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A Guide to Pre-Call


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SMART Objectives
Specific – what is your goal?
Measurable – how is it going to be measured? Trials? Orders?
Achievable – is it possible to achieve?
Relevant – is it in line with your strategy? It is on focus products?
Time-Based – what is your timescale?

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Statement of Intent
Needs to be short and snappy
Why are you there?

Hi, I’m Laura, SBM for Biosurgery.

I’m here today to discuss where you currently use haemostats in your practice.
Have you got 5 minutes?

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Try asking 5 questions before talking about products.
o Practice – tell me a little bit more about your practice
o Procedures – which procedures do you tend to carry out most often?
o Method – which method do you use to do X?
o Patients – do you think the change in patient comorbidities affect how you carry
out a procedure? Do patient comorbidities change your practice significantly?
o Challenges – what are the main challenges that you’re facing? Challenges for
Build relationship and rapport with customer

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Gap Model Questions
 Current Situation: Where are you now?
 Desired Situation: Where would you like to be?
 Risks/Concerns: What are the risks of remaining in the current situation?
 Benefits: How would your life be better if they made a change?
 Urgency/Importance: How important to move to the desired situation?
 Emotions: Need to make this something they are emotional about

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Examples – Current Situation
 Which cases do you tend to use a haemostat?
 How do you currently manage haemostasis in X?
 Why do you use that?
 What are you currently experiencing whilst using X?
 Is it working as well as X?
 Are you facing any challenges with your current haemostats?
 How do you decide on which haemostat to use?
 What is your go-to haemostat and why?

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Examples – Desired Situation
 If you could make any changes, what would they be?
 What would you like to be doing, that at the minute is challenging?
 Do you think that there is anything missing in the products available? If yes, what do you think could benefit your
 What would your perfect product look like?
 In difficult patients with comorbidities, what would you picture as something that could help in a difficult bleeding

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Examples – Risks/Concerns
 What are your concerns around using your current products?
 What risks are you looking to eliminate?
 Do you see haemostats as an implant?
 Have you got any concerns with leaving haemostats inside a patient?
 What is the impact of having a CSF leak?
 What is the concern of using a haemostat that doesn’t work?
 Have you got any concerns regarding looking at a new haemostat?
 Challenges currently faced when using X?

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Examples – Benefits/Rewards
 If you could change X, how would that benefit your practice/department/patient?
 If you had X, how do you think it would benefit your practice?
 How does not having a drain benefit your patient?
 If you could save money by using a different haemostat, how would that help to trust/department?

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Examples – Urgency/Importance EMOTIONAL
 Where does this fit in terms of priorities?
 How important is it to make improvement in this area quickly?

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Depending on which product you are going in with,
Features into Benefits figure out which features and benefits would fit the
surgeons wants and needs.

Features Benefits
SNoW was developed to be used laparoscopically Doesn’t stick to instruments or gloves

Surgiflo has a blue tip that can be manipulated to access difficult Takes away the pressure of having to access all bleeding situations
to access areas and taking time to manipulate product to fit
Fibrillar conforms to an uneven topography (surface) Gets to the source of the bleed quicker than Surgicel Original

Surgicel Powder covers a large surface area ooze Quick and easy to apply, saves time in stopping large surface area
Veraseal consists of an airless spray tip that can spray without There is no gas canister and no set up of an air device to get the
being connected to a gas cannister product to spray. This reduces the risk of gas embolism.

The Surgicel Family are ORC and we have a technical report to Reinforces the quality and superiority of the Surgicel range. Trust in
show bactericidal properties, absorption time etc customer that Surgicel will be broken down in the body in 7-14 days
if used correctly
Range of products for many different bleeding situations Can use a product that is best suited to a bleeding situation rather
than what is handed to you

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Trial Close
Figure out whether they are interested and what you could potentially get away with asking when actually closing.
 New product to market, where do you think it would be most suited to your practice?
 How many cases would you want to use it in?
 Do you see this being something you could use?
 Could you see this product benefitting your practice?
 Where would you use this product?

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 When is your next list?
 I’d like to learn more about your practice, can I join you in your next list?
 I haven’t seen much of X surgery and would love to understand why you use Y in that area, can I please join you for
your next list?
 Who would I speak to to make sure that X is available for your next case?
 Would you like to use X in your next ….. case?

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Three things to focus on…
1. GAP model questions – risks/benefits questions, open up the conversation.
2. Validation – use studies/research
Spangler – bactericidal (when it was written & objective)
3. Negotiation - ACR

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