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Position of a Point
 For the parabola y2–4ax = 0

For points lying on the parabola:

SP = 0, i.e, yP2 – 4xP = 0

Points lying inside the parabola:

SR < 0, i.e., yR2 – 4xR < 0

Points lying outside the parabola:

SM > 0 and SN > 0 (doesn’t matter whether it is above or below)

Line and Parabola
 Let Parabola P be y2 = 4ax and line L be y = mx+c

We put y = mx+c in y2 = 4ax to get points of intersection

On solving the line and parabola, we get a quadratic

which should give us two points .

 (mx+c)2 = 4ax

 m2x2 + 2(cm–2a)x + c2 = 0
Line and Parabola
Discriminant = 4(cm–2a)2 – 4m2c2

= 16a(a–cm)

If 16a(a–cm) > 0, line will intersect at two points

If 16a(a–cm) = 0, line is a tangent to the parabola

If 16a(a–cm) < 0, line does not intersect the parabola

Line and Parabola
 Length of intercept cut off by line

PR = [(y2–y1)2+(x2–x1)2]1/2

= [m2(x2–x1)2+(x2–x1)2]1/2

= |x2–x1|[m2+1]1/2

x2–x1 = (x2+x1)2 – 4x1x2

x2+x1 and x2x1 can be calculated from: m2x2+ 2(cm–2a)x + c2 = 0

Tangent to the Parabola
 We solved y2 = 4ax and y = mx+c to get:

m2x2+ 2(cm–2a)x + c2 = 0

For a tangent, D = 0

 4(cm–2a)2 – 4m2c2 = 16a(a–cm) = 0

For a tangent, a = cm

This is the condition for a line to be tangent

 y = mx+ a/m is the equation of the tangent

 The slope of the line touching both the parabolas y2 = 4x
and x2 = –32y is?

Let the tangent to y2 = 4x be y = mx + 1/m

So, y = mx + 1/m also touches x2 = –32y

 x2 = –32(mx + 1/m)

 x2 + 32mx + 32/m = 0
Example contd.
For a tangent D = 0

D = (32m)2 – 4(32/m) = 0

m = ½
 The angle between the tangents drawn from the point
(1,4) to the parabola y2 = 4x is?

The tangent to y2 = 4x is: y = mx + 1/m

Since it passes through (1,4), 4 = m + 1/m

 m2–4m+1 = 0

 m1+m2 = 4 and m1m2 = 1

Example contd.
 Let the angle between the tangents be α

 tanα = |(m1–m2 )/(1+m1m2)|

(m1–m2 )2 = (m1+m2)2 – 4m1m2 = 16–4 = 12

 m1–m2 = 2√3

 tanα = |2√3/(1+1)| = √3

 α = π/3
 The radius of a circle having minimum area, which
touches the curve y = 4–x2 and lines y = |x| is?

Let the radius of circle be r

By symmetry, since it is tangent

to the parabolas and y = x, y = –x

It will touch only at the vertex A

Example contd.
 AC = r and OC = 4–r, so C is (0, 4–r)

Distance of C from line y = x is r

 |[0–(4–r)]/√2| = r

 r = 4/(√2+1)
Equation of Tangent
 For the parabola y2 = 4ax

1. To write the equation of tangent at (x1,y1), replace:

y2 by yy1 and x by (x+x1)/2

 Tangent is yy1 = 2a(x+x1)

2. At P(at2,2at), put y1 = at2 and x1 = 2at in yy1 = 2a(x+x1)

 Tangent is 2aty = 2a(x+at2), i.e., ty = x+at2

3. Slope Form: y = mx + a/m

Tangent Equation
 For a point P represented parametrically as P(t)

Tangent is: ty = x+at2 (Remember this result)

 y = x/t + at

 mtangent = 1/t

Therefore, slope of tangent drawn at P(t) is 1/t

Point of Intersection
 Find the point of intersection R of tangents to y2 = 4ax at points P(t1)
and Q(t2)

The equation of tangents are t1y = x+at12 and t2y = x+at22

Let R be (x1,y1)

 t1y1 = x1+at12 and t2y1 = x1+at22

Solving, x1 = at1t2 and y1 = a(t1+t2)

Point of Intersection of tangents is [at1t2, a(t1+t2)]

Tangent Equation
 For y2 = 4ax

Slope Form: y = mx + a/m

For (y–k)2 = 4a(x–h)

Slope Form: y–k = m(x–h) + a/m

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