Complex Numbers 6

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Complex Numbers

 Consider the complex number Z = reiθ

 If we rotate Z by α, such that α ϵ R, Z will be a new

number Z1 = rei(θ+α)

 The magnitude remains unaffected and the

argument increases by α
Clockwise or Anticlockwise?
 If we rotate z2 by θ, and θ is positive, then rotation is
 If θ is negative, rotation is
 We need to find the new vector ‘z3–z1’ that is formed
after rotating AB by θ
 We can multiply |z3–z1| by
the unit vector in the
direction of AC
 Unit vector in direction of AB = (z2–z1)/|z2–z1|

 Unit vector for AC:


Therefore, AC, i.e., z3–z1 is:

 Since z3–z1 = |z3–z1|×[(z2–z1)/|z2–z1|]eiθ

 (z3–z1)/(z2–z1) = reiθ

r is given by: |z3–z1|/|z2–z1|

 Arg[(z3–z1)/(z2–z1)] = θ
 A particle P starts from zO = 1+2i. It moves horizontally away
from Origin by 5 units and then vertically away from Origin
by 3 units to reach point z1.

 From z1 the particle moves √2 units in the direction of the

vector i+j and then it moves through an angle π/2 in
anticlockwise direction on a circle with center at origin, to
reach z2.

 Find z2
Example contd.
 Let’s break it down into steps:

1. Starting from (1,2i) it moves 5 units horizontally to reach (6,2i)

2. Then 3 units vertically to reach z1 (6,5i)

3. Then √2 unit in the direction i+j to reach (7,6i)

4. Then rotates by 90˚ to reach z2: (7+6i)eiπ/2 = (7+6i)[isin(π/2]

 z2 = i(7+6i) = 7i–6, i.e., –6+7i

 Show that the area of the triangle formed by the complex
numbers z, iz, z+iz is ½|z|2

iz is obtained by rotating z by 90˚

 This is a right angled triangle with base and altitude z

and iz

 Area = ½|z||iz| = ½|z|2

 The complex numbers z1, z2, z3 satisfying:

(z1–z3)/(z2–z3) = (1–i√3)/2 are vertices of which triangle?

½ – i√3/2 = cos(60) + isin(–60) = e–iπ/3

Therefore, angle between sides (z1–z3) and (z2–z3) is π/3

Also, (z1–z3)/(z2–z3) = |(z1–z3)/(z2–z3)|(1–i√3)/2

 |(z1–z3)/(z2–z3)| = 1, which means these two sides are equal

Therefore, this triangle is equilateral

 If 0 < α < π/2 is a fixed angle, and P is (cosθ,sinθ) and Q
is {cos(α–θ), sin(α–θ)}, then how is Q obtained from P?

a. Clockwise rotation through angle α

b. Anticlockwise rotation through angle α

c. Reflection in the line through origin with slope tanα

d. Reflection in the line through origin with slope tan(α/2)

Example contd.
 P is (cosθ,sinθ) and Q {cos(α–θ), sin(α–θ)} is obtained from P

If P is simply rotated by α, Q is {cos(θ±α), sin(θ±α)}

Let us now consider the 2 options for cases of reflection:

c. Reflection in the line through origin with slope tanα

d. Reflection in the line through origin with slope tan(α/2)

Let the line by which it is reflected have slope Φ

Example contd.
 L1 gets reflected by L2 at point O: ∠AOC = ∠COD

∠ABO = π–Φ, so, in ∆AOB:

∠AOB = π–(θ+π–Φ) = Φ–θ

 ∠BOM = Φ–θ

In ∆AOM: ∠OME = ∠AOM+∠A

∠ OME = 2(Φ–θ) + θ= 2Φ–θ

Since angle after reflection is α–θ, which is 2Φ–θ, so Φ = α/2

 Let z1, z2, z3 be the vertices of an equilateral triangle, then prove
that z12+z22+z32 = z1z2 + z2z3 + z3z1

(z1–z2)/(z3–z2) = r1eiπ/3 —(1)

r1 = |(z1–z2)|/|(z3–z2) | = 1

 (z2–z1)/(z3–z1) = r2e–iπ/3 —(2)

r2 = |(z2–z1)|/|(z3–z1) | = 1

Therefore, (z –z )/(z –z ) = eiπ/3 and (z –z )/(z –z ) = e–iπ/3

Example contd.
 We have two equations:

(z1–z2)/(z3–z2) = eiπ/3 —(1)

(z2–z1)/(z3–z1) = e–iπ/3 —(2)

From (1) and (2), (z1–z2)/(z3–z2) = (z2–z1)/(z3–z1)

Solving, z12+z22+z32 = z1z2 + z2z3 + z3z1

 ABCD is a rhombus. Its diagonals AC and BD intersect
at the point M and BD = 2AC. If points D and M
represent the complex numbers 1+i and 2–i respectively,
then A represents the complex number?

Diagonals of a rhombus bisect each other at 90˚

So, if we rotate AM by ±90˚, we get DM

Example contd.
Rotating AM to MD: [z–(2–i)]/[(1+i)–(2–i)] = (x/2x)e±iπ/2

 [z–(2–i)]/(–1+2i) = ½(±i)

Solving separately for i and –i,

z = 1– 3/2i

z = 3 – i/2
 Let b’z + bz’ = c, b ≠ 0, be a line and b’, z’ represent complex conjugate
for b and z. If a point z1 is the reflection of the point z 2 through the line,
then show that c = z1’b + z2b’

Let A’(z1) be reflection of A (z2)

Consider a point P(z) on line

 PA = PA’

 |z–z1| = |z–z2|

 |z–z1|2 = |z–z2|2
Example contd.
 |z–z1|2 = |z–z2|2, i.e., (z–z1)(z’–z1’) = (z–z2)(z’–z2’)

 z(z1’-z2’) + z’(z1–z2) = z1z1’–z2z2’

The line is b’z + bz’ = c

Let the ratio of coefficients be k

 k(z1’-z2’) = b’, k(z1–z2) = b and k(z1z1’–

z2z2’) = c

We need to show that c = z1’b + z2b’

Example contd.
 We need to show that c = z1’b + z2b’ and we have:

k(z1’-z2’) = b’, k(z1–z2) = b and k(z1z1’–

z2z2’) = c —(1)

TPT: c = kz1’(z1–z2) + kz2(z1’–z2’)

= k[z1’z1 – z1’z2 + z2z1’ – z2z2’]

= k[z1’z1– z2z2’]

Which is true from (1)

 Let z1, z2 be the roots of the equation z2+pz+q = 0, where
the coefficients p and q may be complex numbers. Let A
and B represent z1 and z2 in the complex plane.

 If ∠AOB = α≠ 0 and OA = OB, where O is the origin.

Prove that p2 = 4qcos2(α/2)

z1 + z2 = –p and z1z2 = q

We need to prove that p2 = 4qcos2(α/2)

Example contd.
 Since we can obtain z1 by rotating z2 by α, z1 = z2e±iα

We need to prove that p2 = 4qcos2(α/2)

Also, z1 + z2 = –p and z1z2 = q

 z22e±iα = q —(1)

 z2+z2e±iα = –p —(2)

Eliminating z2 by dividing (2) by (1),

p2 = 4qcos2(α/2)
L3 – After
D Reflection
b’z + bz’ = c C
O Final
L1 (θ) angle
θ Φ
α B(z2)
2x x
D A (z)

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