Eco Chic

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Matau Marina Simona Nichilciuc Andreea Oana Olteanu Ioana Ramona

Table of Contents
A. The Executive Summary B. The presentation of the current situation through the analysis of the marketing environment 1.Presentation of the situation 2. Vision, mission, values, general objectives 3.Analysis of the marketing environment 4.SWOT Analysis 5.Segmentation 6.Targeting 7.Positioning C. The presentation of the strategic marketing proposals/propositions defined for the next three years 8.The length of time and the budget of the strategic marketing plan 9.Marketing Objectives- medium term 10.Strategic areas of major interest to the organisation 11.The marketing mix 12. Monitoring the fulfilment of the objectives and strategic plan review D.Conclusion

A.Executive Summary

B.Presentation of the current situation 1.Presentation of the situation

What? When?


B.Presentation of the current situation 2.Vision ,mission, values, general objectives Vision The Eco-Chic brand and lifestyle concept will become a market leader in developing environmentally friendly products contributing to help our earth remain beautiful. Mission Our mission is to create value and make a difference for youth and the environment by producing and commercializing fashionable eco clothes and accessories at accessible prices.

B.Presentation of the current situation 2.Vision ,mission, values, general objectives


Respect for the environment and the people we work with, whether in production or retail Customer enthusiasm Integrity and accountability Teamwork Innovation Continuous improvement

B.Presentation of the current situation 2.Vision ,mission, values, general objectives

General objectives for the next three years
to make 100% natural clothes and accessories, using resources and

production methods which have minimal impact on the environment and collaborating only with environmental friendly companies; to maintain competitive prices for the quality natural materials and fabrics we use; to promote the best possible working conditions in the factories we associate with , putting an emphasis on safety, equality, diversity, training and reducing work accidents with 50%; to double our number of customers and to increase brand awareness ; to obtain 20% market share of the organic clothes industry by 2012 and to increase sales with 30% during 2011 2013; to expand in other countries from Eastern Europe;

B.Presentation of the current situation 3.Analysis of the environment

External Environment
Macro environment Natural environment Economic environment Technological environment Demographic environment Social environment Political environment Cultural environment Institutional environment Global environment Micro environment Clients Competitors Product Suppliers and Services Providers Labour Force Suppliers Public Authority

B.Presentation of the current situation 3.Analysis of the environment

Porters Five Forces Model

B.Presentation of the current situation 3.Analysis of the environment

B.Presentation of the current situation 3.Analysis of the environment

Organisational Chart

B.Presentation of the current situation 4.SWOT Analysis

Strenghts Health of the consumer and of the environment Potential market Opportunities Green movement NGOs Roamnian and international fashion collections Weaknesses Unknown concept Expensive production Threats Recession Romanian youth population decreasing No Romanian culture for eco products

5. Segmentation
Geographic segmentation

- Countries: our products will be sold only in Romania in different regions and cities - Regions: Muntenia, Oltenia, Banat, Moldova, Transilvania and Dobrogea - Cities: Bucharest, Timioara, Cluj-Napoca, Craiova, Constana, Braov and Iai. - Population density: urban - Climate: temperate continental climate regions

5. Segmentation
Psychographic segmentation

Eco-Chic produces clothes for young people that have a healthy lifestyle. They are convinced that it nt very difficult t mk a switch t natural clothing. They have a strong personality and started wearing green clothing bu t r increasingly worried but t chemicals being used n standard clothing items.

5. Segmentation
Demographic segmentation -men, women and teenagers

-women ranging from 18 to 35 years of age -middle to middle high income group
Behavioural segmentation

- it is easy to understand the hazards of ordinary clothing on our skin - people are growing conscious of the environment and their own health

6. Targeting
The company is addressing to one segment (niche): the

young people that want to protect the earth, while taking care of their own skin and health. customers that are interested in high fashion and want to be up to speed with the latest fashion trends but also want to wear high quality materials. locations and provides customers with a turnover time of 4-5 weeks for its new collections made available at a fraction of the couture cost.

Eco-Chic has an undifferentiated approach and targets

Eco-Chic strategy launches its outlets in high profile

7. Positioning
The main differentiators of Eco-Chic are:

- the quality of the materials that uses: organic cotton, organic hemp, organic wool, kapok, silk - attractive prices in comparison of the organic collections of its main competitors - low production cost that gives the opportunity of selling clothes at affordable prices for young people with middle income
The similarities of Eco-Chic with its competitors are:

- the companys collections are up-to-date and fashionable - it launches collections every season - it uses promotional campaigns

Marketing Objectives
Eco-Chic wants to obtain 20% market share of the organic

clothes industry by 2012 and to increase sales with 30% during 2011 2013. year.

The company wants to launch about 11,000 new items per The company is attempting to change the perception of

eco-friendly clothing being not fashionable to it being perceived as chic, streetwear.

In the next three years, the company wants double its

number of customers and to increase brand awareness.

Marketing Strategies
Eco-Chic has planned some alternative marketing strategies for the future: - to expand the business and to open new production centres abroad.; - the company takes into account the franchising strategy; - to consider a joint venture with a similar company from its branch.

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