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AdoIf HItIer

( 188 - 145 )
"I want war. To me aII means wIII be rIght. hy motto Is not
"0on't, whatever you do, annoy the enemy." hy motto Is
"0estroy hIm by aII and any means." I am the one who wIII
wage the war! "
AdoIf HItIer
AIn PIfeIyt, 12a
- Short bIography
- EducatIon
- AdoIf's secondary schooI report card and hIs
- WorId War I
- LIfe after War I
- Irth of the NazI !arty
- A mInd In the makIng
- The Loves of AdoIf HItIer
- Attempts on HItIer's LIfe
- HItIer's bunker
- HItIer's Last 0ays
- Last Ietter
Short bIography
- AIso Known As:
Fuhrer of the ThIrd
- DvervIew of AdoIf
HItIer: Adolf HItler
was born on AprIl
20, 1889 In, AustrIa.
- When It was tIme to choose a
secondary schooI, AdoIf wanted to
become an artIst.
- He attempted to get Into the VIenna
Academy of FIne Arts - he faIIed.
HItler's Secondary
School Feport Card
|oral Conduct............. J, very satIsfactory
0IlIgence................... 4, Irregular
FelIgIous nstructIon......4, adequate
Cerman..................... 5, below standard
Ceography..................4, adequate
HIstory...................... 4, adecuate
|athematIcs................5, below standart
ChemIstry...................4, adequate
PhysIcs.......................J, very unsatIsfactory
Freehand drawIng..........2, good
CymnastIcs..................1, excellent
Shorthand....................5, below standard
orld ar
- xcIted to fIght for
- Found a home
fIghtIng for the
- as a regImental
- HItler was
depressed after
- StIll In the army.
- Also, lectured about
the dangers of
CommunIsm and
After orld ar
Irth of the NazI
- n |unIch, he took over
a lIttle group callIng
themselves the Cerman
orker's Party.
- He presented hIs Idea
of the NazI Party
- HItler was defeated
and sIxteen of hIs
comrades were kIlled.
He was ImprIsoned.
A mInd In the makIng
- HItler receIved fIve
years In prIson.
- n prIson, he dIctated
hIs book, |N KA|PF.
- hen HItler got out of
prIson, he re
establIshed the NazI
- He was soon speakIng
to crowds of 20,000 or
The Loves of Adolf
StephanIe Jansten
HItler never even met her, but
admIred her from afar
hItzI PeIter.
a 16 year old who dated HItler
and trIed to commIt suIcIde
by chokIng herself wIth a
clotheslIne tIed to the door.
CeII PaubaI
the daughter of hIs halfsIster
who was 19 years younger.
The Loves of Adolf
Eva raun
She was 17 when HItler
started datIng her.
She was jealous of hIs
dedIcatIon to polItIcs and
the women he posed wIth
and trIed to commIt suIcIde
the same way that CelI dId.
After that, HItler paId her
more attentIon and she
became hIs exclusIve
Attempts on HItler's
0r. ErwIn CIesIng
HIs doctor once trIed to kIll hIm .
The omb !Iot
There was a bomb In a brIefcase on a
conference table that was accIdentally moved
at the last mInute by an aIde
Johann EIser
Planted a bomb In a pIllar In the beer hall set to
go off at 9:20 am but HItler ended hIs speech
ten mInutes early and left abruptly
HItler's Last 0ays
Hitler then prepared
for his death.
He and his new wife
went into another
room and killed
themselves. Their
bodies were burned.
Last letter
- myself and my wIfe In order to
escape the dIsgrace of deposItIon or
capItulatIon choose death. t Is our
wIsh to be burnt ImmedIately on the
spot where have carrIed out the
greatest part of my daIly work In the
course of a twelve years' servIce to my
- agevykdytI
- Attemptpastanga
- Conductelgesys
- 0IlIgentkruopstus
- FegImentalpulko
- 0efeatednugaltI
- FeastablIshedatkurtI
- SuIcIdesavIzudyb
- ChokedusIntI
- ClotheslIneskalbInIq
- AIdepadejjas
- PIllarkolona
- AbruptlystaIga
- 0Isgracegda, negarb

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