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From y = 4ax to x = 4by

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 We can change the equations of tangents, normals using

their parameters
 The general method is:

We write the equation is terms of parameter ‘t’

Then interchange x and y

Do not interchange x1,y1

From y = 4ax to x = 4by
2 2

 Tangent:

For y2 = 4ax, tangent is ty = x + at2

For x2 = 4by, interchange x and y in ty = x + at2

Tangent is tx = y + bt2

 y = tx – bt2

i.e., y = mx – bm2 (if m is the slope of tangent)

From y = 4ax to x = 4by
2 2

 Normal:

For y2 = 4ax, point P(t) is (at2,2at)

Normal is y = –tx+at3+2at

For x2 = 4by, point P(t) is (2bt,bt2)

Interchange x and y, and not x1, y1 in y = –tx+at3+2at

 Normal is x = –ty+bt3+2bt
 Find equation of normal to x2 = 4y, which passes through (1,2)

The equation of normal to y2 = 4x is y = –tx+at3+2at

So, equation of normal to x2 = 4y is x = –ty+bt3+2bt

Since m = –t for a normal

 x = my–2m–m3

(1,2) satisfies x = my–2m–m3

Example contd.
We put (1,2) in x = my–2m–m3

 1 = 2m–2m–m3

 m = –1 (put this in x = my–2m–m3)

Therefore, Normals: x = –y+3

Common Tangents
 The most common method of finding common tangent
to two figures is:

Find the equation in terms of ‘m’ for both

Then equate them and solve for m

Alternatively, you can also write equation in terms of ‘m’

for one figure, and then solve the line with the other figure
and put D = 0
 Find the equation of the common tangents to the circle
x2+y2 = 2a2 and the parabola y2 = 8ax

Equation of tangent to y2 = 8ax in terms of slope is:

 Tangent: y = mx + 2a/m

Radius of x2+y2 = 2a2 is √2a

 Distance of (0,0) from line y = mx + 2a/m is √2a

Example contd.
 √2a = (2a/m)/√(1+m2)

Solving, m = ±1

We can put m = ±1 in y = mx + 2a/m

 Common tangents are y = ±x±2a

Therefore, 2 common tangents: y = x+2a and y = –x–2a

 Find the equation of the common tangent to the
parabolas y2 = 32x and x2 = 108y

Equation of tangent to y2 = 4ax is y = mx + a/m

 y = mx + 8/m —(1)

Equation of tangent to x2 = 4by is y = mx – bm2

 Equation of tangent to x2 = 108y is y = mx – 27m2 —(2)

Example contd.
 We can now equate the tangents from (1) and (2),

 y = mx + 8/m and y = mx – 27m2 are the same

 8/m = –27m2

 m = –2/3

Therefore, equation of common tangent is y = –2x/3 – 12

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