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Radical Axis

 The radical axis is defined as the locus of a point with
equal powers with respect to 2 circles

The power of P w.r.t C1 = C2

 PA = PB

 PA2 = PB2

We can equate PA2 and PB2

Equation of Radical Axis
 h2+k2+2g1h+2f1k+c1 = h2+k2+2g2h+2f2k+c2

 2h(g1–g2)+2k(f1–f2)+(c1–c2) = 0

Locus: 2x(g1–g2)+2y(f1–f2)+(c1–c2) = 0

Therefore, Radical Axis is:

S 1 – S2 = 0
Perpendicular to C1C2
 Slope of C1C2 = mC1C2 = (f1–f2)/(g1–g2)

 Slope of Radical Axis:

mRA = (g2–g1)/(f1–f2)

 mRAmC1C2 = –1

So, RA ⊥ C1C2
Different Cases
1. Radical Axis for intersecting Circles:

Common Chord

2. If two circles touch:

Common tangent at point of contact

The 2nd result is true for both external and internal touch

L = 0 is the radical axis for C1, C3 and also C1, C2

Bisects the Common
 Radical Axis bisects a common tangent to the two circles

 AB is the common tangent, let it intersect RA at P

Since P lies on RA, PA = PB

 P bisects AB
Case of Inscribed Circle
 If C2 lies inside C1, then RA lies outside the circles

Why is this?

Consider the point P on orange line

Length of tangent from P on C1 = 0

But, tangent from P on C2 ≠ 0

Therefore, RA lies outside

 Show that the equation of a straight line meeting the
circle x2+y2 = a2 in 2 points at equal distance ‘d’ from
(x1,y1) on its circumference is: xx1 + yy1 – a2 + d2/2 = 0

We need equation of line AB

We know the equation of C1

Another circle passing through A, B

will have AB as common chord with C1
Example contd.
 We have drawn C2 centered at (x1, y1) having radius d

C2 will pass through A, B

 Equation of AB: C1 – C2 = 0

C2 is (x–x1)2 + (y–y1)2 = d2

Therefore, AB is:

[(x–x1)2+(y–y1)2–d2]–[x2+y2–a2] = 0

 AB: xx1 + yy1 – a2 + d2/2 = 0

 Show that circles x2+y2+2ax+c2 = 0 and x2+y2+2by+c2 = 0 touch
each other if 1/a2 + 1/b2 = 1/c2

Since the circles touch, it is either:

i. Internally

ii. Externally

If we prove RA is the common tangent at

point of tangency, both conditions are
Example contd.
 Equation of RA = S1–S2 = 2ax–2by = 0

 ax–by = 0

RA is common tangent if S1, S2 touch

Check whether RA is tangent using:

Distance from (–a,0) = r

 a2/√(a2+b2) = √(a2–c2)
Example contd.
 a2/√(a2+b2) = √(a2–c2)

 a2 = √(a2+b2)√(a2–c2)

 a4 = (a2+b2)(a2–c2)

 a4 = a4 + a2b2 – a2c2 – b2c2

 1/a2 + 1/b2 = 1/c2

 Tangents are drawn to the circle x2+y2 = 12 at the points
where it is met by the circle x2+y2–5x+3y–2 = 0
 Find the point of intersection
of the tangents

We need the coordinates of P

From P, AB is the chord of contact

AB is also the Radical Axis

Example contd.
 Since AB is the radical axis, AB: S1 – S2 = 0

 AB: 5x–3y–10 = 0 —(1)

AB is the chord of contact for S2

 AB: ax+by–12 = 0 —(2)

(1) and (2) both represent AB

 a/5 = b/–3 = 12/10

 a = 6, b = –18/5
 Prove that the circle S: x2+y2–6x–4y+9 = 0 bisects the circumference of
the circle S1 x2+y2–8x–6y+23 = 0

The common chord (radical axis) is S – S1 = 0

 RA: x+y–7 = 0

The center of S1 is (4,3)

(4,3) also satisfies RA

 The center of S1 lies on common chord

 S bisects circumference of S1
Radical Center
 The point from which length of tangents drawn to 3
circles is equal
 Point of intersection of RA of
3 circles taken 2 at a time is the
radical center
 If P is the radical center

 PA = PB = PC
Co Axial System of Circles
 For a given system of circles, when every 2 of them have the same
radical axis, it is called a co axial system of circles
 For S1 and S2, AB (RA) is the common chord

 Other ∞ circles can be drawn through

points A and B
 They are of the form S1 + λL

 All such circles form co axial system of circles

Co Axial System of Circles
 So, all circles in one co axial system have the same radical
 In this figure:

S1, S2, S3, S4 have the same RA

S1–S2 is the RA for all such circles

 Find the limiting points of the coaxial system of circles determined
 x2+y2–6x–4y+3 = 0 and x2+y2+10x+4y–1 = 0

The radical axis of such circles is S1 – S2 = 0

 RA: 4x+2y–1 = 0

The co axial system is S1+λL = 0

 (x2+y2–6x–4y+3) + λ(4x+2y–1) = 0
Example contd.
 The system is: x2+y2+2x(2λ–3) + 2y(λ–2)+(3–λ) = 0

So, the center is (3–2λ,2–λ)

For the limiting point, the radius would be 0

 (3–2λ)2 + (2–λ)2 – (3–λ) = 0

 10–15λ+5λ2 = 0

 λ = 1, 2

 The limiting point = (1,1) and (–1,0)

 For what values of l and m, the circle 5(x2+y2)+ly–m = 0
belongs to the co–axal system determined by the circles
x2+y2+2x+4y–6 = 0 and 2(x2+y2)–x = 0

The radical axis is same for all co–axal circles taken 2 at a time

S1: x2+y2+2x+4y–6 = 0

S2: 2(x2+y2)–x = 0

S3: x2+y2+ ly/5 – m/5 = 0

Example contd.
 The radical axis for S1 and S2 is S1 – S2 = 0

 5x+8y–12 = 0 —(1)
 The radical axis for S2 and S3 is S2 – S3 = 0

 5x+2ly–2m = 0 —(2)

(1) and (2) should be same for co-axal system

 l = 4 and m = 6

S2 d
d B
B R2
A C1
m2 m1

A S3

S1 S2
S4 M
B Q(α2)

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