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Learning is the best investment

2 0 2 4 Ap o l l o -Sp e c i fi c Ve rsi o n


1. Financial Perspective

2. Qulity Stock Analysis

3. Trading System

Learning is the best investment


Financial Perspective

Learning is the best investment


Focus on US
After reaching a historic high, the stock market has shown little change—the
market saw mixed movements with major indices fluctuating around the flatline,
making for a calm end to a strong week on Friday. Yesterday, the Dow Jones hit
a milestone, briefly surpassing 40,000 points for the first time. The slowdown in
inflation and economic growth has boosted confidence that the Federal Reserve
may cut interest rates in the second half of the year.

The market continues to rise, with broader support—this week’s inflation data
provided some relief and helped the market reach new highs as disinflation
resumed after three months of accelerating prices. This data also confirmed the
Fed's stance against further rate hikes, while indicating a willingness to keep
rates in a restrictive range, showing patience.
Learning is the best investment

Learning is the best investment


Focus on India
Sanjeev Sanyal, a member of the Economic Advisory Council to the Prime
Minister (EAC-PM) of India, stated that the Indian economy is set to reach a size
of $4 trillion by 2024-25. He projected that India will surpass Japan to become
the world's fourth-largest economy early in the next fiscal year. Sanyal further
mentioned that despite various constraints such as weak exports, a 7% growth
rate would be a “very good” growth rate for India. "Therefore, in this fiscal year,
we will become a $4 trillion economy," he said.

Recently, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman remarked that India is expected

to overtake Japan and Germany by 2027, becoming the third-largest economy in
the world. Currently, India is the fifth-largest economy, with a nominal size of
approximately $3.7 trillion, while Japan slightly leads with $4.1 trillion.
Learning is the best investment

Market Review
The Nifty 50 index experienced slight fluctuations during the special trading
session on May 18, ultimately closing above 22,500 points for the first time
since May 2. The 22,500-point level is anticipated to play a crucial role in
determining the index's future direction. If the index maintains these levels in the
coming days, the immediate resistance is expected at 22,600 points, followed by
the 22,700-22,800 point range. However, if it fails to hold, support is likely to be
found at the 22,400 and 22,300 point levels.
The Nifty 50 index opened higher at 22,513 points, traded within the range of
22,520-22,470 points, and closed at 22,502 points. Despite increased volatility, it
still managed to rise by 36 points. This marks the third consecutive trading day
of upward movement and the fifth straight day of higher highs. The formation of
a small bearish candlestick pattern with a lower shadow on the daily chart
suggests buying interest at lower levels.
Learning is the best investment

Market Outlook
The Nifty 50 index remains within a channel, closing above 22,500 points for the first
time in several days. However, the small candlestick on the daily chart provides little
indication of the future price direction. Additionally, the significant selling in both call
and put options at the 22,500 strike price suggests a potential turning point. As a result,
traders should remain cautious and look for confirmation of any directional move.

The support level for Nifty 50 is at 22,400 points. A sustained movement could push the
index towards 22,600 points or even higher in the short term. Meanwhile, volatility has
spiked again, closing above the 20 mark, which is concerning for the bulls. The India
VIX, the volatility index, rose by 3.67% from 19.8 to 20.53.

Weekly options data shows that 22,500 points is a critical resistance level. If this level is
successfully maintained, the index could potentially rise to 22,800 points. Support levels
are at 22,400 points, with key support at 22,000 points.
Learning is the best investment

Learning is the best investment


1000% Profit Plan Trading Reward

Currently, we have achieved 50% of the profit target for the first phase, 100% for the second phase,
150% for the third phase, and 200% for the fourth phase, as a result, our total profit has reached
500%. We are now in the fifth phase, working towards the remaining 500% to reach our overall goal
of 1000%.
After several internal meetings, we have decided on trading rewards for students who achieve the
1000% profit target. This process requires rigorous selection at various levels. To stand out among all
students, you must demonstrate strict discipline and excellent trading skills. Self-discipline is key—
this is an opportunity for you. We encourage all students to actively participate in the plan. Seizing
this opportunity can change your life, bringing you financial gains, recognition, wealth, and valuable
life experiences.
Trading strategy will be provided by Apollo Academy Trading Team.
Outstanding performers at each stage will have the chance to become core members. In the past, Guru
has invited notable guests to lecture and share experiences with senior students. I believe everyone
will benefit from their teaching and the guidance from the mentors. There is a lot of useful knowledge
to be learned.
Learning is the best investment

Difference between primary and secondary markets

If you look at Apollo Academy's 1000% profit plan from the perspective of the secondary market that most
people are familiar with, it indeed seems very difficult to achieve. However, stock market investment isn't limited
to the secondary market; there's also the primary market, which many are unaware of. Over recent tradings, you
might have sensed the inherent unfairness of the stock market for ordinary investors. Let's consider our recent
combination investment approach.

UC, block deals, and IPO subscriptions. These are methods you haven't tried before and perhaps never imagined
existed as profit-making strategies in the market. Most people only know about buying low and selling high. For
instance, there are many stocks that hit continuous daily price limits, and you can see that if you could buy into
them, you'd make money instantly. But due to trading mechanisms, you can't buy them through the secondary
market and thus miss out on these profit opportunities.

Additionally, there's block deal, where you buy stocks at a price lower than the market price and profit from it.
And then there's IPO subscription, which you're likely familiar with; everyone knows that getting new stocks
through IPO subscription is certainly profitable. However, it's very difficult to get allocated shares using a
regular secondary market account.

Learning is the best investment


Important Announcement
Fifth Phase First IPO Deployment

- Date: May 21, 2024

- Method: IPO Subscription
- Fund Allocation: 100%
- Profit Target: Over 200% profit on the listing day, with a total
profit of 350%–380% after listing.

Contact the assistant after class to sign up for tomorrow's IPO

profit plan and reserve your shares.
Learning is the best investment

Seize the Apollo 1000% Profit Plan

Finally, I want to emphasize the importance of actively participating in IPO subscriptions and
completing the payments. Only by securing the shares of the IPO will the huge profits belong to you
after listing. Our profit plans will become increasingly substantial as we move forward, so the
requirements for all students will also become stricter. It's essential to maintain a high level of
execution. For a team to grow and succeed, everyone must work together to leverage greater profits
from the stock market.
The upcoming fifth phase is also a crucial period for Apollo Academy to select outstanding traders.
We will comprehensively evaluate each student's execution in every trade, considering factors such as
participation, position size, and execution quality. For detailed information, you can consult the
assistant privately.
All students who pass the evaluation will have the opportunity to attend an in-person meeting at our
U.S. headquarters in July, where you can interact with and learn from many of Apollo Group's top
traders. All expenses will be covered by Apollo Group. More importantly, you'll gain a lifelong
opportunity to collaborate with Apollo Group, where following our stock operations each year can
yield growth rates of at least twenty times.
Learning is the best investment

Qulity Stock Analysis

Learning is the best investment


Learning is the best investment


Trading System

Learning is the best investment


Finding your own trading system

1. **Lack of Discipline in Trading**: Your trades are highly arbitrary, and you haven't considered developing
your own trading system. Most of your buy and sell decisions are based on hitting a technical indicator,
reacting to news stimuli, or following some research reports. These trades lack rigorous logic and structure,
leading to many losses.
2. **Fragmented Learning**: You might recognize the need for a trading system and pick up tips from here
and there, learning various tactics. However, you end up with an overly complex trading system filled with
numerous strategies. This results in multiple trade opportunities each day, leaving you unsure of which to take.
Often, you try to execute all of them, resulting in a portfolio cluttered with poor holdings and mixed results,
leaving your account stagnant over time.
3. **Emotional Trading**: You trade emotionally and stubbornly hold onto positions even when they weaken
or when the initial reasons for buying have been invalidated. You remain optimistic and refuse to sell, lacking
a strict buy and sell plan. Although this might sometimes yield profits, more often than not, it leads to
significant losses.
4. **Indecision and Over-trading**: You're unsure whether to buy or sell and lack confidence in your
decisions. Even worse, you might trade despite your uncertainty, leading to losses without learning from them.
Additionally, you struggle with how much capital to allocate to each position, often ending up with heavy
losses on large positions and small gains on light ones, resulting in consistent overall losses.

Learning is the best investment


Why do we trade in the market?

1. To get rich

2. To beat inflation

3. To outperform long-term fixed-income investments

Learning is the best investment


Reflect on past tradings

Open your trading records, look at your delivery notes. List the top 100 profitable
trades and the top 100 losing trades from the largest to the smallest, and then tally up
which types of trades have brought the most profit and which have incurred the most

Then, you'll have a rough idea of whether your profits come from buying low, chasing
rallies, or entering midway, and what position sizes work best for you. You'll also
understand which trades tend to lead to losses: whether it's buying into losses from the
start or initially profitable trades turning into losses.

As you continue to learn and understand more, you'll naturally identify more
opportunities. However, not every opportunity will be something you excel at.
Of course, if your experience is limited and your trading records aren't providing
much useful information, don't worry. This is normal.
Learning is the best investment

Components of a trading system

1. Market analysis and assessment.

2. Entry and exit points.
3. Trading discipline.
4. Position management.
5. Risk control and system stability.
6. Non-trading tasks, such as reviewing, learning, and addressing
shortcomings. Reviewing is crucial and deserves a dedicated lesson, which
I'll conduct later because of its importance.
Learning is the best investment

Thought Process
- The overall market environment:

1. Whether the market is currently rising, falling, or trading sideways. There are three scenarios. Then,
what are the driving forces behind the market's rise and fall respectively? Are there any structural opportunities
during sideways movement (like the 28-distribution market, structural bull or bear)?

2. How is the profitability of the market? There's no direct link between index levels and profitability. Even
if the index is trading low, there can still be good short-term opportunities. It's about whether those who
bought first make money, allowing those who buy later to continue making money. If there's a game of passing
the parcel, then the market's trading volume won't be low.

3. Speaking of trading volume, the frequency of short-term players' trades is positively correlated with
market trading volume, measuring the sustainability of profitability. It also relates to the issue of tolerance. In
an active trading market, even if you make mistakes, there's a chance that the active funds in the market will
help absorb them, and there's still a chance to profit by exiting. If the trading volume is low, like in the current
stage, various attempts to rise followed by falls, the consistent downward trend can't break out.

Learning is the best investment


Market Styles
1. Market capitalization, leaning towards growth or value, leaning towards stocks with high dividends
and low price fluctuations or simply price difference fluctuations. This is generally related to the
macroeconomic cycle and also related to market trading volume.

2. The market's operating path, such as consecutive short-term limit ups, short-term limit downs
followed by rebounds, or short-term trend operations. For example, long-term trend operations, or
range-bound oscillations. The formation of these operating path styles is quite complex and results
from a combination of many factors, which I won't delve into here. But when we trade, we should
align with the market's operating path, which will significantly increase the probability of success.

3. Whether dealing with IPOs, recently listed stocks, or other stocks, this is also related to the
market's strength, weakness, and trading volume. For example, trading weak IPOs or recently listed
stocks, or chasing sentiment-driven high-flying IPOs, the market's profitability is aimed at
accelerating profits.

Learning is the best investment


Trading Cycles
Everything has its cycles, and stock trading pays even more attention to them. I won't delve into the
discussion of cycles and emotions here; that's a big topic that requires several lessons to cover. So I’ll
keep it simple for this lesson.

For example, avoiding trading behaviors that go against the cycle: during an uptrend, whether you're
buying on limit-up or bottom-fishing, it's fine. But during a downtrend, if you can avoid limit-downs,
do so, and if you can avoid chasing, do that too. Instead of buying breakouts to new highs, there's an
opportunity to buy into oversold rebounds after stabilization.

How to deal with different cycles, how to view the rotation of major and minor cycles, and the
trading rhythm here is the core of the core. In a market that isn't trending in one direction, adjusting
trading rhythms according to cycle changes becomes the essence. To master this, you must first find
your own trading system, and you must first perfect your basic understanding. But unfortunately,
90% of traders fail at these two stages. It's like trying to run before learning to crawl.

Learning is the best investment


Entry Rules (Buying Points)

1. Timing of Entry

2. Methods of Participation

3. Opportunity Selection with Correct Participation in the Right

We need to consider the probability of winning, the risk-reward
ratio, and the margin of maneuverability.

4. Reasons for Entry

Learning is the best investment

Stop Loss and Take Profit (Discipline)

If the reason for buying still holds, then continue to hold; if the reason for
buying is invalidated, then sell. Understanding this is very difficult for
beginners because they often struggle to establish a rigorous buying rationale.
For experienced traders, buying reasons may even include divergence and
rhythm of consensus, as well as the rhythm of sentiment and liquidity changes.

Therefore, as an investor, it is necessary to set stop-loss and take-profit points.

When buying, you should already have in mind when to exit the position. For
limit-up scenarios, for example, selling when the limit is broken; for trending
scenarios, selling when it falls below the 5-day moving average or the 10-day
moving average. These are the disciplines you set for yourself.

Learning is the best investment


Position Management
Position management comes after you've selected your window, identified your target,
and clarified your entry and exit criteria or discipline. It involves determining how much
to buy.

Here, we also need to consider the risk-reward ratio. If the overall environment and the
selected window are favorable, and the trading opportunities have a high probability of
success, then larger positions can be taken. Position size is related to the probability of
success. Even if it's an arbitrage opportunity, but if the timing, circumstances, and
certainty are extremely favorable, then heavy positions are justified because the
probability of success is high. On the other hand, if it's a high-quality target with strong
fundamentals but it's in a downward cycle, in a market downturn with decreased trading
volume and no profit-making effect, and lacks mainstream appeal, then you must
absolutely control your position size even if you still want to engage in it.
Learning is the best investment

Have Clear Aim

When building a trading system, you first need to ask yourself: what do I need to do to achieve a
perfect profit curve? It's a process of deducing the steps from the results, which is a bottom-up
deduction process. If your trading system only considers making money, then it's not really a system
because opportunities are everywhere in the market, and there's always a chance to profit.

Remember, it's better not to make money than to lose money on opportunities that could have been

Some individuals in the market have strong self-control, are very disciplined, and are either fully
invested or completely out of the market, waiting patiently. Should we allocate different positions
according to different market cycles, or should we allocate positions based on opportunities? I
believe there's no contradiction here. Market cycles represent the overall trend, and the entire
system should first obey the general trend, followed by seizing opportunities. The dynamic changes
in position allocation should follow the changes in the entire cycle. The utilization of allocable
positions should be determined by the size of the opportunities.
Learning is the best investment
Learning is the best investment

2 0 2 4 Ap o l l o -Sp e c i fi c Ve rsi o n

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