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Conversational Mandarin

School and Foods

Lesson 3
School and Foods
On this session will be discussing the following topics:

Classroom Expressions

Asking Permission


Sentence Structures
DLO1: Demonstrate effective communication using mandarin lexicons inside
the classroom by ask for permission.
DLO2: Discuss different types of food, and express their preferences using the
sentence structure "I want/like + Food."
DLO3: Collaborate in engaging conversations related to school and food,
demonstrating improved language skills, vocabulary usage, and confidence in
their communication abilities.
你好 (Nǐ hǎo) - Hello 去 (qù) - Go
老师 (lǎoshī) - Teacher 洗手间 (xǐshǒujiān) - Restroom
同学们 (tóngxuémen) - Classmates 谢谢 (xièxiè) - Thank you
请 (qǐng) - Please 再见 (zàijiàn) - Goodbye
问 (wèn) - Ask 坐下 (zuòxià) - Sit down
问题 (wèntí) - Question 开始 (kāishǐ ) - start
可以 (kěyǐ) - Can 上课 (shàngkè) - lesson
明白 (míngbái) - understand 举手 (jǔshǒu) - Raise hand
再 (zài) - again 听 (tīng) - Listen
解 (jiěshì) – Explain 读 (dú) - Read
看 (kàn) - Look/See 写 (xiě) - Write
答案 (dá'àn) - Answer 讲 (jiǎng) - Speak/Talk
解决 (jiějué) - Solve
1. Greetings:
你好,老师。 (Nǐ hǎo, lǎoshī.) - Hello, teacher.
你们好,同学们。 (Nǐmen hǎo, tóngxuémen.) - Hello,

2. Polite Requests:
请坐下。 (Qǐng zuòxià.) - Please sit down.
请举手。 (Qǐng ta jǔshǒu.) - Please raise your hand.
3. Asking Questions:
我可以问一个问题吗? (Wǒ kěyǐ wèn yīgè wèntí ma?) - May I
ask a question?
我不明白。 (Wǒ bù míngbái.) - I don't understand.
你能再解释一次吗? (Nǐ néng zài jiěshì yīcì ma?) - Can you
please explain it again?

4. Expressing Gratitude:

谢谢,老师。 (Xièxiè, lǎoshī.) - Thank you, teacher.

5. Classroom Activities:
我们开始上课。 (Wǒmen kāishǐ shàngkè.) - Let's begin the lesson.
请听。 (Qǐng tīng.) - Please listen.
请读。 (Qǐng dú.) - Please read.
请写。 (Qǐng xiě.) - Please write.
请讲。 (Qǐng jiǎng.) - Please speak/talk.
请看。 (Qǐng kàn.) - Please look/see.
谁知道答案? (Shuí zhīdào dá'àn?) - Who knows the answer?
我可以解决这个问题。 (Wǒ kěyǐ jiějué zhège wèntí.) - I can solve
this problem
Library - 图书馆 (túshūguǎn)
Cafeteria - 餐厅 (cāntīng)
Gymnasium - 体育馆 (tǐyùguǎn)
Auditorium - 礼堂 (lǐtáng)
Computer Lab - 电脑实验室 (diànnǎo shíyànshì)
Science Lab - 科学实验室 (kēxué shíyànshì)
Art Room - 美术室 (měishùshì)
Music Room - 音乐室 (yīnyuèshì)
Sports Field - 运 (yùndòngchǎng)
Playground - 操 (cāochǎng)
Subject + Verb + Object
Can + ______ + go to the ____________?
Noun/Pronoun Place

can – kěyǐ
go to - qù
Subject + Verb + Object
1. 我可以去图书馆吗? Can I go to the library?
2. 我可以去餐厅吗? Can I go to the cafeteria?
3. 我可以去体育馆吗? Can I go to the gymnasium?
4. 我可以去礼堂吗? Can I go to the auditorium?
5. 我可以去电脑实验室吗? Can I go to the computer lab?
6. 我可以去科学实验室吗? Can I go to the science lab?
7. 我可以去美术室吗? Can I go to the art room?
8. 我可以去音乐室吗? Can I go to the music room?
1. 米饭 (mǐfàn) - Rice 11. 羊肉 (yángròu) - Lamb
2. 面条 (miàntiáo) - Noodles 12. 蛋 (dàn) - Egg
3. 面包 (miànbāo) - Bread 13. 奶酪 (nǎilào) - Cheese
4. 蔬菜 (shūcài) - Vegetables 14. 面粉 (miànfěn) - Flour
5. 水果 (shuǐguǒ) - Fruit 15. 油 (yóu) - Oil
6. 鱼 (yú) - Fish 16. 盐 (yán) - Salt
7. 肉 (ròu) - Meat 17. 糖 (táng) - Sugar
8. 肉 (jīròu) - Chicken 18. 咖啡 (kāfēi) - Coffee
9. 牛肉 (niúròu) - Beef 19. 茶 (chá) - Tea
10. 猪肉 (zhūròu) – Pork 20. 汤 (tāng) - Soup
1. 吃 (chī) - to eat 12. 榨 (zhà) - to squeeze (e.g.,
2. 喝 (hē) - to drink juice)
3. 烹饪 (pēngrèn) - to cook 13. 涮 (shuàn) - to hot-pot (a
4. 煮 (zhǔ) - to boil method of cooking)
5. 炸 (zhá) - to fry 14. 尝 (cháng) - to taste
6. 烤 (kǎo) - to bake or roast 15. 咀嚼 (jǔjué) - to chew
7. 炒 (chǎo) - to stir-fry 16. 嚼 (jué) - to munch or crunch
8. 切 (qiē) - to cut 17. 喂 (wèi) - to feed
9. 搅拌 (jiǎobàn) - to mix or stir 18. 点菜 (diǎncài) - to order dishes
10. 蒸 (zhēng) - to steam (in a restaurant)
11. 碾 (niǎn) - to grind 19. 饮食 (yǐnshí) - to dine or eat
20. 分享 (fēnxiǎng) - to share
Subject + Verb + Object
_____ want
Pronoun verb food
want - xǐhuān
Wǒ xǐhuān chī miàntiáo.
I want to eat noodles.

Nǐ hǎo! Wǒ jiao ________.

Wo hěn gāoxìng rènshì nǐmen.

Hello! I am called _______. I am very happy to meet you all.


Wo hěn gāoxìng rènshì nǐ, ________.

I am very happy to meet you, _________.

Subject + Verb + Object
1. I love my brother. 6. They are my children.
我我的弟弟。 他们是我的孩子。

2. I like you. 7. This is my younger brother.

我喜欢你。 这是我的弟弟。

3. I love my mama. 8. It's my younger sister.

我爱我的妈妈。 这是我的妹妹。

4. It's my papa. 9. That is my husband.

是我的爸爸。 那是我的丈夫。

5. They are my classmates. 10. That is my wife.

他是我的同学。 那是我的妻子。
Get to Know Your New Friends
Roam around the classroom and introduce yourself to
meet your new friends. Take the time to chat with your
classmates and learn more about them.

Write down the names of your new friends and a fun fact
about each of them. After the activity, share what you've
learned with the class and make new connections!

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