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We Ensure Your Safety,

“Mga Kamayonan!”
Leader: Mercado, Ashley Nicole

Members: Espanol, Marianne E.

Alinas, Rosalyn May G.
Pineda, Princess Leira L.
Ismael, John Michael
Perez, Jerickson P.
Andres, James Calvin A.
But before we get started, Let’s have a short QandA.
Raise your hand if you want to answer.

1. What is the tallest volcano in the Philippines?

2. What is the most active volcano in the Philippines?
3. What is the Philippines known for having a lot of volcanoes?
4. Give atleast 5 volcanoes in the Philippines.
5. What is the meaning of PHIVOLCS?

Lets Get to Know

More About
What is a VOLCANO?
A volcano is an opening in the earth’s crust through
which lava, volcanic ash, and gases escape.
Volcanic eruptions are partly driven by pressure
from dissolved gas, much as escaping gases force
the cork out of a bottle of champagne. Beneath a
volcano, liquid magma containing dissolved gases
rises through cracks in the Earth’s crust.

What happens when a

volcano erupts?
Eruptions occurring close to human settlements may
spill and destroy lives and property. Landscapes and
natural sceneries can be destroyed.
What are the things
we can do or the safety
guidelines we must follow
(Before, During, and After)
Volcanic Eruptions?
1.Recognize the warning indications of an imminent eruption, which include a rise
in the frequency of rumbling-sounding volcanic earthquakes, a shift in the color of
the steam emission from white to gray, and the dehydration of nearby springs,
wells, and plants.

2.Learn about the community's safety procedures by keeping an eye on the most
recent alerts and warnings, figuring out where the evacuation site is, and packing
your family's emergency kit.

3.Everyone needs to be aware of the risks associated with volcanic eruptions. It is

anticipated that volcanic eruptions would cause ash falls, which may endanger
people, pets, plants, machinery, and buildings. Furthermore, breathing in fine
volcanic ash for an extended length of time might lead to pulmo-respiratory

4.Assemble everything you'll need in case of an evacuation, including a clean cloth

or gas mask, candles, matches, flashlights, additional are batteries and most of all
an enough food that will last for days. Remember to assemble your disaster supply
kit in advance.

5.Recognize the regions that fall under the danger zones.

1.Remain composed. Put on safety goggles and cover your mouth and nose with a mask or sanitized cloth.
2.In the event that ash or rocks fall while you are outside, find cover right away. Avoid all areas that are low to
the ground and use glasses to safeguard your eyes.
3.If you are inside a home, stay informed about the volcanic eruption by tuning in to the radio. To keep ashes
from entering the house, shut all of the windows, doors, and windows on your automobile.
4.If there is a lot of ashfall while you are driving, go to the side of the road and stop.
5.Scrape off the ash accumulation on roof tops as soon as the ashfall lessens to avoid roof collapse.
6.As soon as you are informed, head for safer ground. Until additional instructions are given, remain in the
evacuation center. Until instructed to depart, do not try to leave the premises.
7.Wash all cutlery well before using. Food and water containers should be covered to prevent ash contamination.
8.To keep your dogs from breathing in ash, keep them inside the house or in their shelter.
9.Avoid areas near rivers and streams as they may cause a lahar flood.
1.When cleaning, put on masks.
2.To stop rusting, wash the roof and gutters with water after the ash has
been removed.
3.Before using water to clean the windows, furniture, and plants, shake
off any ash. As you wipe, cover your nose.
4.Await any additional volcanic eruption announcements.
Interview Time!

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