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Consequences of

Shahid Naved
M.Sc Cognitive Science (Germany)
 Stress
 Stressor

 Types of Stress

 Dimensions of Life

 Causes of Stress on Personal Life

 Consequences of Stress on Personal Life

 Causes of Stress on Professional Life

 Consequences of Stress on Professional Life

 Stress Management

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What is Stress?
Stress is an
excessive pressure
on an individual
due to physical or

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The stimulus (real
or imaginary)that
causes stress is
called stressor. It
can be an event or

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Types of Stress
 Hyper Stress results from being
overloaded or overworked.
 Hypo Stress caused by performing
the same task over and over again.
 Eustress is a positive form of stress
having a beneficial effect on health.
 Distress is the state of being in
great trouble.

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Dimensions of Life

Professional Life Personal Life

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Causes of Stress
Personal Life
Life Change e.g., change of house,
engagements of everyday life etc.

Life Trauma e.g., death of a loved

one, divorce, rape etc.

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Consequences of Stress
Personal Life
Medical Consequences e.g., heart
attack, diabetes, ulcer etc.
Psychological Consequences e.g.,
sleep disorder, fear of unknown etc.
Behavioral Consequences e.g.,
fighting and calling names without any
reason etc.

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Causes of Stress
Professional Life
Organizational Politics
Organizational Culture

Job insecurity

Technological change

High performance demand

Unfriendly boss etc.

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Consequences of Stress
Professional Life


Declinein Productivity
High Turnover

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Stress Management
 1. Peer group Find someone to talk
to about your feelings and

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Stress Management
 2. Change the attitude. Find other
ways to think about stressful
– "Life is 10% what happens to us, and
90% how we react to it."

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Stress Management

 3. Be realistic.
Set practical goals
for dealing with
situations and
solving problems.

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Stress Management
 4. Get organized
and take charge.
Being unorganized or
engaging in poor
planning often leads
to frustration or crisis
situations, which most
always leads to feeling

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Stress Management
 5. Take breaks. Learn that taking
time to yourself for transformation
and relaxation is just as important as
giving time to other activities.

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Stress Management
 6. Take good care of yourself. Eat
properly, get regular rest, keep a
routine. Allow yourself to do
something you enjoy each day.

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Stress Management
 7. Learn to say
"no." Learn to pick
and choose which
things you will say
"yes" to and which
things you will not.

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Stress Management
 8. Get regular
Exercising regularly
can help relieve
some symptoms of
depression and
stress, and help us
to maintain our

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Stress Management
 9. Get a hobby, do
something different.
For a balanced lifestyle,
play is as important as

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Stress Management
 10. Slow down. Know your limits and cut
down on the number of things you try to
do each day, particularly if you do not
have enough time for them or for yourself.

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Stress Management
 11. Laugh, use
humor. Do
something fun and
enjoyable such as
seeing a funny movie,
laughing with friends,
reading a humorous
book, or going to a
comedy show.

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Stress Management
 12. Learn to relax. Develop a
regular relaxation routine.
– Try yoga, meditation, or some simple
quiet time.

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Stress Management
 Many different kinds, but 2 are:
– Deep Breathing
– Visualization: Visualization is a nice
way of giving our minds and bodies a
"mini vacation."

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