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Dr Fayaz Memon
Senior Lecturer, Department of Physiology, LUMHS
Cardiovascular System

 Comprises
 Heart &
 Vessels
Cardiac Anatomy

 Heart is hollow muscular

 Situated in mediastinum
between the lungs
 First organ to function
 It start functioning at 3
weeks of gestation
Cardiac Anatomy
o Has 4 compartments
 2 Atria
 2 Ventricles
o Atria are thin walled with less pressure

o Ventricles are thick walled high

pressure compartments
Cardiac Anatomy

Heart has
o 4 chambers
o 2 Septas
o 2 Valves
o 3 Layers
Cardiac Anatomy
Left sided heart Right sided heart
• Oxyganeted blood from • Contains 2 specific structures
lungs through
pulmonary vein comes • SA node
to left atrium • AV node

• Left atria communicate • Right atrium receives

deoxygened blood from
with left ventricle by superior and inferior vena cava.
bicuspid valve.
• Right atrium communicate with
• Left ventricle pumps right ventricle by means of
whole of the oxygened tricuspid valve
blood through aorta to • This pumps deoxygineted blood
body to lungs via pulmonary artery.
Cardiac Septa
 2 types of Septas
 Interatrial: membrane separates
right atrium from atrium
 Interventricular: membrane
separates right ventricle from left
 Aim: to prevent mixing of
oxygenated & deoxygenated blood
Cardiac Layers
o PERICARDIUM: outer most layer, forms
 A sac which protects heart and keep heart in
place that is mediastinum
o MYOCARDIUM: muscular layer of heart
composed of 3 types of muscle fibres
 Myocardium for contractile fibres
 Myocardium of pacemaker
 Myocardium of conductive system
o ENDOCARDIUM: innermost layer
composed of endothelial cells
 It is continuous with endothelium of blood
Cardiac Valves
Are of 2 types
o Arterio-ventricular valves
 Tricuspid valve between right atrium and
right ventricle bicuspid valve between left
atrium and left ventricle
 AV valves are connected by papillary
muscles that prevent backflow of blood
towards atria
o Semilunar Valves: situated at opening of
pulmonary artery and aorta
Cardiac Actions/functions

Divided into 3 effects

 Chronotropic: change in heart rate
 Ionotropic: change in force of
 Dromotropic: change in velocity of
Cardiac Actions/functions
o Chronotropic effects:
 Tachycardia: increase heart rate

 Bradycardia: decrease heart rate

o Ionotropic Effects:
 Increase force of contraction(positive)
 Decrease force of contraction(negative)
o Dromotropic Effects:
 Increase conduction (positive)
 Decrease conduction(negative)
o 2 types of circulations

o Systemic Circulation provides

oxygenated blood to whole body
o Pulmonary Circulation deoxygenated
enters into pulmonary artery then to
lungs for oxygenation
Cardiac Muscle Properties
 Cardiac muscles is involuntary muscles
 Cardiac muscle fibers are branched, striated and have
intercalated discs
 Cardiac muscle has no specified development of sarcoplasmic
reticulum, that’s why ca++ in heart comes from ECF through T-
 Cardiac muscle fibers are joined together by means of
intercalated d discs
 Intercalated disc is functionally important, due to these discs
cardiac muscle contract as a unit
Functional Syncytium
 Intetercalated disc have 2 types of junctions
 Desmosomes that mechanically hold cells together &
 Gap junctions that allow free passage of ions from cell to cell

 Gap junctions allow action potential generated in a cell

to spread to all other cells
Functional Syncytium
 All cells are excited and contract as a single functional
unit or functional syncytium
 There are 2 functional syncytium in the heart
 Atrial syncytium and
 Ventricular syncytium
 Each contract as a separate unit
Cardiac Muscle
 AUTOMATICITY AND RHYTHMICITY: Conducting system of the heart
automatically generates nerve impulses without any external stimulus Rate
of generation of these impulses is always regular giving property of
rhythmicity to heart
 PROLONGED REFRACTORY PERIOD: period in which when stimulus is
given but muscle does not give any response.
 Refractory period occurs in period of depolarization
 RP is equal to period of contraction.
 So in refractory period second stimulus does not produce contraction that’s
why prolonged refractory period prevent heart from fatigue, tetanus and
 CONTRACTILITY: the ability of the cardiac muscle to actively generate
force to shorten and thicken to do work when sufficient stimulus is
applied that’s when stimulus is threshold or supra-threshold
membrane potential of cardiac muscle is -90mv.
 AP has plateau and contraction is prolonged
 Plateau is due to 2 reasons:
 Opening of 2 types of channels
 Fast Na channels and
 Slow Na-Ca channels
 After onset of AP membrane permeability for K is decreased
Phases of Action Potential
Five distinct phases
 PHASE 0. Initial depolarization: Due to increase influx of Na
 PHASE 1. Initial repolarization: Due to increase efflux of K
 PHASE 2. Final depolarization or plateau: Due to ca++ influx
 PHASE 3. Final Repolarization: Due to efflux of K
 PHASE 4. Resting membrane potential: Due to Na-K pump
When the stimulus is sufficient:
 Phase 0 begins at the Threshold -70mV; Na+channels open
and Na+ions rush into the cell. This Na+ influx rapidly drives
the (-) resting internal charge to (0mV) state of depolarization
and a brief overshot (+) charge. Slow Ca++ channels open
around -40mV allowing a slow influx of Ca++.
 Phase 1 begins when voltage gated K+channels open
allowing K+ ion efflux while continued influx of Ca+
decreases the internal (+) charge back to about (+0-).
When the stimulus is sufficient:
 Phase 2 begins when the slow Ca++ influx concentration triggers a much
greater release of Ca++ ions stored in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). The
SR Ca++ release induces cardiac myofibril contraction. Contraction begins
about halfway through Phase 2. Phase 2 plateaus for about 200
milliseconds, after which contraction stops, and the Ca++ channels are closed.
 During Phase 3 (repolarization), K+ channels continue to efflux, making the
internal charge more (-).
 Phase 4 hyperpolarization, (-) resting state is acheived by ATP powered
outward pumping of Na+ and Ca++ ions as well as recharging the SR Ca++.
The (-) charge is maintained by (Na+/K+)ATPase that pumps 3Na + ions out
for every 2K+ ions it brings into the cell
Excitation Contaction Coupling
• The sequence of events by which an
excited plasma membrane of a muscle
fiber leads to cross bridge activity by
increasing sarcoplasmic Ca
• In cardiac muscle most of Ca ions comes
from ECF via T-tubules
• T-tubules contain negatively charged
mucopolysacchrides that bind and stores
abundant Ca.
• Therefore cardiac muscle contraction
depends upon ECF Ca levels

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