The Evolutionary Process

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The evolutionary process

Grade 9 science
Unit 9
Our team members

• K.Shahanan
• P.Kasiban
• K.Rathushihan
• U.Keerthikan
• K.S.Abiramithan
• Diversity of living organisms in our environment is a result of the
evolutionary process.
• Evolution takes place in organisms to better adapt to their
• There were many theories about the origin of life and earth n the
Origin of the Earth
Origin of earth

 The earth was formed about 4.5 billion years ago.

 There are several theories explaining the origin of the universe.
they are;
 Nebular theory
 Big bang theory
 Nebular theory is the first theory proposed about the formation
of the Earth
Nebular theory
• The Nebular hypothesis is the idea that a spinning cloud of dust
made of mostly light elements, called a nebula, created the solar
system planets stars and other galaxies.
• It is currently outdated and proved as a false theory
Big bang theory
• According to the big bang theory ,the universe which was once in
a confined space known as the cosmic egg, exploded .creating
stars ,planets .and other celestial bodies.
• Georges Lemaître, (1894-1966), Belgian cosmologist and a
Catholic priest is known as the father of the big bang theory
Formation of Earth
• About 4.6 billion years ago, our sun formed in a nebula.
• A nebula is a cluster of gases composed mainly of hydrogen and
helium compressed under its own weight becoming a protostar
and eventually into a star.
• Rocky substances clumped together under the force of gravity
forming planets natural satellites and asteroids.
• By the cooling of earth highly dense substances made the core
while the less dense substances floated above them and made
the crust.
• Gases such as carbon dioxide methane and hydrogen sulphide
existed in the pre historic atmosphere.
• Its belived that water came to earth by meteors carrying water
[carbonaceous condrites]
• The giant-impact hypothesis, sometimes called the Big Splash,
or the Theia Impact, suggests that the Moon was formed from
the collision between the early Earth and a Mars-sized planet
called Theia, approximately 4.5 billion years ago
Origin of life
Origin of life on earth
• Its believed that life on earth originated about 3.5 billion years
• There are many theories about origin of life.
Theory of special creation
• According to this theory all living beings are created by a super
natural power.
• There is no scientific explanation to this theory so scientist don’t
consider it.
Spontaneous generation theory
• This theory suggests that life was originated from non living
• Three scientists Francesco Redi, Lazzaro Spallanzani, and
Louis Pasteur disapproved of this theory.
Cosmozoic theory
• This theory suggests that life might have got established by a
falling meteor or by space crafts from other planets
• Even though its proved that countless meteors have struck Earth,
this theory has not been proved scientifically
Biochemical evolution
• This theory states that gases in the early atmosphere reacted
with each other and the essential ingredients for life are formed.
• Its believed that the energy for these reactions were supplied by
lightnings,volcano eruption and UV radiation.
• These materials dissolved in rain water and collected in oceans
this mixture is known as primordial soup.
• The first living cells[precells]appeared as a result of biochemical
reactions in the primordial soup.
• The first organism was unicellular and considered as an
anaerobic heterotroph.
• Cyanobacteria is considered to be the first autotrophic organism
.producing its food by chemosynthesis
• Cnidarians ,annelids and arthropods are the first multicellular
creatures which roamed on Earth.
• Fishes are the first vetebrates .
• It is believed that every terrestrial vertebrates descended from
lobe finned fished .
• Amphibians are considers as the first terrestrial vetebrates,but
they are not completely adapted for terrestrial life
ti o n
ev o lu
• Gradual development in a species over generations is termed as
• Evidences from biogeography,anatomy and paleontology
confirm evolution.
• Charles Darvin first put forward the theory of evolution,in his
book ‘the origin of species.
• A fossil is the preserved remains of an organism, a part of an
organism or traces of a dead organism.
• Fossils are found in rocks, ice, peat bogs, volcanic ash and mud
• The preserved bodies of extinct animals such as mammoth have
been found.
Living fossils
• The term “living fossil” was first used by Charles Darwin in his book
“On the Origin of Species” (1859).
• It is used to describe living species that closely resemble, their
fossil relatives in their outer body shape.
• Examples - Coelacanth
tree fern
horse shoe crab
• A creature that hasn’t undergone evolution is said to be in equilibrium.
Tree fern Coelacanth

Horse shoe crab Nautillus

Radioactive dating
• Radioactive dating is a method of dating rocks and minerals
using radioactive isotopes.
• Usually carbon 14[14. C] which has a haif life of 5730 years is
• Carbon dating is accurate only upto fossils less than 60000
• Other isotopes such as potassium 40,uranium 238 are used for
dating fossils older than 60000 years.
Evolution of horse

• most animals don’t have complete fossil records of their

evolutionary history.
• But horse has a completely studied evolutionary history
with enough fossil evidences .
Importance of
Importance of evolution
• There is a competition among animals for the limited resources in
the environment.
• The organisms which has a favourable characteristic will survive
better than the others.
• Darwin calls this phenomenon as the ‘survival of the fittest.’
• Earth originated about 4.5 billion years ago while life originated
about 3.5 billion years ago.
• Origin of life by biochemical reactions is the currently accepted
theory in origin of life.
• Gradual development of a simple organism to a more complex
one is known as evolution.
• Organisms that hasnt evolved for a long period of time are known
as living fossils.
1. When did the earth form?

• 4.5 billion years ago

2. How many theories explain the formation
of the universe and what are they?
• 2
• Nebular theory and bigbang theory
3. Which of the following gas isn’t found in
the prehistoric atmosphere.

1. Carbon dioxide 2.Methane

3.Hydrogen sulfide 4.oxygen
4.Who first disapproves the spontaneous
generation theory
• Francesco Redi
5.What is the first autotrophic organism ?

• cyanobacteria

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