Management
• “How fragile life, how certain death. We do not know
when we will be required to leave this mortal existence.
And so I ask, ‘What are we doing with today?’ If we live
only for tomorrow, we’ll have a lot of empty yesterdays
today. Have we been guilty of declaring, ‘I’ve been thinking
about making some course corrections in my life. I plan to
take the first step—tomorrow’? With such thinking,
tomorrow is forever.”
President Thomas S. Monson, 16th president
of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Align Your Time to Your Priorities
• What point is illustrated by
these photos?
• Note:
 Big rocks=important tasks,
 Small rocks=somewhat
 Sand=not important.
 Both jars have the same rocks
and sand!
• Put the “big rocks” in first!
Time Management
• What is something that you should start
• What is something you should you stop
• What should you continue to do?
Time Management
• To make sure the “big rocks” get in, use a Pacing Chart:
Top-Level and Lower-Level Goals
• Top-level goals provide a vision of
what can be accomplished
• Lower-level goals provide the
specific tasks to be completed
• What happens if we have no top-
level goal?
• What happens if we have no
lower-level goals?
Top-Level and Lower-Level Goals
What are some examples of top-level goals?

What are some lower-level goals you could set in order to

achieve some of these top-level goals?

The lesson talked about “SMART” goals being a good way to

execute lower-level goals.

What does each letter of SMART stand for?

“SMART” Goals
Stan wants to cut back on video
games and social media, but he
hasn’t been successful. He
doesn’t have a motivating top-
level goal. A good top-level goal
should remind Stan of why
achieving this goal is important to
him and his family.

What is a good top-level goal for

Setting a top-level goal is not enough. It establishes the “why” and
desired end result of the goal, but it does not answer the “how.” How
will Stan cut back on his electronic usage? What concrete steps can he
take now to start cutting back?

List two or three good lower-level goals for Stan

Select one of those lower-level goals and turn it into a SMART goal
using the guide below:
Stan has wanted get out of debt for
years. He doesn’t have a good top-
level goal. A top-level goal needs to
be motivating and remind Stan of why
achieving this goal is important.

What is a good top-level goal for Stan?

What would some good lower-level goals be for Stan? List two or

Select one of those lower-level goals and turn it into a SMART goal
using the guide below:
Do you have an example from your own life when
you set (and met) a top-level goal? How did
breaking it down into lower-level goals help you
achieve your goal?
Testimony & Prayer

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