08.05.2024 Kesetimbangan Elektrokimia

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Kesetimbangan Elektrokimia
Standard Cell Potentials

The cell potential at standard conditions can be found by looking up

the reduction potentials for each half reaction on a table.

The standard cell potentials (net E0) of all galvanic cells have positive
values and happen spontaneously.

The oxidation half reaction will be reversed from how it appears on the
table, and the value of it’s voltage will have a reversed sign too.
Cell Potentials

Ean = +0.76 V

Ecat = +0.34 V

= +0.34 V +0.76 V
= +1.10 V
Notasi Sel
Perbandingan Sel Galvanik dan Sel Elektrolisis
Electrolytic Cells

• An electrolytic cell is an
electrochemical cell that drives a non-
spontaneous redox reaction through an
electric current supplied by an external

• They are often used to decompose

chemical compounds, in a process
called electrolysis—the Greek word lysis
means to break up.
Electrolysis of water is the decomposition
of water into oxygen and hydrogen gas due to
the passage of an electric current.

The reaction has a standard potential of −1.23

V, meaning it ideally requires a potential
difference of 1.23 volts to split water.

In a non-spontaneous reaction the E0net is

always less than zero.

•Electroplating is a procedure that uses

electrolysis to apply a thin layer of a metal
over the surface of another metal.
• In electroplating, the anode is made up of the metal you
want to use to coat the surface of another metal.

• A salt solution containing the metal that makes up the

anode is used. During electrolysis, the anode metal is
oxidized and goes into solution as positive ions.

• These positive ions are then reduced on the surface of the

cathode (the metal you are coating)


• Electric Current is the rate of flow of Electric charges
• The SI unit of Electric Current is Ampere (A).

I = Q/T

I = Electric current in amperes (A)

Q = Amount of charge in coulombs (C),
T = Time in seconds (s).
Termokimia dan Hubungan
•∆G Gibb’s Free Energy
•n number of electrons transferred
•F Faraday constant (96,500 C/mol or J/C)
•E potential difference (V)
• E is (+) then rxn is spontaneous
• E is(-) then rxn is not spontaneous
Contoh soal:
Jika potensial sel standar (Eo) pada 298 K adalah 1.10 V
untuk reaksi

Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq)  Zn2+(aq) + Cu(s),

Berapakah Energi bebas Gibbs nya () ?

Gibbs Free Energy and Equilibrium
They can be used to together to
ΔG° = - RT lnK
find E(V)

The equilibrium constant for the reaction below is 1.8 × 1019 at 298K.
What is the value of the standard cell potential for this reaction?

Ni(s) + Hg2Cl2(s)  2Hg(l) + 2Cl-(aq) + Ni2+(aq)

ΔG = -RT ln K
= - (8.314 J K-1 mol-1) (298 K) ln (1.8 × 1019)
= - 109847.8 J mol-1
= - 1.098 × 105 J mol-1

E= -ΔG°
= -(-1.098 × 105 J mol-1)
(2 mol) (96500 C)
= 0.57 J/C
Hubungan antara ∆G◦, K , E ◦ cell

This one is not

on the equation
sheet but it can
be derived by
setting the
other two
equal to one
another and
Hubungan antara ∆G◦, K , E ◦ cell
Hubungan antara ∆G◦, K , E ◦

• The connection between cell potential, Gibbs energy and constant equilibrium are directly
related in the following multi-part equation:
• ΔG o = −RT ln Keq = −nFE o cell

•∆G: Gibbs Energy

•∆G is the change of Gibbs (free) energy for a system and ∆G° is the Gibbs energy change for a
system under standard conditions (1 atm, 298K). On an energy diagram, ∆G can be represented

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