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By R.C. Nwalupue (Mrs)

Learning Objectives
At the end of the session, the participants will be able to: identify the concept of management process; identify the functions of management and

discuss management roles and activities.

Managers work through and with other people in the course of the performance of their functions. The core part of this function is to excel in assisting an organization to achieve the utilization of all its human and material resources. It is the responsibility of the managers to successfully mobilize technology and talent by creating work environments within which others work hard and perform to the best of their abilities.

Management has been defined as the art of getting things done through people. Management has been described as the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals, working together in groups effectively accomplish aims. This definition implies the following: as managers, people perform the managerial functions of planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling.

Management applies to any kind of organization. Applies to managers at all levels. Managing is concerned with productivity and this implies efficiency and effectiveness.

Management has also been defined in reference to corporate leadership as a body or group of people who assume joint responsibility for setting objectives, formulating policies and taking major decisions in the organization.

Objectives have been defined as the long-term results that an organization seeks to achieve in pursuing its basic mission, (which is its raison detre the reason for its existence). The objectives are vital to the success of an organization because they provide direction, reveal priorities and are essential for effective planning, organizing motivating and coordinating activities. The objectives of an organization provide a blue-print for the managerial activities of the organization.

Organisations have different objectives but two objectives are common to all. These are social and profit objectives. Organizations help in improving the quality of life of the society through the quality of service rendered. Profit maximization is a cardinal requirement for survival and success. A clear statement of objectives is a necessary requirement for performance, performance measurement, harnessing of resources, singleness of purpose, direction and commitment.

A breakdown of some common objectives are as follows: 1. Financial Objectives Profits smooth cash flow good and reliable financial records good and timely financial statements prudent management of funds mix of debt and equity capital which gives the lowest cost of capital Major policies can have significant impact on profits


Production/Operations Objectives

The overall production objectives relate to the achievement of: quantity (volume) targets quality targets capacity utilisation level productivity level reduction/control of waste, production cost use of appropriate technology, methods, processes industrial health and safety effective use of resources

3.Marketing Objectives quality goods and services customer satisfaction (through quality products and service delivery) achievement of sales volume development of new products and markets] maintenance of market share achievement of market leadership

4.Service Delivery

Many government or non-commercial organisations are not very conscious of marketing objectives, although they have a greater need to think of themselves as offering a service that ought to be appropriately marketed. Industrial, commercial, service, not for profit and government organisations have a compelling need to think about service delivery. The main objectives in service delivery generally include:

5. Human Resource Objective

good, fair and competitive wages quality of work life concern for people and results shared values and interest recognition of contribution skilled, committed and satisfied work force discipline

6. Social and Community Relations Objectives Corporate responsibility

Giving back to society through quality products and services Good public image Community relations and communication
Community relations projects

7. General Organizational objectives

Expansion and growth Participatory leadership good communication and interpersonal relations Healthy work climate Strategic options
Ownership Partnerships, collaboration Consolidation, capitalisation, integration

Leadership with vision and sense of direction

Managers perform their core job function of harnessing the human and material resources through the process of management. Planning, organizing, leading and controlling the use of resources to accomplish performance goals. These functions are performed by all managers regardless of the level, type and organizational setting.

Planning Organising Leading Controlling

Other Management Functions include

Staffing Delegating Providing resources Monitoring Evaluating, appraising Communicating Training, developing Negotiating, representing Problem solving Decision making

Handling conflict Team building Facilitating change Entrepreneurship Innovating

Each of these functions has basic principles and skills. The effective manager must have a good understanding of these functions and skills.


An effective manager plays different roles at different times in the performance of his functions. The recognition and interpretation of these roles helps in the achievement of overall success in the accomplishment of goals and objectives. a. Interpersonal Roles
This refers to how a manager interacts with other people figure-head leader liaison

a. Interpersonal Roles This refers to how a manager interacts with other people figure-head leader liaison
b. Informational roles A manager exchanges and processes information monitor Disseminator Spoke person

A manager needs to apply information in decision making Entrepreneur Resource allocator Negotiator

Money Men (human resource) Machines Materials Methods Information Time

Managers have to make effective use of their resources. They have the responsibility to invest their organisations funds in profitable ventures, develop and manage their human resource capability, utilise and maintain their machinery effectively and take measures that will ensure attainment of their goals.


A skill is defined as an ability to translate knowledge into action for effective results in desired performance. In the scope of the performance of management function, a lot of skills are necessary but according to Katz, there are three main skills technical, human and conceptual. However, it is necessary to state that the relative importance of the skills tends to vary with the level of managerial responsibility.

ESSENTIAL MANAGERIAL SKILLS Lower Level Manager Middle Level Manager Top Level Manager

Technical Skills This is the ability to use a special

proficiency or expertise to perform a particular job.

Human Skills This refers to the ability to work

well with other people. It emerges in the workplace environment as trust, enthusiasm and genuine involvement in interpersonal relationships.

Conceptual Skills This is the ability to think analytically, solve complex problems and take decisions. It involves the capability to break down problems into minute parts. With the assumption of higher duties and responsibilities, the problems become more complex and the manager at this level must have a broad view at defining situations.


leadership skills self-objectivity analytical thinking Behavioural flexibility Oral communication Written communication Personal impact Resistance to stress Tolerance for uncertainty

MANAGEMENT ENVIRONMENT Organisations have both internal and external environment each of which play an important part in the management of an organisation. Internal environment has to do with objectives, management styles, resource capabilities and organisational climate. The external environment - economic, social, political, cultural, legal and technological.
The task environment comprises financers, suppliers, distributors, customers and competitors.

CHALLENGES FACING MANAGERS Many organisations in our country today are at a critical point. Factors in the environment create severe threats to survival. Many industrial organisations had for many years operated below capacity. Many organisations have not made profits for years. Many government establishments still exist today because of a benevolent lifeline extended to them by government. Many are calling for turn-around strategies.

The challenges facing managers go beyond the individual organisation fighting to survive. Public infrastructures are in a state of near total collapse. Cost of running business has increased phenomenally. Our economic and social life is characterized by deep level of poverty, unemployment, corruption, social instability, crime . The level of competition has intensified, especially considering the impact of globalisation on our industries.

Managers have a critical role to play in turning around their organisations and improving performance. They are expected to set objectives, allocate resources and create the climate for effective job performance. They have to evolve and implement strategies which will lead to the realisation of desired change and attainment of goals.

Managers have a collective responsibility to manage their organisations competently through Effective management of resources Quality management practices, Decisions, Programmes, Products Service delivery.

Managers have a great role to play in organisational performance and success. Most of the problems which face organisations are internal rather than external. With the right skills, therefore, managers can solve many of their problems. Environmental factors play a significant role in organisational performance. Managers who are adept in environmental scanning can adapt their programmes to environmental demands and exploit factors in the environment to their advantage.



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