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Daphnie L.

Arancon – STEM 12​

Heeding Disaster
Risks 101

Assessing the risks of

Types of Disasters


Presentation title 2
In Assessing the signs of Disaster,
The biggest mistake to make is to be ignorant of your environment. Large
scale disasters have more collateral damage due to the lack of awareness
and preparedness of everyone and everything involved.

Presentation title 3
Defined as a sudden catastrophic occurrence, dealing massive damage to
an area, disasters are life threatening events that can handicap a certain
population and area.

Presentation title 4
1. Vulnerability
Why do 2. Risk
disasters 3. Hazards
Types of Disasters
Natural Disasters (Calamities)

Volcanic Plagues
Typhoons Earthquakes Landslides eruptions
- it is a tropical Sudden shaking of A mass wasting or Eruption of a This disaster is
cyclone the earth, usually large scale erosion volcano causing characterized by
cause by quick of soil and ash clouds, magma the mass spreading
-large scale storms shifts in tectonic flow, and of illness, usually
sediment, causing
that can cause plates, or oncoming earthquakes. transmitted from
an equally large
flooding, landslides eruptions. one organism to
scale destruction.
,and many more. another.

Anthropogenic (Man-made) Disasters

Complex Technological/industrial
Terrorism and Violence
Humanitarian emergencies Disasters

These are humanitarian

emergencies from war. Nuclear, biological, and/or These disasters happen when
Displacement of people from chemical warfare and weapons industrialization is unregulated
their homes, ethnic cleansing, etc. for mass devastation (i.e and safety standards are
For example, the situation in genocides, wars) disregarded. For example,
Gaza, Palestine. Chernobyl accident in 1986.

What do I do...
Before the disaster

Prepare Listen in to the news Always keep your valuables ready.

• Prepare disaster kits with first aid, • Be observant of your • Organize your important
ready to wear clothing, and other surroundings. identification documents like
items that may be essential to national IDs, Passports, PSAs,
your survival. • Listen to news about the weather, etc.
political updates, and other
• Prepare an insurance plan incase general things that may cause or • Secure your valuables in a safe
you lose everything involve hazards. place in your house, preferably
away from hazards.

Presentation title 10
During the disaster

Gather your needs Listen in to the news Don’t panic

• Ensure that the entirety of your • Be especially observant of your • Once evacuated and you’re sure
family is safe with their surroundings. that your loved ones are safe,
respective kits, strategize your plans around the
• Keep updated with what’s disaster.
• Evacuate as soon as possible happening around you, your
escape routes, evacuation centers, • Strategize what to do after
• Gather together in a safe spot in etc. disaster
your house if evacuation isn’t

Presentation title 11
After the disaster

Listen to the authorities Evaluate your situation Get back home if possible
• Listen in if it’s safe for you to go • See if anyone needs immediate • Understand the magnitude of the
home and get your belongings. help and seek it help out as soon disaster and evaluate the state of
as possible. your home, if one is allowed to go
• The authorities will also keep you back.
updated regarding the disasters • Get someone to evaluate your
safe spots and evacuation centers • Salvage anything that’s possible
for any needed help. to be salvaged– do so with

Presentation title 12
If one is prepared and knowledgeable about the different disasters, they
will be much more safer.

Presentation title 13

Thank you

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