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Welcome to Philippines

Culture in the Philippines

The Philippines is a culture in which East
meets West. The Filipino people have a
distinct Asian background, with a strong
Western tradition. The modern Filipino
culture developed through influence from
Chinease traders, Spanish conquistadors, and
American rulers.
There are some 130 to
195 languages spoken in the
Philippines, depending on the
method of classification. Almost
all are Malayo-Polynesian
languages native to the
Formal celebrations begin on December
16. All over the country's islands, people
gather for pre-dawn Christmas masses
called “Misa de Gallo” or “Simbang
Gabi”. These masses run for nine days
and trace their roots back to Spanish
missionaries who introduced the practice
in the 17th century.
Christianity is the majority
faith in the Philippines,
making up approximately
90% of the population. The
overwhelming majority are
Above all. Filipinos tend to dress modestly,
especially when in public. It is expected that the
elderly and those of a higher social status are
treated with respect, like po or opo. Given large
family sizes and typically small living quarters,
Filipinos are generally not demanding of

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