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Metrics ! Goals !

P R E S E N T E D B Y:
Just making sure …

Ghazi Saddem
• Chapter Co-Director – Startup Grind Tunis

• Local Director - The Founder Institute Tunis

• Mentor, EiR - Seedstars

• Ex COO of Betacube

• Business Model Advisor, Product Expert – The Dot

• External Consultant – Digital Transformation Center GIZ


• Startup Advisor within Numerous Programs Locally and

Metrics. The Name of The Game.

Ghazi Saddem
Well you’re Driving…
And this Happens !
• Crucial to your Growth

• Inform on Strategy

• Gauge Progression

• Understand where improvement is in order

Vanity Metrics Vs Actionable

Ghazi Saddem
You have an app
• You Managed to get 10000 Downloads
You have an app
• You Managed to get 10000 Downloads

App Downloads
You have an app

• Number of • Monthly
Downloads Active Users
You have an app

Vanity Metrics Actionable Metrics

• Nice to show* • Related to your

• No Help in Your vs business Goals
Decision Making

*Some will call you on those .

Metrics … KPIs… Metrics…

Ghazi Saddem

KPIs, or Key Performance Indicators, are quantifiable

measures that businesses use to gauge their performance over
time. They help companies track progress toward business
goals and objectives."
Hi vs Lo KPI’s

High Level KPI’s:

Overall Business Performance

Low Level KPI’s:

Related to specific Departments
Leading vs Lagging KPI’s

Leading KPI: Lagging KPI:

Forward Looking Outcome of a Process
Predictive Consequence of deliberate

(Website traffic, ( revenue , customer

conversion rate , etc …. satisfaction …)
As an Impact Driven Business

Ghazi Saddem
Impact Driven Measurement

Profitability Impact ROI

>> Sustainability

Scaling Business = Scaling

Customer Acquisition Metrics

Ghazi Saddem
Customer Acquisition Metrics


Ghazi Saddem

All costs engaged

acquire a
/ Number of New

Gross Profit over

the Lifetime of
customer account

- Costs of
/ Number of

Average LTV
The Higher
Average CAC the better
Retention Rate

Customers who stick

around 
Revenue & Growth Metrics

Ghazi Saddem

Total Number of
(Average revenue per
Revenue Growth Rate



"On a scale from 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our
company/product/service to a friend or colleague?"

10-9 : Promoters
8-7: Passives (% of Promoters - % of
6-0: Detractors Detractors) = NPS
Churn Rate

(Nb of Customers at Start of Period

- Nb of Customers at End of Period)
/ Number of Customers at Start of Period
= Churn Rate
Fundraising & Financial Metrics

Ghazi Saddem
Burn Rate

Gross: Total Money Spent Each month

NET: Gross - Revenue


Current Cash Balance

/ Monthly Net Burn Rate
= Startup Runway (in months)
Gross Margin

(Total Sales Revenue - COGS) / Total Sales Revenue) *

100 = Gross Margin %
Conversion Rates

(Number of Conversions / Total Number of Visitors) * 100 =

Conversion Rate %
Impact Metrics

Ghazi Saddem
Sustainability Metrics
• Carbon Emissions Reduction: • Percentage of energy from renewable sources
• Total greenhouse gas emissions • Energy efficiency improvements in operations or
• Reduction percentage compared to previous years products
• Emissions offset through renewable energy • Waste Management:
initiatives • Total waste generated
• Water Usage: • Percentage of waste recycled or composted
• Total water consumption in cubic meters • Reduction in hazardous waste
• Water recycling rate
• Reduction in water usage compared to previous

• Energy Efficiency:
Triple Bottom Line Metrics
• People (Social Impact): • Net profit
• Employee turnover rates • Return on investment (ROI) for sustainability
• Investment in employee training and initiatives
development • Economic value distributed to stakeholders
• Community outreach and positive social impacts including employees, shareholders, government,
• Planet (Environmental Impact): and community
• Integration of the above-mentioned sustainability
• Consideration of life-cycle impacts of products
or services
• Initiatives towards responsible sourcing of

• Profit (Economic Impact):


• Environment
• Energy Efficiency Investments
• Waste Reduction Initiatives
• Water Conservation Programs

Social Impact ROI

•Community Engagement Programs
•Employee Well-Being Initiatives
•Diversity and Inclusion Efforts

Triple Bottom Line ROI

•Sustainable Supply Chain Management
•Investments in Renewable Energy
•Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Programs
Few Models to keep things

Ghazi Saddem

Ghazi Saddem

•O - Objective: Define a clear, overarching ambition.

•G - Goals: Specific results to achieve the objective.

•S - Strategies: Plans to achieve the goals.

•M - Measures: Metrics to track progress and success.


Ghazi Saddem

•S - Specific: Define clear, precise objectives.

•M - Measurable: Set quantifiable progress indicators.

•A - Achievable: Ensure goals are realistic.

•R - Relevant: Align goals with broader objectives.

•T - Time-bound: Establish a clear deadline.


Ghazi Saddem
Objectives & Key Results
•O - Objectives: Inspirational and qualitative goals.
•KR - Key Results: Quantifiable success indicators.

Objective: Enhance the Company's Online Customer Engagement

Key Result 1 Increase website traffic by 30% within the next quarter.
Key Result 2 Grow social media followers by 20% across all platforms in six
Key Result 3 Achieve a customer satisfaction score of at least 85% on online
interactions over the next six months.
Key Result 4 Launch a new online customer service portal and attain a user
adoption rate of 50% within the first three months.
Key Result 5 Publish 50 new online articles or blog posts related to our industry
to boost engagement and SEO, over the next quarter.
Take a look at this

Ghazi Saddem
• Revenue Growth • Net Burn Rate • Product Qualification Rate
• Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) • Organic Search Traffic • Demand Forecast Accuracy
• Lifetime Value of a Customer (LTV) • Referral Traffic • Server Uptime/Downtime
• Burn Rate • Payback Period • API Call Efficiency
• Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) • Customer Health Score • Customer Support Ticket Volume
• Churn Rate • Customer Effort Score (CES) • Data Breach Response Time
• Net Promoter Score (NPS) • Viral Coefficient • Network Latency
• Conversion Rate • Product Return Rate • Cloud Resource Utilization
• Customer Retention Rate • First Response Time • Software Deployment Frequency
• Gross Margin • Ticket Resolution Time • Code Commit Volume
• Return on Investment (ROI) • Bounce Rate on Website • Feature Adoption Rate
• Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) • Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) • Quality Assurance Failure Rate
• Employee Satisfaction and Turnover • Repeat Purchase Rate • Inventory Accuracy
• Market Share • Customer Concentration Risk • Supply Chain Cycle Time
• Website Traffic and User Engagement • Trial-to-Paid Conversion Rate • Time to Market for New Features
• Social Media Engagement and Growth • Onboarding Time for New Users • Legal Compliance Rate
• Capital Efficiency • Session Duration on Digital Platforms • Intellectual Property Creation Rate
• Operating Cash Flow • Cost Per Lead (CPL) • External Funding Amount and Sources
• Product Usage and Adoption Rates • Cost Per Conversion • Environmental Impact Metrics
• Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) • Email Open and Click-Through Rates • Corporate Social Responsibility Impact
• Lead-to-Customer Conversion Rate • Brand Awareness and Recall • Diversity and Inclusion Index
• Breakeven Point • Social Media Share of Voice • Stakeholder Engagement Level
• Profit Margin • Partnership and Affiliate Performance • Brand Sentiment Analysis
• Customer Lifetime Value to Customer Acquisition Cost • Market Penetration Rate • Community Engagement and Growth
Ratio (LTV:CAC) • Cash Conversion Cycle • Event Attendance and Engagement
• Daily/Monthly Active Users (DAU/MAU) • Debt-to-Equity Ratio • Training and Development Hours
• Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) • Customer Onboarding Efficiency • R&D Spend Efficiency
• Time to Break Even • Retention Cost • Innovation Index
• Customer Engagement Score • Average Time on Site • Crisis Response Effectiveness
• Qualified Lead Volume • Employee Productivity Rates • Sustainability Index
• Sales Cycle Length • Net Revenue Retention (NRR) • Strategic Alliance Effectiveness
• Average Deal Size • Sales and Marketing ROI
• Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) • Gross Churn Rate
• Free-to-Paid Conversion Rate • Upsell and Cross-sell Rate
• Inventory Turnover • Average Support Ticket Resolution Time
Remember …

Ghazi Saddem
Questions ?

Ghazi Saddem
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