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T24 Core Banking System Implementation

SABA African Bank
T24 Development Training
Local Fields
What will you learn in this session?
• Why do we need to use and create local fields
• Creating local fields
• Attaching them to application
Why do we need local fields?
• Not all bank required fields exists in T24 applications
• User defined ,totally customizable
• Once it created it can be used by multiple applications
T24 Application used to create local fields
• LOCAL.TABLE – used to create the local filed and it’s properties
• LOCAL.REF.TABLE – used to attach the local filed to the application
LOCAL.TABLE – application fields
• ID is Alphanumeric.
• DESCRIPTION – Hold a description for the created filed.
• SHORT NAME – the name that will appear for this field.
• MAXIMUM CHAR – The max number of characters that the filed can hold.
• MINMIUM CHAR – if that field entered it means that the created filed
become a mandatory field.
• CHAR TYPE – the type of data that can be entered in this field.
• VETTING TABLE – list of predefined data that the filed hold.
• REMARK – Enrichment for items in the vetting table.
Example of LOCAL.TABLE

Create a LOCAL.TABLE field has two values (Yes – No) can be used in
Customer table and the short name should have the name
LOCAL.TABLE Example Soultion
LOCAL.REF.TABLE Application Fields
• ID – T24 application that the field will be attached to it
• SUB.ASSOC.CODE – must be used if the local reference will be multi
value or in a multi group
• (XX.) Multi Value
• (XX<) Start of an associated multi value set
• (XX-) Part of an associated multi value set
• (XX>) End of an associated multi value set

Attach the LOCA.TABLE which created in the last example to Customer

LOCAL.REF.TABLE Example Solution
Creating Local field with conditions

• Local fields can be set as no input field and that can be defaulted
based on the condition that can be set.
• Use the LOCAL.TABLE fields to set the conditions.
Fields used for setting the conditions
• APPLICATION – to which the local field is going to be attached.
• DECIS.FIELD – filed in the application whose value has to be checked.
• REPLACE.FILE – Another application.
• REPLACE.FIELD - filed in the application whose value has to be
• DECISION – ‘EQ’ , ’GE’ , ‘GT’ , ‘LK’ , ‘LT’ , ‘LE’ , ‘NE’ or ‘UL’.
• DECISION.FR/ DECISION.TO – Range of values can be specified.
• OVERRIDE.POSSIBLE – can input in the local field differ from the
decision fields
Fields used for setting the conditions
• DEFALUT.POSSIBLE – If Y value in the vetting table will be defaulted
• NOINPUT NOCHANGE fields – local filed property can be set to make
the field Noinput or Nochange
• APPLICATION.VET – Application against the key of which the field is
being validated
• APPL.ENCHRIM – Which field mentioned above is to be used as
Local Field Example with Conditions
• Create a local field with conditions :
• The filed is going to be attached to ACCOUNT application on Customer field
• The replace file will be CUSTOMER file
• And there are two conditions that :
• SECTOR must be equal to 1000
• CATEGORY must be equal to 1001
Local field with condition solution
Additional Info.
• The order of the LOCAL.REF.TABLE record cannot be changed after

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