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Activity 1: In pairs play hung man with some vocabulary of the Unit take notes on your notebook

the words you find out and their meaning
•advertising agency
•income tax
•planning meeting
•temporary position
Activity 2: Individually play matching the vocabulary ( enter your name)

Collected classrooms Unit 6
Activity 3: Read the job ad and answer the questions
1. A person who writes the text in an ad?...

2. A person or company that uses the services of

another person or company?

3. Knowledge and skill gained by doing something?

4. . A person applying for a job?

5. A summary of a person’s working history?

Collected classrooms Unit 6

1. A person who writes the text in an ad?... copywriter

2. A person or company that uses the services of another person or company? client

3. Knowledge and skill gained by doing something? experience

4. . A person applying for a job? applicant

5. A summary of a person’s working history? resume

Activity 4: Individually play the missing word game use the vocabulary learned

Collected classrooms Unit 6
Activity 5: Listen the job interview and identify who said each statement.
Job Interview Bob Karen
I've read over your application, and I see that you have some experience in advertising
I've worked for three ad agencies since I graduated from college
I've been working as a junior copywriter at Kenyon Barnett
tell me about your work there
The Candy Factory? I've seen those ads on TV
I was responsible for all the copy that appeared in the television, radio, and print ads
Do you have any questions for me?

Collected classrooms Unit 6

Job Interview Bob Karen
I've read over your application, and I see that you have some experience in advertising ^
I've worked for three ad agencies since I graduated from college ^
I've been working as a junior copywriter at Kenyon Barnett ^
tell me about your work there ^
The Candy Factory? I've seen those ads on TV ^
I was responsible for all the copy that appeared in the television, radio, and print ads ^
Do you have any questions for me? ^
Activity 6: Listen again and complete the missing word
Bob: Have a seat. So Karen, I've read over your _______, and I see that you have some _______in _______________.
Karen: Yes, it is. Actually, I've worked for three ___ _________ since I graduated from college.
Bob: And what _______ did you have?
Karen: The first two were __________ ____________ positions both for about six months each.
Bob: And then you went to Kenyon Barnett?
Karen: Yes. For the past three years I've been working as a junior ___________ at Kenyon Barnett.
Bob: So, tell me about your work there.
Karen: I've gradually taken on more responsibility over the years. I now work directly with the ___ _______ on
different___________ and I take part in _________ meetings and reviews.
Bob: Can you tell me about a specific ___ ________ you worked on?
Karen: Our most successful campaign was for The Candy Factory.
Bob: The Candy Factory? I've seen those _____on TV.
Karen: I was responsible for all the ______that appeared in the television, radio, and ____ ____
Bob: You did a great job.
Bob: Have a seat. So Karen, I've read over your application, and I see that you have some experience in advertisings _
Karen: Yes, it is. Actually, I've worked for three ad agencies since I graduated from college.
Bob: And what position did you have?
Karen: The first two were temporary intern positions both for about six months each.
Bob: And then you went to Kenyon Barnett?
Karen: Yes. For the past three years I've been working as a junior copywriter at Kenyon Barnett.
Bob: So, tell me about your work there.
Karen: I've gradually taken on more responsibility over the years. I now work directly with the art director on different
campaigns and I take part in planning meetings and reviews.
Bob: Can you tell me about a specific ad campaign you worked on? Karen: Our most successful campaign was for The
Candy Factory.
Bob: The Candy Factory? I've seen those ads on TV.
Karen: I was responsible for all the copy that appeared in the television, radio, and print ads.
Bob: You did a great job.
Activity 7: Listen again and answer some questions True or False then correct the False statements
Karen does not want to work in an adverstising agency

Karen was not working at Kenyon Barnett as an intern

Karen's first job at Kenyon Barnett was as junior copywriter.

According to the interview, Karen has not experience working with an art director.

Bob thinks about Karen's work for The Candy Factory she did a great job

Collected classrooms Unit 6

Activity 8: Complete the resume that Karen sent to Bob Johnson.

You can see in your digital book

page 42
Activity 9: asking questions to complete the survey
Activity 10: Match up the words and the definitions.
Activity 11: A couple in a woman’s clothing store are deciding whether or not to buy a shirt.
Rewrite their conversation by putting the words in the correct order.

Collected classrooms Unit 6

Activity 10: Think

Has anyone bought any new clothes recently? Were the clothes
for work? What did you buy? Where did you buy it? etc
Activity 12: Think
Activity 13: Think
Activity 14: Think
Activity 15: Think
Activity 16: Think
Activity 17: Think
Activity 1: Think
Activity 1: Think
Activity 1: Think

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