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Mannerism, a style of European art ,the main feature of
which was summing up a new artistic perception of the
world, created after the Middle Ages to the Renaissance.

 The name "mannerism" (from the word "style") style gave

contemporaries saw him as manernichane - an appeal to
the recent past, the repetition of his finest achievements.

 characterized by the distortion of elements such as

proportion and space.
General characteristics of the style of
Mannerism art is generally characterized by the supremacy of form over content.

Mannerism is positioned as a transition from the classical style of massive,

monumental forms in the decoration of interiors of the Renaissance (Renaissance)
to the new style that promotes the pomp and grandeur, luxury and inspiration - the
Baroque style.

 Mannerism is characterized by: elongated shapes, tension poses (kontropost),

unusual or bizarre effects associated with the size, lighting, or perspective, and
bright colors.
used classical or idealized forms in unconventional ways in order to
heighten tension, power, emotion, or elegance.

 Mannerism has made the transition from the massive and severe in
the interiors of the Renaissance to the new style, embodying all the
glamor, wealth and opulence of the royal court - the Baroque.

architects experimented with using architectural forms to

emphasize solid and spatial relationships. The Renaissance ideal
of harmony gave way to freer and more imaginative rhythms.

Mannerists typically painted figures using contorted or twisting

poses and foreshortening, a technique for achieving the illusion of
forms projecting into space.

. In many Mannerist paintings proportions appear stretched, so

that figures have elongated torsos, necks, or other features, and the
illusion of space is unrealistic, with sharp jumps from foreground
to background rather than gradual transitions
•Interior in the style of mannerism is characterized by the absence of certain
principles of organization form.

• The architecture used unconventionally classic elements, illusory tricks (false

doors, windows and blind arches).

•In the style of Mannerism fronts are decorative, with lots of architectural,
sculptural, ornamental details, the use of rich, gold and silver inlays,
misrepresentation of proportions, a mixture of styles, accents exaggeration,
bright colors in the paintings and sculptures, unusual, and the fragment lighting
effects, perspective is used the image of people with elongated proportions.

•elongated figure showed suffering,heightened emotions,and


•In Florentine painting in particular, figures were often elongated, while the
heads remained relatively small.
•In both architecture and painting, Renaissance space is clearly defined on all
sides. In Mannerist compositions, space is unevenly filled.

•The picture plane was no longer constrained by the rules

of perspective, and its logical boundaries were blurred or
The main elements of Mannerism style:
•painting walls and ceilings decorated with frescoes (paintings, ornaments,
psevdolepnina, psevdobarelefy, psevdostatui, false doors and windows);

•overwrought, the lack of stylistic unity;

•bizarre beauty and expressiveness of the details;

•superficiality, layouts of buildings, lack of certain principles of organization

more lively and original use of color and form than in the Renaissance;

•rich, golden, silver inlay;

•rejection of old forms, with their eclectic and hypertrophy.

Mannerist architecture

The porphyry portal of the "church house" at Colditz Castle, Saxony, designed by
Andreas Walther II (1584), is a clear example of the exuberance of "Antwerp

Dense with ornament of "Roman" detailing, the display doorway at Colditz Castle
exemplifies the northern style, characteristically applied as an isolated "set piece" against
unpretentious vernacular walling.
An example of mannerist architecture is the Villa Farnese at Caprarola in the
rugged country side outside of Rome.
Thank you

By -
Sweety kumari

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