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Mohorret Bigun
Public Affairs Officer, INEC Gombe
O Have you ever
participated in a decision
making process?
O Or choose someone to
represent you in a
decision making
O What was the outcome?
What is Democracy?
O According to the NDI Campaign Skills
Handbook, democracy is a form of government
in which final authority lies with the people.
O It is a system where, citizens have the right and
the opportunity to participate in decision-making
either directly themselves or through elected
O The decision concerning who governs lies with
the people and it is determined through regular
free and fair elections.
Aims of Democracy
O Freedom for all

O A just society

O Equal opportunities for all

O Equality before the law

O The rule of law

O Respect for human rights

Principles of Democracy
O Participation
For democracy to
work effectively,
citizens must have
the opportunity to
take part in decision
making processes.
This is the basis for
O Rule of law
decisions and
actions should be
based on the
existing laws.
Citizens should also
obey the law at all
O Equality before
the law
All citizens are
treated equally
before the law.
O Separation of Powers
The Separation of
Powers requires the
three arms of
government i.e the
Executive, the Legislature, and the
Judiciary to perform their roles without
interference from each other.
O Transparency and
The citizens should
be able to ask the
government about
what it has done and
the government
should provide
O Respect for fundamental human rights
The rights of all citizens
should be respected and
protected. Fundamental
human rights include
freedom of speech,
expression, movement
and association.
Types of Democracy
O Direct Democracy
Also known as participatory
democracy is a form of democracy
where citizens are directly involved
in making decisions on public
matters or matters of national
importance e.g referendum.
O Representative Democracy
Citizens chose representatives
who govern and make decisions
on their behalf.
O An Election is a formal group
decision-making process by which a
population chooses an individual(s)
to hold public office by voting.
O It is the mechanism or process
through which leaders are enthroned
or changed in a democracy.
Are Elections =
O Though elections are not the only criteria that
makes a system democratic, however, it is
the most critical and visible means through
which citizens participate peacefully in
choosing or removing their leaders.
O Not all elections are democratic but all
democracies employ the instrument of
elections to lend legitimacy to those who
Basis for Elections
O The foundation for democratic elections is
based in international standards.
O Article 21 of the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights sets out the basic
premise for election rights:
Everyone has the right to take part in
the government of his/her country
directly or through freely chosen
Everyone has the right of equal
access to public service in his
The will of the people shall be the
basis of the authority of government;
this ‘will’ shall be expressed in
periodic and genuine elections which
shall be by universal and equal
suffrage and shall be held by secret
ballot or by equivalent free voting
O Article 25 of the International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) also states
that every citizen shall have the right and the
opportunity to:

O take part in the conduct of public affairs,

directly or through freely chosen
O vote and to be elected at genuine periodic
elections, which shall be by universal and
equal suffrage and shall be held by secret
ballot, guaranteeing the free expressions of
the will of the electors.

O have access, on general terms of equality, to

public service in his country.
Conditions for Democratic
O A real choice of and competition among
political parties and candidates;
O Freedom for parties and candidates to
campaign in the election and communicate
their ideas and platforms;
O The existence of rules that govern the
election, which are known and respected by
all participants and available to everyone;
O The presence of an individual or institution
that administers the rules, supervised by an
independent judicial body to ensure that
complaints are handled fairly;
O Strong legal procedures to protect against
corruption or violence that may occur when
people register to vote, attend a political
meeting, or cast their vote; and,
O Efforts to educate citizens on why it is
important for them to vote, as well as to
know the choice of candidates and how to
Guiding Principles of Elections

O Representation
The person elected
is expected to
represent the
interest of the
O Transparency
The electoral process must
be as transparent as
possible, unambiguous
and known to voters,
candidates and political
parties to avoid confusion
and distrust.
O Inclusiveness – the inclusion of all
groups in the society into the electoral
process makes it acceptable as fair and

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