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 IGC 1994; MS (Grain Rules) Regulations 1999
 Emphasis on having sufficient Intact Stability
 Ability to recover from any shift of grain
 Provides supplementary means of reducing
effect of grain shift
 Measures ensure that maximum angle due to
shift of grain is not > 12°
 3 Classifications: Filled Trimmed, Filled
untrimmed & Partially filled
Grain Cargo
 Grain: Wheat, Maize, Corn, Rye, Barley,
Rice, Pulses, Seeds and processed forms
 The IGC Code ensures safe carriage
 Document of Authorisation
 V/l to have sufficient intact stability
 High SF Cargo, Cargo Shift
 Universal Bulk Carriers
 Specially Suitable Compartments
 Hoppers, Permanent Structures in holds
 Detailed Stability Requirements
Grain Cargo Operation
BLU Plan
The loading or unloading plan should be prepared in a form such as shown below for every loading or
Ex a m p le Lo a d in g / unloading. A different form may be used provided it contains the essential information enclosed in the
Un lo a d in g Pla n heavy line box.


Date Vessel
PLAN Version No
Load/Unload Cargo(es) Assumed stowage Ballast pumping Dock water Max draught Max air
Port factor of cargo(es) rate density available (HW) draught
in berth
To/From Last Cargo No. of loaders/ Load/ Min draught Max
Port dischargers discharge rate available (LW) sailing/
11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Totals: Grade: Tonnes: Grade: Tonnes: Grade:
Tonnes: Total: Tonnes:
Calculated Values Calculated Values Observed
Cargo Time
Required Draught Maximum Draught
Pour Hold Tonnes Ballast (hours) Comments Fwd Aft BM* SF* Air Draught
No. No Operations Draught mid Trim Fwd Aft Mid
Dry Bulk Cargo Programme

 Maximum Ballast on board at arrival
 Bunkers and stores for voyage + reserve
 Quantity of cargo which can be loaded
 Total quantity of BW to be de-ballasted
 Cargo loading and de-ballasting to commence
 Cargo loading rate and BW de-ballast rate to be
 De-ballast before loading completion
 Final trimming pour
 Draught Checks & Surveys to be taken into a/c
 Arrival Condition: Full Ballast, Empty Holds, NOR
 Hold inspection, NOR acceptance, Cargo briefing
 Check list, load plan & draft survey
 Open hatch, load cargo & discharge ballast
 Continued draft checks throughout loading
 Complete minimum number of pours
 Complete de-ballasting operations &
 Use trimming pour to get desired trim
 Draft survey, Final Inspection, Pesticides sprayed
 Close hatches, complete paperwork & BLU Plan
 Request PC, arrange pilots to sail away
Cargo Care during Carriage
 Shipper instructions, Contractual obligation
 Weather routes, ship handling & monitoring
 Ventilation
 Cargo & Ship sweat
 Water Ingress detection & protection
 Heat damage detection & protection
 Gas monitoring
 Cargo Hold Inspections
 Record-keeping
Discharging Cargo
 Discharging according to BLU plan
 Receiver with B/L copy
 Carefulmonitoring of discharge
 Longer than loading operation
 Successful Operation- No Claims
 Damage report (See MGN 107)
 Compromise on Q&Q results in Claims
 Claims means loss of revenue
 Load-lines & Freeboards
 GM
 Sheer Forces
 Bending Moments
 Hogging & Sagging
 Watertight/ Weathertight Integrity
 Cargo shift assumed < 12°
 Residual ∆ > 0.075 m. rad; GM>0.3 m
5 permissible heeling moment of grain / allowable heeling
moment under the International Grain code?

 1) The angle of heel due to the shift of grain (θi) shall be not greater than
12 degrees. or the angle at which the deck edge is immersed, whichever is
the lesser.
 2) The net or residual area (Ar) between the heeling arm curve and
righting arm curve up to angle of heel of maximum difference between
the ordinates of the two curves (θm), or 40 degrees or the angle of
flooding (θf), whichever is the least, shall be not less than 0.075
 3) The initial metacentric height after correction for the free surface
effects of liquids in tanks (GoM) shall be not less than 0.30 meters.
 4) Ship should be upright on completion.
 5) The master must demonstrate compliance with the criteria at all stage
of the voyage.
heeling moment of grain / allowable heeling moment under the
International Grain code?
Ballast Water Pollution
 Ballast Water required for safe operations,
structural strength and stability
 May contain harmful micro-organisms (Alien
Invasive Species)
 IMO Convention for the Control and
Management of Ship BW & sediments 2016
 BW Exchange Method
 Treatment: Chemical, filtration, irradiation,
heat & oxidation
 BWMP/ BW Log/ Certificate
 Control Measures: Certification/Inspection
 Grain cargoes to be loaded as per IGC
 IGC Code requires ships to have DOA
 Universal Bulk carriers have specially
suitable compartments which have
permanent structures such as Longitudinal
Divisions, Upper and Lower Hopper Tanks
 Portable Shifting Boards, Saucers,
Bundling, Over-stowing, Strapping, Lashing
& Securing with wire-mesh are some
additional measures to prevent cargo shift
 Issues:Stability, Structural Stresses & BW,
Organic therefore pests/ insects
Stability Criteria for ships
without DOA:
• Total weight of the bulk grain shall not exceed one third of
the deadweight of the ship.
• All “filled compartments, trimmed” shall be fitted with
centreline divisions extending, for the full length of such
compartments, downwards from the underside of the deck
or hatch covers to a distance below the deck line of at least
one eighth of the maximum breadth of the compartment or
2.4 m whichever is the greater except that saucers
constructed in accordance with A 14 of code may be
accepted in lieu of a centreline division in and beneath a
hatchway except in the case of linseed and other seeds
having similar properties.
• All hatches to “filled compartments, trimmed” shall be
closed and covers secured in place.
• All free grain surfaces in partly filled cargo space shall be
trimmed level and secured in accordance with A 16, A 17 or A
18 of code.
• Throughout the voyage the metacentric height after
correction for the free surface effects of liquids in tanks shall
be 0.3 m.
• The master demonstrates to the satisfaction of the
Administration or the Contracting Government of the port of
loading on behalf of the Administration that the ship in its
proposed loaded condition will comply with the
requirements of this section.

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